Music Blocks/2025-01-05-meeting

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2024-12-15 Music Blocks meeting notes

Attended: Ajeet, MostlyK, Muhammad, Ubayed, Diwangshu, Harshit, MostlyK, Nikhil, Shridhar, Devin, Walter


Ajeet reported on collaboration.

Implemented EngineX to route browser requests to the docker container. This is giving more consistent results across browsers.

Chatbot proposal

Om Santosh reported chatbot proposal:

Feedback: Music theory assistance wrt MB and assistance with debugging seem most promising.

Muhammad and Ubayed

Propose to update the guide in order to get better results in a RAG model

Discussion: We do have a model for lesson plan generator (, which we recommend to look while working on any new LLM things.

Bug in our new tests


It's because we are having 2 syntax and jest requires export, but in the web version we would have the errors. One easy fix is rather than exporting from API/js , we can just rewrite the API in test

Action item: create a new ticket to fix errors.

Creating new Music Blocks projects


Discussion: We should create Holi music and other Indian music, Pakistani music, and other music. We have some tools to assist with this, such as MIDI import and a transcription tool ( The transcription tool is for taking recorded audio, transferring to MIDI, and creating MB code. It's not yet on a server.

Also, creating an interactive instrument for different instruments is a good idea.

Action item: Everyone here can work together to create new MB projects that represent different cultures and different parts of the world.

Other reports

Diwangshu -- nothing to report

Harshit -- nothing to report

MostlyK -- nothing to report


Discussion: Gave a short intro to how to find projects on MB's planet.

Ubayed Bin Sufian

Report: From my end, I am almost at the end of reading the file and fixing the typos & adding links. Hopefully, I can finish it by next week.

Then I would update the guide.html file which will help Muhammad Haroon to create the interactive chatbot.