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New page: :'''<walter>''' Hello. :'''<icarito>''' hi! :'''<walter>''' We start the deployment meeting in 20 minutes? :'''<BryanWB>''' walter, hey! :'''<icarito>''' i'm free, sure - we thought it was...
:'''<walter>''' Hello.
:'''<icarito>''' hi!
:'''<walter>''' We start the deployment meeting in 20 minutes?
:'''<BryanWB>''' walter, hey!
:'''<icarito>''' i'm free, sure - we thought it was 40 min ago
:'''<dirakx>''' walter: yes np
:'''<walter>''' Oh my. Because of US daylight savings time ending, I am calculating UTC wrong.
:'''<walter>''' My sincere apologies.
:'''<icarito>''' walter: no problem, lets have the meeting in 20 min
:'''<walter>''' I need to update the Google calendar as well, which is set to 10am EST
:'''<walter>''' OK, Let us get started then.
:'''<walter>''' To me there is a very exciting prospect in the idea of local Sugar Labs.
:'''<walter>''' Everywhere I have traveled lately, there is interest in building a local group.
:'''<walter>''' David and I have been putting together a set of broad goals in the wiki.
:'''<icarito>''' oh, meeting now then?
:'''<icarito>''' ok
:'''<walter>''' @dirakx: you type too fast
:'''<dirakx>''' walter: haha not at all.
:'''<walter>''' I have a group in India that is willing help develop a business plan
:'''<dirakx>''' walter: have all the legal issues being resolved ?
:'''<walter>''' No. But I think they are minimum.
:'''<dirakx>''' i mean for starters, i guess there is no problem in printing presentation cards ?
* jt4sugar (i=46086f50@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #sugar-meeting
:'''<walter>''' No problem with that.
:'''<dirakx>''' ok ;)
:'''<walter>''' What I would like to do is build a collective understanding and framework for how this would work.
:'''<dirakx>''' it's stupid but that kind of things seems to be important to people.
:'''<dirakx>''' yep icarito and i are concerned about making a model for a local sugar labs also.
:'''<dirakx>''' we have some ideas about communities of practice for example..
:'''<walter>''' My hope is both autonomy and collaboration
:'''<dirakx>''' distribution also ;)
:'''<walter>''' I hope that there is an entrepreneurial spirit that emerges
:'''<walter>''' This should be self-sustaining for each local lab
:'''<icarito>''' yes, as dirakx said, we've been working on a model for a local community
:'''<dirakx>''' walter: for example we are trying that in here..but it was too difficult because our status of volunteers.
:'''<BryanWB>''' hmm, regarding autonomy. There are a lot of developers interested in OLPC here in Nepal but they are all web developers
:'''<BryanWB>''' we need to make it easier for web developers to create activities
:'''<BryanWB>''' they only have a few hours a week between their jobs, kids, and parents
:'''<walter>''' Each region should have its own passion... perhaps in Nepal Bryan has identified a local goal or mission
:'''<BryanWB>''' marcopg wrote about making it easier to create activities using web technologies a few weeks ago
:'''<walter>''' But I hope that the local Sugar Lab can be their job.. at least for some
:'''<dirakx>''' that's the idea..
:'''<walter>''' Can we help them start a service business, for example?
:'''<icarito>''' we have a model for providing services and some dev around sugar deployments as a non profit
:'''<BryanWB>''' walter, I think we can, esp. if we make it easy to create activities
:'''<icarito>''' and i'm talking with a province here to help them migrate 200 regular computer labs to sugar
:'''<walter>''' That is why I think it is important to establish some strawman business plans for the local groups
:'''<dirakx>''' but as SL can we charge for services?
:'''<BryanWB>''' walter, we get requests all the time build activities for specific niches
:'''<walter>''' I think that a local SL can be non-profit or for-profit--their choice--but in either case, there should not be an issue with charging for services.
* Gregorio (i=12553121@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #sugar-meeting
:'''<icarito>''' walter: perhaps a couple of models could be proposed
:'''<walter>''' Free speech, not free beer.
:'''<walter>''' Yes.
:'''<icarito>''' there certainly is a market for consulting, integration, training and even development
:'''<walter>''' the models should meet the local needs and conditions.
:'''<walter>''' But we need to seed the process.
:'''<BryanWB>''' I think a model could be that a local SL could charge for consulting, integration, training, etc. but they release their work under an appropriate open-source license
:'''<walter>''' +1
:'''<dirakx>''' yes..i think in Colombia's case there is no problem to do a foundation that can charge for services.
:'''<walter>''' We should all agree to what the basic rules are and I think Bryan identified a key one.
:'''<icarito>''' each local sugarlabs should adapt and "appropiate" the model to the local reality
:'''<walter>''' yes.
:'''<walter>''' So the question is how can the collective SL help get this started
:'''<dirakx>''' but how could be the relationship between for example SL Colombia or Peru and SL USA ?
:'''<icarito>''' walter: yes BryanWB identified a core principle - we shuold make those prominent
:'''<walter>''' We all share the same code, the same ethics, the same goal
:'''<dirakx>''' mm ok.
:'''<icarito>''' i very much liked greg's comment that in large decentralized organizations "values are the organization"
:'''<walter>''' But the means to that goal will vary from place to place
:'''<BryanWB>''' i think standardizing on a license for code and one for content would be a good start
:'''<BryanWB>''' to make sure they are compatible b/w regional SL's
:'''<walter>''' Yes. What else should we standardize on?
:'''<dirakx>''' the kind of services that can be given ?
:'''<BryanWB>''' that's hard, different places need different services
:'''<dirakx>''' hmm ok.
:'''<walter>''' Anything necessary to help a deployment: localization, networks, activity develpment
:'''<walter>''' workshops
:'''<BryanWB>''' we do some electrical work, for example. connecting schools to power grid
:'''<walter>''' manuals/materials
:'''<walter>''' training trainers...
:'''<walter>''' and broadening the scope of the FOSS community as an economic force in the region
:'''<dirakx>''' that sounds cool.
:'''<walter>''' So let us make a list on the wiki and also a list of principles
:'''<icarito>''' ...local organizations may have broader goals, for instance, in supporting/compatible areas like connectivity and providing open content...?
:'''<icarito>''' that makes me wonder where a regional sl starts and where it ends...
:'''<walter>''' and again, consider how the global community can help the leaves of the tree
:'''<walter>''' Does it really matter where the boundaries are?
:'''<dirakx>''' so i guess..we share same goals and licenses.
:'''<dirakx>''' icarito: that goals are implicit by the main goal.
:'''<BryanWB>''' it only matters when different countries have sufficiently distinct educational priorities
:'''<BryanWB>''' for example, Austria is really interested in doing novel kinds of education w/ the XO's
:'''<walter>''' Which is why we need a regional approach
:'''<BryanWB>''' while poorer countries are struggling to meet basic literacy . . .
:'''<walter>''' But we share a common platform and hopefully a great discovery in Austria re literacy can help NEpal.
:'''<BryanWB>''' definitely
:'''<walter>''' And vice versa
* eben ( has joined #sugar-meeting
:'''<walter>''' But we need to make sure that the local groups are sustainable...
:'''<walter>''' I want to create jobs.
:'''<dirakx>''' :)..that's really thinking in a distributed way.
:'''<walter>''' Which is why we need some help wth creating business models.
:'''<Gregorio>''' my advice is to find one and do one well, then generalize from t here
:'''<BryanWB>''' the key to creating jobs is to make it dead easy to create activities
:'''<icarito>''' in fuentelibre's goals is exploring a replicable, escalable model
:'''<Gregorio>''' too much overhead up front may make it slower to get started
:'''<icarito>''' fuentelibre is finishing up its statutes
:'''<walter>''' I think Eben is here to start a design meeting on this channel...
:'''<icarito>''' and will be formally constituted sometime next week we hope
:'''<eben>''' indeed. :)
:'''<icarito>''' i'll share our mission and goals and model
:'''<walter>''' @Gregorio: +1
:'''<eben>''' We can postpone a little as necessary, of course.
:'''<dirakx>''' so here is the quiestion can we legally begin to make local sugar labs ?
:'''<BryanWB>''' a fuller activity template w/ stubs for lesson plan, game play, and review would help a lot
:'''<walter>''' Maybe we can all add to the wiki and then meet again in a week?
:'''<walter>''' I just made a one-page slide on Sugar Labs, globally.
:'''<BryanWB>''' sure
:'''<icarito>''' sure
:'''<dirakx>''' oj
:'''<dirakx>''' ok
:'''<walter>''' maybe the goal for next week is a one page slide on Sugar Labs local?
:'''<tomeu>''' after we get lots of local sugarlabs, we'll need to start thinking about mobile sugarlabs ;)
:'''<walter>''' Shall we cede the channel to Eben?? and meet again next week (9am EST, 14 UTC)?
:'''<dirakx>''' fine ;)
:'''<walter>''' Again, my apologies for mixing up the times.
:'''<BryanWB>''' np
:'''<icarito>''' ok i'm clear - no problem
:'''<walter>''' OK. Thanks everyone.
:'''<dirakx>''' so next week same time.
:'''<walter>''' Yes.
:'''<dirakx>''' thx
:'''<BryanWB>''' tks

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