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Features/Icon Change
Editor de icono (Home) custom. El mismo se encuentra en ~/.icons
Customize the XO icon by selecting from a gallery of choices. Choices are in: ~/.icons
- Name: Ignacio Rodríguez
- Email: <ignacio at sugarlabs dot org> or send me a email
Current status
- Targeted release: 0.100 or 1.0
- Last updated: 12/6/2013
- Percentage of completion: 100% (See http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4683)
Detailed Description
Actividad para cambiar el icono (del home) de la XO.
Activity for change the icon (home icon).
See captures:
Benefit to Sugar
Algunos usuarios podrían disfrutar de cambiar el logo XO en HomeView.
Some users would enjoy changing the XO logo in HomeView.
It will create an activity to change the icon, the idea is to fence in conjunction with Feature: Multiple Homeviews
Se creará un actividad para cambiar el icono, la idea es que valla en conjunto con el Feature: Multiple Homeviews
How To Test
I'm on github: https://github.com/ignaciouy/xo-icon
Estoy en github: https://github.com/ignaciouy/xo-icon
User Experience
None. They're coming by default in sugar.