
From Sugar Labs
Revision as of 01:32, 12 June 2008 by Cjl (talk | contribs)
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The BugSquad to is the Quality Assurance (QA) team for Sugar. We test programs, work with downstream distributions and upstream applications to ensure good good bug and patch flow, triage bug reports, and manage the trac bug database.

editors note: Currently, this page is an outline for developing an outline of the BugSquad's responsibility. Gradually, the outline will become the bugsquad wiki page hierarchy.

What We Do

Testing Sugar

see BugSquad/Testing]

Working with Distributions

Good Communication with downstream distributions is essential for receiving bug reports and patches from outside developers.

see BugSquad/DownStream

Working with Application Developers

Triaging Bug Reports

see BugSquad/Triage

Managing the Bug Database

We need help keeping our bug-tracking system organized; please help us by setting the right priorities, assigning to the appropriate milestones, finding duplicates, or verifying bugs.


Open Tickets

Here is a link to the current open tickets for Sugar [1].

New Tickets

Here is a link to the page for opening a new ticket [2] (Note: you need to be logged in to the Trac system to post a ticket).

Content to Edit

This section is a temporary placeholder to links that should be incorporated into the BugSquad hierarchy.