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Help Wanted
Note: This page was last edited on 2024-06-12 by User:Pikurasa; as roles are filled or no longer needed, let's update this list.
How do I help? Why should I help?
For a video introduction that answers the questions how do I help and why should I help, please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5ZLFBZkE34
We were joined by volunteer and mentee Ignacio Rodríguez, who shared the benefits of contributing to Sugar Labs.
(Volunteer) Help wanted
Sugar Labs is seeking volunteer assistance in the following ways. Sustained, committed help in any of the following areas will help us grow as an organization. If you are passionate or curious to learn more about any of these roles, and are able to commit the time necessary, then we encourage you to apply. Send a notification of your interest to info@sugarlabs.org, including some information about yourself, what interests you about the volunteer role, and what experience/qualities make you a good candidate for the position.
Sugar Labs is a growing organization. We don't currently have the resources to hire people to fulfill these roles. Our hope is that we one day will be able to, but, for now, we are looking for volunteers who can work with the executive director and the board to work diligently to improve our operations. What we can provide, in return, for your help, is assistance in conducting your role and mentorship (especially in the case of technical roles). Plus, you'll gain the experience and satisfaction of working with an organization that aims to do good in society.
Note: One person may volunteer for more than one of the listed roles.
- Technical assistance
- Wiki
- Website (Jekyll) -- https://github.com/sugarlabs/www/
- Individual tickets
- Documentation
- Integration with our marketing goals (see "Marketing" below)
- Donation widget (see "strategic technical growth" below)
- Keeping the planet updated, including troubleshooting RSS issues
- Does anyone want to help get us set up with Google Workspace? We are already approved as a nonprofit, but it's not obvious how to get it set up. (Write the status and problems encountered up on the wiki?)
- Seeking committed volunteers to meet on a weekly basis to plan, discuss, and assess our technical statuses and needs.
- AI advisory board
- Strategic technical growth
- Examine our current infrastructure
- Improve documentation on our current infrastructure
- Explore tools available that we could use to meet our organizational needs (e.g. CIVI CRM, payment processing, etc) and assess their value with regard to implementation
- Marketing
- Become a member of the marketing team
- Link to old wiki
- Events
- YouTube
- Twitter/X
- Mastodon
- Graphic design
- You may use any tool that works for you; we do have access to Canva for nonprofits for anyone who is interested, we can add you to our team
- Review our branding guidelines and materials and see if we need to update/improve anything
- Higher-level marketing help
- For those who are willing and able to commit to weekly meetings, Devin would like to meet with volunteers on a weekly basis to plan, discuss, and assess our marketing strategy, goals, and outcomes.
- Website design (e.g. layout)
- Mailing list moderation
- Become an evangelist
- We don't have a huge marketing budget; meanwhile we compete against EdTech companies that do. Boosting Sugar Labs-related news, information, and stories can be very helpful to us now.
- Assist as a historian
- Know a lot of Sugar Labs history? Consider helping out as a volunteer historian.
- Become a member of the marketing team
- Elections officer
- Seeking applications for handling and conducting the elections
- Please familiarize yourself with https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Governance | Volunteers for this position will receive support from the Sugar Labs' executive director and the board.
- Seeking applications for handling and conducting the elections
- Sugar stories and other communications
- Link to collected stories from the past
- Ask for volunteers to write about the experience in Sugar Labs, what they learned, and what they're doing now
- Project updates
- Project releases
- Grant research
- View the grant research page, and send links to grants to ED
- Review and copyediting
- We could use help reviewing and copyediting publications and grant proposals
- Styleguide
- Online event coordinator backup
- Currently Devin is in charge of our online events, which are live broadcast to YT. We need someone to step up as a collaborator and backup, so that we don't have a "single point of failure" problem in the future.