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Marketing Team/Events/Sugarcamp Boston 2008/Logistics
These were donations made for the original XOcamp; the contributors need to be contacted to see whether they are willing to put the money towards a sugarcamp instead.
Please contact User:Bernie Bernie Innocenti for information on how to make a donation.
- User:CScott (cscott at cscott.net) has pledged $1000 for sugar developers
- Michael Stone (michael at laptop.org) has pledged $1000 for speakers
- Christoph ( christoph at olpcnews.com) has pledged $100 for anyone
- User:Ohshima (yoshiki at vpri.org) has pledged $50 for anyone
- An anonymous donor has pledged $800.
- Peter Robinson pledged $50.
- George Mavrothalassitis pledged $50.
- Gary (gary at garycmartin dot com) has paypaled $100 for sugar developers
- Bernie Innocenti has paypaled $42.42 as a symbolic gesture to fund sugar developers and supporters
Housing Offered
- Bill Bogstad will host Edward Cherlin.
- Mel Chua (and Chris Carrick)
can take 2 guests(update: both mattresses in our guest room are full, we are housing two guests for Sugarcamp - hurrah!) We do live 15min walking from the airport for those with weird flight times who don't mind air mattresses or the sofa in the living room. (mel at laptop) - The Acetarium and its dépendence reserved royal suites for their valued Italian attendees (bernie and marcopg).
- Tomeu is hosted by Adam and Seth, arriving the 16th at 9.45PM and leaving on the 23rd at 6.05PM.
- Chris Rowe has 2-3 beds available 10 min. walk from Harvard Square and a 5-10 min. subway to the Conference.
Housing Requested
need an indoor surface to spread a sleeping bag the night of Saturday. I am arriving Saturday, but accommodations previously arranged begin the evening of Sunday...Solved! thank you for several kind offers! Yama Ploskonka
Adopt a speaker!
These are out-of-town speakers (and links to their proposals) who could present at Sugarcamp.
Please feel free to add anyone I've missed; I just compiled this quickly by scanning emails to devel@ and sugar@ with 'Proposal' in the title. If you're one of the listed developers, please add your location and the approximate cost of airfare, if you can determine it -- or remove yourself if you've made a proposal but aren't actually interested in attending, or can donate your own travel costs. I tried to roughly sort by number of proposals made (talks to be given).
- Marco Pesenti Gritti (marcopg).
- Core Sugar developer
- Proposals: Desktop compatibility, Top Five performance problems, Web-based activities
- From: Milan, Italy. Cost: booked for US$542.
- Tomeu Vizoso
- Core Sugar developer
- Proposals: None
- From: Prague, Czech Republic Cost: booked for US$720
- Carlos Mauro
- Proposals: MouseTrap for Sugar, Per-Country Sugar themes, Usability testing
- From: ? Cost: ?
- Mikus Grinbergs?
- Proposals: Submitting homework, Control Panel improvements
- Edward Cherlin
- Proposals: Textbooks
- From: Cupertino CA Cost: $300
- Christian Marc Schmidt
- Proposals: Design Opportunities for Sugar
- From: New York Cost: $171.00