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=== Sugar Digest ===
=== Sugar Digest ===
1. Milan update: Minutes of the Sugar Labs meeting are posted in the wiki (Please see [[Sugar_Labs/Meeting_Minutes-30-06-2008]]). Topics covered in the meeting included:
1. Sugar Labs governance: There are still a few more loose ends to
* Governance and the Software Freedom Conservancy
deal with before we are officially members of the Software Freedom
* What are we (Sugar Labs) trying to accomplish?
Conservancy. In preparation, I've made a lot of changes on the
* Sugar distributions: what are the issues?
governance page. Please comment.
* Sugar Labs look and feel: a graphic design review
* Sugar on mobile phones: is it possible? does it make sense?
* Sugar Labs: models of support
* Fund-raising: how much and from whom?
One byproduct of the meeting was further refinement of the Sugar Labs governance pages in the wiki (Please see [[Sugar_Labs/Governance]]) and the accumulation of an initial membership list for Sugar Labs (Please see [[Sugar_Labs/initial_members_list]]).
2. Leaning: There were some interesting discussions about learning on
the Education list this week:
* [ Sugar Labs, LOGO and Brian Harvey]
* [ reconstructed maths]
2. Intercambio de experiencias (Exchange of experiences): There is starting to be a nice exchange of classroom experiences among teachers on the olpc-sur mailing list (in Spanish). Teachers helping teachers.
3. OLPC in the field: Jim Gettys has published an aggregate summary of
Sugar in the hands of children in the various OLPC deployments around
the world ([ OLPC News]).
3. Regional efforts: There are a number of people discussing regional programs for Sugar development and support. Such programs are in line with the Sugar Labs vision. It is extremely important to push development and support into the hands of local organizations because: (1) it scales; (2) the detailed knowledge is local; (3) it helps the local economy; (4) it sets in motion independent agencies with a common goal and yet autonomy of action, which leads to innovation. Please bring these discussions to the Education mailing list so that we can leverage each other's ideas.
4. Clarity: When talking about Sugar, I never have trouble describing
the collaboration features or the reflective nature of the Journal,
but I struggle with describing the interface in terms of its
simplicity. "Simplicity" has an undertone of "dumbed down" and limited
capability. In a discussion with Nathan Felde from the Art Institute
of Boston, a division of Lesley University, we used the word
"clarity", which immediately struck me as a much better term than
simplicity. It doesn't imply any limit and it suggests transparency
and openness, both hallmarks of the interface.
4. What works? What doesn't?: Roy Zimmermann is working in collaboration with the World Bank on a USAID-funded project to analyze the role of ICT on education in developing countries (If you have examples you think should be included in his survey, please upload them to
5. Studio Thinking: Nathan also introduced me to a book, ''Studio
Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education'' by Lois Hetland,
Ellen Winner, Shirley Veneema, and Kimberly M. Sheridan. It is a
treatise on visual arts education; the authors argue that through the
arts, students learn specific "dispositions of mind" that lead to
high-quality thinking. They also speak about "Studio Habits of Mind":
develop craft, engage and persist, envision, express, observe,
reflect, stretch and explore, and understand the world and "Studio
Structures": the demonstration/ lecture, students working, and the
critique. It seems there is synergy with many of the goals of Sugar.
An open question is how to transfer this thinking beyond the visual
=== Community jams and meetups ===
=== Community jams and meetups ===
5. India Day: There will be an OLPC Day in India on 4 August in a venue to be determined. On the agenda is a discussion on learning by David Cavallo.
===Tech Talk===
===Tech Talk===
6. Development release: Today (Monday, 7 July) is the date for the next development release. Simon Schampijer asks maintainers to please provide source code tarballs by the end of the day for the following modules:
6. Release process: Marco Pesenti Gritti and Michael Stone have been
discussing how to integrate the Sugar and OLPC release processes:
* SugarLabs should try to schedule its release a few months before the
OLPC release target date (something around 2–3 months). That will give
us enough time to ensure everything is stable before we start
integrating the new code in the OLPC distribution.
* Sugar developers employed by OLPC will work on OLPC release
contracts for all the new features present in the new release.
* After the first stable release SugarLabs will keep releasing minor
updates, which will include bug fixes and strings for the OLPC
* We should make an effort to develop all the features required as
part of the unstable development cycle. Though there surely will be
cases where OLPC will need changes outside the normal SugarLabs
schedule. We will land these in a limited and controlled way both
during the freeze periods and as part of the stable minor releases.
7. Sucrose: Simon Schampijer announced the Sucrose Development Release
0.81.6 this week
([[ReleaseTeam/CurrentRelease/Sucrose]]). You
can test it in OLPC joyride >= 2129.
And to please announce them as explained here:
This first release after the feature freeze and therefore has only bug
fixes. It contains as well a new Browse activity (Version 92). Due to
an interface change in xulrunner the downloads were broken in Joyride.
They are fixed with this Browse release. Simon Schampijer added
refinements to the autocompletion feature #7281 and #7280.
Due to a name change of the Browse activity (Web->Browse) you will
likely have problems updating to the latest version. Find instructions
here to work around that problem
([[ReleaseTeam/Releases/Sucrose/0.81.4#Instructions to test in olpc joyride]]).
7. SocialCalc: KS Preeti has done a thorough review of the latest release of SocialCalc. Such feedback is enormously helpful to developers. Please help us by reviewing your favorite Activities and filing detailed reports either to the wiki or the Sugar list.
The sources can be found here:
8. Gears: David Van Assche continues to make progress on getting Google Gears running under Sugar.
[ Sugar-081.6.tar.bz2]
9. Xterm: Michael Stone posted Blake Setlow's recipe for increasing the font size in an xterm window:
* #7438 sugar shuts down when you click Restart
* #7365 Invites not working
* #7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior
* #7339 CPU Spins after starting an activity
* #7015 Add proper alignment support to the "tray" control
* #5613 Cannot set non-ASCII nick name
* #7046 Deleting activity bundle with journal leaves it showing in Home list view until reboot
* #7391 Make the search field in Home reveal the list view
* #7248 Speaker device has inconsistent behavior
* #7272 Notifications are redundant with new launching feedback
* #7273 Activity icons remain colored after launch
LANG=C xterm -fa "DejaVu LGC Sans Mono" -fs 8 +sb
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release (as well to the
translation team for adding new languages and updating existing ones).
10. Etoys Quickguides: Ted Kaehler reports that the PDF file containing all of the Etoys QuickGuides is now only 4MB (instead of 22MB) thanks to a suggestion by Tim Falconer (See
8. Handwriting: Julka Lipkova has been working on software for
teaching children handwriting ([ handwriting activity]);
more details are available at
11. ReviewBoard: Sayamindu Dasgupta has set up an instance of ReviewBoard at for exploring. A basic workflow for using ReviewBoard is available online ([]).  
9. Movie portal: DailyMotion, which has an ogg-friendly website, is
planning a video campaign to solicit new uploaded materials for OLPC
([ Dailymotion]).
12. Misc: Tomeu Vizoso reviewed and pushed out patches this week and has begun working on Journal object transfer. Marco Pesenti Gritti is taking a well-deserved vacation. Daniel Drake addressed issues associated with the Fedora 9 rebase and has some code that brings the Record activity back into a somewhat usable state.
10. Sugar Almanac: Faisal Anwar continues to progress on documenting
the community's best coding practices and conventions
11. SocialCalc: Manusheel Gupta reports that the Dan Bricklin,
co-inventor of VisiCalc (the first spreadsheet), Luke Closs, and K.S.
Preeti have SocialCalc (a spreadsheet activity) in Sugar. This is the
first Sugar activity written in JavaScript (JS) to have been
integrated to Python-based Sugar environment. They did this through
XOCom, a wrapper function. The XOCom package will encourage the JS
community to participate in developing software and content for Sugar
(Please see [ SocialCalc] and
and [ Installation instructions]).
12. Physics: Brian Jordan and Alex Levenson have made great progress
on the Physics activity
([ Physics-0.2.xo]). Brian is planning a
Physics Jam for late August
([ Physics meetings]).
More physics: Joshua Minor created a wiki page discussing a file
format for 2D physics scenes
([ Physics File Format]).
13. Misc.: Tomeu Vizoso worked on stabilizing the development builds
and helping David Van Assche who has volunteered to package Google
Gears for OLPC. This work has exposed some issues in Browse that, once
fixed, will allow the installation of several Firefox extensions.
Riccardo Lucchese, an intern at OLPC, will work on Browse performance
during the next months; Riccardo has been doing some Sugar profiling:
Daniel Drake
released Record-55 for compatibility with the newer GStreamer
libraries present in Joyride/8.2.
=== Sugar Labs ===
=== Sugar Labs ===
13. Self-organizing map (SOM): Gary Martin has generated another SOM from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list (Please see [[:Image:2008-June-28-July-4-som.jpg]]).
14. Self-organizing map (SOM): Gary Martin has generated another SOM
from the past week of discussion on the IAEP mailing list (Please see
[[:Image:2008-July-05-11-som.jpg]]). The
discussion seems to have drifted back towards the topic of learning.
Gary has moved all the SOM content to it's own community wiki page: [[Community/SOM]].
He has also uploaded the Sugar month by month SOMs as well, the direct link is: [[Community/SOM#Sugar_Mailing_List]].
15.  Blogged: I'll be posting these digests in blog form starting this week.
==Sugar in the news==
==Sugar in the news==

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