Create videos for parents

Communicating with parents and other adults in the home with video

This is a brainstorm towards an activity spec.

The Big Picture

Communication between home and school is crucial for student success. Sending home a piece of paper with a note may not work in a number of situations.

  • Parents can't read
  • Parents can't read the language the teacher writes in
  • The teacher is not a clear writer
  • The information is inherently non-textual, for instance imagine getting a note with instructions on how to reinforce speech lessons at home. Some things are far easier to communicate on video.

Use Cases

Students with disabilities

  • ABA therapy for students with Autism - Research shows that students with autism should get about 20 hours per week of ABA therapy. In many cases this means that the parents need to continue the therapy at home. Videos of what they should be working on and how would greatly assist in this.
  • Speech therapy

All students

  • Demonstrations for parents of how to read with kids in a way that encourages their learning
  • Videos of their child's abilities to raise expectations and to make the child proud of their hard work
  • Increased engagement between home and the school even when students parents can not come to school events for work or other reasons.


  1. Teacher easily creates the video
  2. Teacher easily puts the video on the students stick/XO.
  3. (Teacher can easily put the same video on everyone's sticks from a page on the XS)
  4. Parent easily notices there is a new video
  5. Parent can easily write a note back.
  6. (Parent can easily video a note back?)
  7. Teacher can easily see that the parent has or has not seen the video and can see notes.

Status: This is possible on an XO now with Record and the journal. Its just not easy.