
term for filled circle
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===Browse activity===
The following is a wikified copy of a mostly untouched [ Google Translate] translation of this document,, from the OLPC Gabon FranXOphone website, Please see the original for credits.
====Activity Summary====
This activity enables students to explore the world via the XO, it allows
Images have not been included in this copy.
browse the Internet when the XO is connected. It provides access to
Web pages, access to educational materials, use several applications: engine
research (Google, Wikipedia ...), video, audio content, etc.. This activity is aimed at all
students who can already read and write, it could be open to students from
the class of second year, even if initially they are accompanied.
====Affordances of the activity====
* This activity enables students to connect to the Internet through a connection
wireless. But to do so, it must have an access line.
* The student can see, web pages, sites, undertake research,
communicate with people far away, it can also watch videos,
listen to sounds, download documents and even make purchases online.
* This activity can also chat with other people who would
themselves connected.
* When this activity is shared with neighbors, it allows to share a
discovery that may be made by a student.
====Degree centrality====
<image 5/5>
This activity can be considered taking into account central curriculum of awakening
Translation improvements are needed and would be welcomed.
in 4th grade. Indeed, these curricula focus on developing knowledge,
knowledge to scientists, but also on the empowerment of the student.
<div align=right>DRAFT</div>
====Application pédagogique 1====
<div style="font-size: 1.0em; padding: 10px;" align=center>
====''Creating a listing on the CEMAC''====
<big>Guide to using the XO and the Sugar environment in the context
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
of a school in Gabon</big>
''Knowledge'': Spatial Information CEMAC countries
''Under the direction of''
Locate the CEMAC countries on a map of Africa.
Robert Angoué NDOUTOUME
This application turn around a collaborative work, but in team
Thérèse Laferrière
to arrive at work more developed.
The application could afford to undertake the creation of a prospectus that
present the different countries of the CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community
of Central Africa). This prospectus presents a number of elements
each country: geography, flag, area, capital, official language (s)
population, President (e), date of independence, currency, telephone.
The work will be divided so that it is organized by team. Each team will be
assigned a country of this area. After this step, each team will explore
Internet so that each will find different information required for
construction of the identity card of each country.
Michelle Lydie ABIALABIE
Once this team is finished, there will be the preparation of the prospectus by
integrating the various identity cards of the country.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Cooperation between two schools''====
''Level (s)'': From Grade 1 to Grade 5
''Knowledge'': The problem selected by teachers.
Herménégilde BIYEGHE
This application would allow students to share their experiences, but also their
knowledge among themselves spontaneously in order to interact in real time, even if
they do not live in the same country. It can also get in contact
with a resource person for problem solving (school or extra
In the context of cooperation between two schools located in different countries, on
could require two classes of each of these schools to prepare a presentation on a
separate theme (culture, environment, etc..), and then to provide a
simultaneously to audiences in both schools.
To do this, use applications to realize video-conferencing
Guy Roger KABA
(Skype, etc.).. Once the technical configurations achieved, students begin their
statement which is also followed by students in their countries but also in other
countries, while providing opportunities for all who follow them to interact by asking
questions, but also by making contributions.
====Guide to use the Browse activity:====
To start this activity, students will at first move in the perspective
Adrien Joseph MONEYI NKO
Neighborhood and click on the available network that appears on the screen (in the form of a
circle, where connection to a server, this circle is surrounded by parentheses).
For more details about how to connect to networks for access
the Internet, please refer to the initiation of XO and the Sugar environment to V.8.2
pages 6 to 9.
<image Neighborhood view>
<div align=right>February 2009</div>
The law 16/66 of 9 August 1966 on the organization of education in the Republic
Gabon, in Article 3 stipulates that "education must ensure the physical,
intellectual, moral and civic future of citizen [...] "In Article 5, one can read" the
teaching methods using all modern means of more appropriate
lectures. The programs will be based on social conditions and
and their economic development. " To dock with these requirements, the purposes
Education school gabonaise address the objectives of integration (in reference to
the establishment of the aproche by basic skills.
Since the 1990s, these guidelines attempt to consolidate knowledge, skills and
knowledge being essential to education, education and training of all citizens,
development actor. Indeed, the integration of ICT into the school system is more
show views of the many initiatives undertaken by the policy on this subject. This is the
why the student in the Master's in Science Education
Laval University of Quebec in collaboration with the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) in
Libreville, offers a guide to implementation of educational XO (small green computer produced by the Foundation One Laptop per Child (OLPC), as the concept of Nicholas
Negroponte) aimed
particularly to teachers and future teachers and
teachers of primary, regardless of class maintenance and educational activities
The purpose of this guide is to contribute to the effective integration of XO in the system
Gabonese education beginning with primary education.
Once completed and connected, it returns to the Home view, click on the icon
This study guide and inform the teacher is used, depending on the activities of XO, landmarks
Browse (represented by a globe).
animation class. It can find tracks of activities around different themes
<image Home view>
content in the curricula of primary school gabonaise.
Once the open, students can begin to navigate and enter the site address
they wish to visit in the address bar at the top of the screen and press the button
Enter on the keyboard. To share his business, click on activity, then
Share with: My Neighborhood.
===Activity Speak===
====Activity Summary====
Speak with the activity, the XO back the sound of letters, words, sentences, texts and
the figures and numbers typed on the keyboard.
Learners will use the Speak to become familiar with the pronunciation
words, to teach numbers and letters, especially in first grade
Primary Gabon, and to learn self correcting accents.
This could facilitate the recognition of visual and hearing students in
learning vowels, consonants and numbers. It would thus gain
time in education.
====Affordances of the activity====
* Speak returns the sounds of letters, words, sentences, texts as well as
figures and numbers typed on the keyboard.
* The student can control the language and appearance of the icon (eyes and mouth).
* It can also control the speed in the pronunciation and the volume of the computer.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Speak is a core activity easily integrated into the curricula of primary
Gabon in the first year. Indeed, this is where we learn to decipher
letters, syllables words, figures and numbers.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Decoding of syllables and learning to read in first year''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The letters, syllables.
It may also be of interest politics in order to establish an education policy which
advocates strengthening the capacity for technological literacy, deepening
knowledge and creation of knowledge, approaches proposed and supported by the
Standards UNESCO ICT competences of teachers.
Finally, this study guide can help the student at the center of all
The reading of letters and syllables
learning activities, development of interdisciplinary skills related to
life, he is placed in the center of all activities carried out under
For years, Gabon has committed in the fight against poverty. This
Indeed, he placed one of its priorities "Quality education for all."
Strengthening and revision of content, as well as the updating of
mechanisms for assessing learners undertaken as the primary demonstration
of this resolution.
The teacher targets a consonant (m), written on the blackboard and asked the
In this perspective, the integration of XO in the education system must be gabonais
students to recognize, to tap the XO and support the Enter button. The computer
be in line with the established curriculum on the skills to develop.
returns a sound. The teacher asks students to repeat and read it.
Secondly, it targets a vowel (a), the writing on the blackboard and asks students to the
recognize on the keyboard, tap it on the XO and press Enter. The computer
returns a sound that will be repeated and read by students. Third, the teacher
asks students to type the consonant and vowel on the XO and press Enter. The
the machine returns the sound of the syllable. For example, m + a = ma. Students will be able to
easily recognize and decipher a syllable and learn to read.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Recognition of numbers from 0 to 20 and signs of three operations: +, × and ÷ in
first and second years.''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year and 2nd year of primary
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 20, addition and subtraction.
Indeed, the new primary school provision gabonaise Profile
skills of the person to form, ie after a learning cycle
considered in the learner's ability to perform a task or solve situations
problems adequately, using relevant knowledge and including also
sizes cognitive, affective, psychomotor and social. In this case, the student learns to
integrate its acquired french, mathematics, and in waking life situations
common. The XO, by its configuration, as it shows the student center and its
learning all around him, can help students to better strengthen its achievements.
As a result, the value of XO in the context of the PCA is essentially three
Read, count and count the numbers from 0 to 20. Calculate the amounts or
levels: to give meaning to learning, making learning more effective set
differences less than or equal to 20.
greater achievements. The XO can be considered as round as a didactic
in connection with the specification of situations targeted by the student and the integration module and
dock operation of the PCA. Because the competency-based approach aims at
Child behavior problem solving situation, the XO will integrate
learning process as an additional methodological. In this
perspective, a reminder of how the CPA and its Methodological tools
will clarify the adequacy of the XO.
Indeed, competency-based approach seeks to give meaning to learning through
a framework for resolution of significant problems (as target problems), use
grids of evaluation criteria reliable, objective and customized through the use
Planning an airy, consistent and appropriate to the context. In terms of tools, there are
the existence of methodological tools and physical media. The first cover
aspects of learning content (knowledge, know-how, skills), examples
activities, location problem (problem of life and therefore complex
meaningful to the learner, mobilizing all resources, knowledge, know-how,
of skills). The latter include amongst others the curriculum (combination
by the purposes, content, skills, teaching methods and modalities
Evaluation of a training course); guide integration (all directions
teaching made available to the teacher to assess the child and the book
situation (in which the activities planned for integration). According to the XO
design condenses these components both in terms of functionality
and in the implementation of activities made visible in the light of
different affordances explained to the first chapter of this guide. The XO could be
used in both training exercises in the resolution of situations
problems of integration. In other words, exercises and situations
problems will be placed on the USB key by the developer so that the learner at the end of a cycle
learning to serve. The current physical media can serve as a benchmark for
all these creations.
This guide (which needs to be improved by all educational contributions) can be used by school children and adults
XO users in the training of resource persons who will be experts
to train a large number of educators. It presents in its pages a recent
glossary is not exhaustive and is primarily composed of three chapters
respectively trace the first integration of ICT in schools to
the XO and the need for their use in all modern societies that aspire to
all-out development, taking into account the educational purposes of each
nation. Then it contains a broad description of activities used in
learning and teaching indicates applications that may be made
school curricula in accordance with the Gabonese. And finally, the last chapter is a
springboard to explore the pedagogy of the project when using the XO. These projects with
themes are located can discuss possible solutions to problems
the environment of the student Gabon.
==Chapter 1==
Based on the premise that information technology and communication are a
and pervasive challenge in the 21st century, where it has invaded all
sectors. The computer becomes a tool for promoting and
deepening and the creation of knowledge. The school institution for the training of
future citizens and it is open with the ambition to become familiar with this tool. In
level, initiatives have flourished, and before any official devote
ICT in schools. Today, these tools have become indispensable to the point where
is no longer a "modern" without them. ICT has made a
spectacular in education to become a teaching tool and
education with which we must join if we do not want to fall behind
in the evolution and development of the world of education. It is in this context that the
skills in ICT and especially the micro-computer for both
teachers for students in context is a matter of importance. The meaning
the advent of XO in primary lies therefore in the initiation of students to the culture of
knowledge creation in the early years of schooling. We ask
However, the question, what is the relevance of ICTs in
teaching methods, but also in teaching methods and
learning? To do this, we entreverrons:
* The educational purposes;
* The metaphor underlying the design of the XO operating system;
* The relevance and burden associated with the introduction of IT in
school context.
===The educational purposes===
In the law 16/66 of 9 August 1966:
In its 5th section, this Act provides that "teaching methods use all
modern means appropriate in addition to lectures. The programs will be
based social and economic conditions and trends. "
The loi16/66 of 9 August 1966 on the organization of education in Gabon, states
3rd Article: "The education must ensure the physical, intellectual,
moral and civic future citizens. It must contribute to national unity and cohesion
social, thanks to information and exchange of information with other bodies
the state. " Education must therefore provide the individual training multidimensional. The
educational policy in Gabon seeks development, social integration and
economic citizen. It should make the student to develop their curiosity about
of society and the world around them better by openness, but also
participate in economic and social development of his country.
In its 5th section, this Act (16/66) stipulates that "teaching methods
using all modern means appropriate in addition to lectures. In this,
ICT is a good response to these expectations. With this in mind that policies
educational advocate the strengthening of technological education, but also
integration of IT in schools. The integration of ICT in context
school is not subject to any challenge in Gabon, judging by the many projects
The school must gabonaise train citizens happy, able to master a certain
amount of knowledge (scientific, technical) to fit into the social fabric and
economic, and thus to participate in economic and social development. It should form
women and men with a sense of responsibility, able to act, to invent and
to create in all fields. Education must prepare people to cope with
needs of new technology required the development of a country at a time
The teacher wrote the numbers on the blackboard, asks students to recognize the
Curricula designed to build knowledge, skills, and knowledge being essential to
keyboard, typing and press Enter. The XO refers to the sound from the figure that will be repeated by
instruction, education and training of citizens, development actor. These
students. For example, typing 0, they will hear "zero". This will enable them to
curricula designed to help students not only to build a range of knowledge
recognize by sight and hearing the numbers. Thus, students learn
interdisciplinary in order to make him a competent player, capable of contributing to
easy to count and calculate. For the calculation, with the meaning of the signs that
socio-economic development of the nation, to cope with possible problems
return the XO, students can ensure that the transaction is that fact that he was
may impede this development.
requested. This could help to overcome the errors of signs observed in
activities in mathematics.
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''Improvement of the lexical spelling.''====
==Level (s)==: 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': Accents and punctuation
As defined, the objectives and purposes of education are largely gabonais
up to the introduction of a project such as the XO, since the hour is to
reforms. The integration of ICT in schools is a political willingness
Gabon, to judge by the many projects undertaken in this direction. This project
progressive integration of ICT in schools aims to redefine the place and
role of the tool, which could be a plus for the mental processes beyond
it is instrumental, in exercising its influence on our modes of thought and
learning. In this regard, the failure of attempts to introduce the tool
in school, particularly that of 2001 could be explained by the dislocation
between ICT and the curriculum. The introduction of the XO in a school context, especially in
primary schools is to "make a difference in terms of education
enabling teachers, as well as students turn their
relation to knowledge "(Désautels, 2008).
From that moment, it would be interesting to look a little to the metaphor
Identify punctuation and place the necessary emphasis in a text at
which inspired the design of the operating system XO. For, it must be said, this design
least ten sentences.
responds adequately to the expectations of the conceptual framework of theories which underlie
new methods and theories of education.
===The metaphor underlying the design of the operating system of XO===
The design of the XO meets a number of requirements and need because it
This fusion of active teaching theories. The design of the operating system
the XO is based methods to both constructivist, socio-constructivist and
constructionist. It places the student at the center of the learning process. If one refers to the
constructionist conception of Papert (1981), the XO is designed to be used in order
to improve learning among students, and even if we can not say that
As well as teaching methods, we believe that the
posture methodology behind the design of the XO (constructivism and
socio). Product of constructivism, the XO place the learner at the center of
activities as advocated by Piaget: the affordances lead the learner to build his
own knowledge through the activities that the developer offered him such activity "
draw. As socio-product, it allows the learner to achieve
certain activities in synchronized example, functions "discuss" or "writing" that
bring into learner interaction and the other, integrating the vision vigotskienne.
The design of the XO operating system is like a tool case. In other words,
a box containing activities allowing students to construct their own knowledge. The project
educational proposed (XO) addresses the need to train the actors of a class to a
collaborative logic different from the individualistic dominant logic in the system
gabonais education. The XO is the movement of discoveries in neuroscience that
have highlighted the relationship between age and the learning process: the more one is
exposed to early learning, there are more opportunities to learn and master
(OECD, 2008). This is as above constructionist theories,
and social-constructivist.
The teacher dictates a word, phrase or text. When the student finished, he types Enter.
This tool facilitates the creation of knowledge among students in relation to its
The computer returns to the sounds of words. Take for example the word "consequence". If
environment and through exchanges with other subjects. These theories of learning
forgot the accent on the "e", the XO will return to "consequence". At that time, students went
give an emphasis on collaboration which refer to the purposes outlined
account of his error and bring the necessary correction. Similarly, students can learn
above. The metaphor of the circular presentation of the activities offered by the XO and
reading techniques respecting not only the punctuation, but also the diction of
centrality of the learner allows the latter to resort to activities of a
words. This will facilitate the work of teachers and students in learning to read
variety. It may solicit and share them with peers, teachers or
of difficult words. If the student types such as "excess", the XO will give him the good
the teacher at any time, thus developing skills: collaboration and
pronunciation of the word and keep it. It will be able to read words similar. Finally, given
sharing - to name a few - by interacting with its environment. The
that the XO is a pause after each punctuation mark, the student will not
know it becomes a forge built and know not taught.
only distinguish but also respect them during playback. For example,
Teacher asked to write the words "Mom goes to market she buys meat
In a classroom, the teacher who claims to constructivism or
vegetables and fruits and type Enter. The XO return the text block. Then the teacher
socio must take account of differences between the different contexts and promote
asked to put punctuation. "Mom goes to market. She buys meat,
a dynamic relationship to knowledge, ie to reflect the students, lead to
vegetables and fruit. " The XO plays with sentence breaks and intonations.
construct arguments, but also knowledge and XO fall within this perspective.
====User Guide for Speak====
===The elements of relevance===
To access the Speak activity in the XO, after opening the prospect Welcome,
The Gabonese education system can not evolve in isolation, in that it must open and
place the cursor on the icon represented by a mouth and two eyes. Three options
comply with international standards as recommended by UNESCO and OECD.
appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and Delete. Click on Start by pressing
According to the OECD, the XO will allow the student to have access to a personalized learning - on
the left button (X) of the touch pad to enter the business. Or to go
extent - in particular by increasing its potential for reformulation of questions
quickly, click on the icon to enter the business.
learning or to direct peers, or to the teacher. There has intensified
<image Home view>
The introduction of the XO in line with the projects of UNESCO and the OECD puts an emphasis
particularly on reducing poverty and improving the quality of life by putting
related ICT, education reform and growth. Furthermore, the magic of XO allows
learners to collaborate with other actors in its immediate environment through
"The grid", but to seek, via the Internet of people belonging to
more distant universe. The XO is for teaching, but also for the student a working tool
effective as the metaphor of the electronic book, far more attractive than
traditional types of media. In this sense, the databases and activities of XO
would be more affordable in terms of cost relative to the establishment of libraries,
management and regular renewal. The same applies to the student, his attitude to be XO
different than a face that traditional tools (notebooks, slates, books, etc..), because
more attractive. According to the results of PISA show that "cooperation
positive relationship between student performance and their attitude vis-à-vis the learning "
(EDU / CERI / CD, 2008). With the XO, the student can judge its capabilities and evaluate its achievements in
same time as learning (formative assessment) rather than wait for the
For the Gabonese education system, the tics are a lever to change the school, both
in the construction of knowledge and level of communication from them.
The XO promote personalized training marginal pedagogy
Overview of the classroom. Its use would facilitate group work and involve
initiatives and individual and collective responsibilities. ICT travel time
and location of school (connectivity, support at any time, information
unlimited) and can thus lead and place it "everywhere." They change the report to
knowledge and the role of the teacher in the classroom.
In this activity, there are several tabs and icons on the screen. The Voice tab,
Using the XO bousculant school organization as we know it
allows you to change the language of communication. The tab allows you to adjust the face shape
today: its contents examined, the kinds of work students and teachers.
the mouth. Gives a simple mouth smaller and resembles that of humans.
This will certainly lead to a number of benefits and constraints.
Waveform provides a wide mouth with ripples during playback. Frequency
===Constraints with which compose===
gives a wider mouth with oscillations. Moreover, the pattern of eyes may
While the introduction of IT (XO) in middle school offers a number
change. Provides round eyes and round glasses Glasses met with the icon.
of advantages, it would be unrealistic to say that any coercion n'induira.
The texts written in the blank space at the bottom of the screen will be delivered by the voice of
Indeed, the school gabonaise of certain problems: overcrowding (60-100 students);
synthesis. The hook at the bottom right gives the directory of text written by the learner.
lack of teaching materials, lack of teachers and teachers; disparities
<image Speak face>
between institutions; disparity in the treatment of teachers and laxity
government regarding the implementation and application of reforms. These
constraints above do not militate in favor of greater integration of XO
Gabon in school.
Finally, the activity can be shared with the neighborhood ie with users
How the teacher could initiate such XO to a hundred students
connected network or in dyads and triads. Students will evaluate themselves, ie
simultaneously? Each child is under these conditions have a computer? In
that they can dictate words and check all spelling and
Speaking of outdated facilities in our schools, how to use the XO
pronunciation. In calculating shape Thursday, a group could start the transaction in the XO,
in classes sometimes missing the strict minimum - electricity -?
and another written response. They will develop the cooperative spirit. The procedure
sharing activities with the neighborhood is described on pages 15 to 17 of the Introductory Guide
Last but not least, it is important to address the labor group whose XO is the promoter.
XO and the Sugar environment V.8.2.
How to ensure the success of the collective individual success? Indeed,
===Activity Record===
collective performance can be possible without the partners of these individuals
interactions are progressing at a subsequent work. It must, to paraphrase Vygotsky,
wait for the interpersonal process is transformed into an intrapersonal process.
We must also tackle the reluctance of teachers locked in paradigms in which they
do not want to get rid of and reluctance to accept political
difficult, if rarely innovative initiatives coming from the base. Similarly,
Ministry of Education seems to have condemned the teaching status too
reducer running programs denying any personal initiative.
The integration of XO to the school environment will require commitment by teachers and
teachers renewed patience and a change in teaching. It should
to accept that several tasks are performed in class at the same time, it
must therefore be creative in varying activities. This project will require
also from the political authorities of the appropriate training of teachers
and teachers - both those of primary and high school - the postures, but
also to the theories underlying the design and use of the XO in context
school. In summary, if the introduction of the XO meets a real need, it requires a
deep reflection on the purposes and on current teaching practices.
The integration of ICT, especially the XO Primary School, is a
very important. It meets the current requirements
learning, especially those who want that learning is related
age as evidenced in science learning.
The remarkable work of CERI as well as other similar studies, such as
conducted within the OECD, and more specifically from the perspective of neuroscience, we
demonstrated. According to these works and studies, it appears that "the science of learning
also emphasized the inverse relationship between age and learning
effective aspects of language: in general, the more one is exposed to a very early
second or third language and more likely it is to learn "
(EDU/CERI/CD.2008, 14). Therefore, introduce the use of the computer from the primary
is a commendable initiative which confirms the conclusions of this work.
Earlier the students take ownership of computers (the XO) better equipped they will be more
in these areas and will later develop expertise from classes
secondary level. They would improve once more reached the next level.
For example, Gabon has the potential to reduce the digital divide with the north.
Initiating early child to ICT and increasing opportunities for manipulation
XO handling through real learning situations in disciplines
varied, the learner is familiar with the tool and use it like any other medium
teaching (notebooks, books, slates, notebooks, etc.)..
So in order to facilitate the integration and use of the XO, with all its
affordances and potential in various contexts that chapter 2 presents the
different activities available, the affordances and potential educational applications
in different disciplines and levels of primary school and the procedures for using
these activities with the benefits of small green computer educational and
==Chapter 2==
This chapter presents the different activities of XO. They guide both the student and
teachers in various educational activities in the classroom and even
outside the school environment.
To this end, the XO contains a total of 28 activities. The question is what first
activity in this context? The activity is a well defined, for example, activity
Drawing, in which it carries out specified tasks. These activities were
thoughts for young learners (Bourdelais, 2008), ie "they are
used primarily in the school context "(idem). In other words, they are
also designed for students to work as a group, invite one or more
people connected in a network and join in the same activity. This is
Neighborhood where the perspective represented by a disc with eight points
keyboard whose accession is possible by its activation.
It will also focus on the classification of activities according to the curricula of Gabon. Then we
try to see if these activities of XO fit well with the approach by competencies
base (CPA) in effect at the primary school. Finally, building on the affordances of
activities, we will see how they can teach in such an approach.
To do this, we proceed with some educational applications.
===Classification of activities===
Of the 28 currently ongoing in the XO, the vast majority meet the
guidance curriculum of basic education as defined skills
french, mathematics and awakening. They are intended "to consolidate knowledge, skills and
knowledge being essential to education, education, and training of all citizens,
player development. "(IPN, June 2004), where the classification level and
{| class=wikitable border="1"
! Curricula Years !! Mathematics !! French !! Enlightenment
| 1st year || • Speak (from) • Implode (from) ||• Speak (from) • Scratch (from) ||• Tam-Tam Mini (from)
| 2nd year || • Remember (from) || • Remember (from) || • Draw (from de)
| 3rd year || • Calculate (from) || • Writing (from) • Read (from) || • Tam-Tam Jam (to from) • Tam-Tam Edit (to
| 4th year || • Distance (from) • Scratch (from) || • Talk (from) || • Browse (from de) • Record (from de) • Moon (from) • Measure (from)
| 5th year
|colspan="3" | All activities from the 1st year
We note only that these activities have benefited from a gauge applications
teaching. But the XO also contains games (Maze), activities in English
(In Wikipedia, Help) and administration activities of the system (Terminal, Log,
Analyze). The fact remains that the teacher and students could use them if
there need a.
===The XO activities with regard to the approach by competencies (APC)===
The approach by competencies (APC) in force in Gabon since 2005 is a
integrative approach, ie it allows interaction between the student and his
environment. The PCA allows the student not to acquire a knowledge
juxtaposed, but to behave and the ability to resolve situations
problems in everyday life. In a socioconstructiviste, activities
CPA trying to make it operational in everyday life, the student has
mobilize the necessary tools for the resolution of problem situations in the context of
class. Thus, we must know whether the classified above can fit
with this approach to primary school.
To do this, we will present all activities that have been investigated
to identify the various affordances and some educational applications that we
can made with them.
==Understanding the format for the activities==
===Name of activity===
====Activity Summary====
====Activity Summary====
Save The activity enables learners and teachers to record videos,
A summary description of the activity and its various functions.
sounds as well as take pictures. They can in this way create content
teaching stuck to the local reality. The teacher can ask learners to
movies, save the cries of animals in their immediate surroundings
or take pictures of a landscape.
====Affordances of the activity====
====Affordances of the activity====
* The learner can record videos.
According to Gibson (1979), we can define the capacity as an affordance suggestive
* Students can take pictures.
this action and apparent in the environment, ie that, by the way this
* Students can record sounds (bird song).
is designed, the affordance suggests possible actions to those who interact. It
* The child may share the record with the group class setting
further specifies that, for the user, the value of affordance should be reflected, therefore, be
common to different activities they have done individually.
emerging. It is therefore a partial list of affordances identified by our
====Degree centrality====
community resource people.
Save The activity fits in perfectly with the curriculum awakening 4th year
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
primary, inasmuch as this activity allows the teacher and the learner better
<image 1-5 scale>
conduct the study of the environment based on images representing this community. This
activity is consistent with a socioconstructionniste because it allows
Once the appropriation of affordances of fact our community
learners to take part in the construction tools (photographs, video and audio)
contacts examined the integration of curriculum system
essential to learning and that they are themselves users.
gabonais school. Thus, we evaluated on a scale numbered from 1 to 5 the degree of
centrality of the activity in question (1 designating a device or extracurricular activity and
5 designating a core activity to meet the curriculum objectives of the program).
====Educational applications====
The educational applications are illustrated suggestions for ways to use the
XO activities in the school of Gabon. In compliance with the curriculum, our
community resource people has developed two to three applications pédagogiques
for each activity.
====''Title of application pédagogique''====
''Level (s)'': Target levels by applying educational
''Knowledge'': Knowledge addressed in accordance with the curricula.
''Knowhow'': Know-how developed or raised in the application of pedagogical
activity in accordance with the suggested curriculum.
''History'': A proposal by the conduct of the activity focused on the roles of teacher
and students.
====User's Guide for Activity====
Guide who directs you in the use of the activity. It will guide you in
features necessary for the achievement of educational applications. These small
user guides are complementary to ''Getting Started in XO and the environment
Sugar V.8.2.''
===Activity: Write===
====Activity Summary====
Students can write texts using different keys on the keyboard.
Business Writing allows the student to replicate the lessons, exercises and be able to
With this activity, the teacher can easily check what the student wrote. It may include
an image or a table to better explain its course. Pass directly over
he wants to propose to students, which will be an advantage in terms of number of hours in this
meaning that the time that students often take to copy a lesson will be to
favor of another activity. This will also solve the problem of specification and manual
====Affordances of the activity====
* Students can write different texts (narrative, explanatory, descriptive ...).
* The student can control what he says and correct mistakes.
* Students may work with other students (group work for example).
* The student can insert images or tables.
* The student can describe what fascinates him or what he imagines.
* Students can develop the ability to share.
* Students may also demonstrate a mastery of language and certain theoretical content.
* Students no longer need to use the notebook, the pens or pencils, effaceurs, rule ...
* Students can demonstrate the spirit of synthesis.
* Students can send messages.
* Students may think the writing on various social issues.
* Students can write collaboratively on a document from their respective devices.
* The student can communicate his or her learning and experience (please information).
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Business Writing is highly integrated into the curricula of french, mathematics and awareness
first to fifth grade. Indeed, very few activities can not
achieved without writing. Writing is the vehicle of thought, speech ... and
transversal to all areas.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====Application pédagogique 1====
As part of an educational project, the teacher could invite learners to
====''Write is to act''====
divide the tasks: one to handle the audio recording of the national anthem of
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
Gabon, Concorde, some students will work to explain the flag while gabonais
for others to document the geography of their neighborhood.
====''The Concorde''====
''Level (s)'': 2nd year of primary
''Knowledge'': The Concorde.
''Knowledge'': Text and sentence. Verb tense: past, present, future. The verb: infinitive and
Sing the chorus and first verse of the national anthem La Concorde.
The student must be able to produce written texts containing phrases
whatsoever. Produce written texts in the past, future or present. Transforming
verbs in a sentence giving their infinitive and their group.
As stated in the curricula of awakening in the 2nd year the booklet indicates target situation
The teacher leads students to produce any sentences in a text, for example:
the learner must know how to sing and skill to acquire is to perform
* Students returning to class.
properly the chorus and first verse of the Concorde. Students can
* Mom install the machine.
register their service with the recording function to the Audio
Then the teacher invites students to transform a text consisting of past to present
share with those around them.
and the future and vice versa, for example: Yesterday, students arrived on time. Today, they
work and they will return tomorrow.
Students may work with the Save out the maps, flags and landscapes
obtained through the affordance photo, make descriptions and identification of
Finally, the teacher asks students to give the infinitives in brackets of
a flag colors, forms of relief and border activities in accordance with
verbs of a text and their group, for example: they play in the playground (play 1st
curricula of arousal class of 4th grade.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Geographical Location of Gabon''====
====''Writing is to recognize''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The neighboring countries of Gabon
''Knowledge'': The breathing in humans. The lives of invertebrates: movement and nutrition.
Locate and identify the borders of Gabon
Identify the different respiratory organs
Affordance with picture taking, the teacher photography map of Central Africa
The teacher asks students to classify animals according to their mode and
in a manual. He created his own teaching materials. Then, he shared his shot
identify foods they consume.
with all students who study it.
1-Annotation of the respiratory organs of man.
The teacher invites students to identify countries and oceans bordering Gabon
The teacher will insert a picture of the respiratory organs of man and asked to
observing the teaching medium of the card in the
students to annotate individual or group image.
To do this, he must click on the Write activity is represented by a folded sheet
top left. Then he will click on image and it will insert the image he wants.
NB. This observation would be guided step by step through a questionnaire on certain target
2-classification in a table according to the invertebrates living environment, the method of
elements such as: Central Africa, the four boundaries are the Atlantic, Cameroon,
displacement and the search of food consumed by each species.
Equatorial Guinea, Congo.
He later that the teacher opens the pooling of elements
This activity can also be done in groups or individually. The teacher will
response to obtain a written record.
Table and click on the tables according to the number of columns and rows and
ask students to fill this table.
====Pedagogical application 3====
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''Symbolism of the flag of Gabon''====
====''Writing a text''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': From the third to the fifth grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The flag of Gabon
''Knowledge'': The portrait
Describe the flag of Gabon and explain the meaning of each color.
Describing a place, an object, fact, a character or an animal
Alone or in groups, students may make reports (photographic, video and audio) on
The teacher asks students to describe an incident experienced during the holidays.
The flag of Gabon. Thereafter, use these reports through an interaction with the
group class. The use of such data stored in the Register will be guided
Then the teacher invites students to bring in a group, they can build
developed by questioning by the teacher with his students.
collectively descriptive text in synchrony.
Sample questions:
By working in the same document, students can share and share
activities they have carried out during the holidays.
====User's Guide to Writing activity:====
Email this activity is found in the Home view. To access, click on
Email icon (icon with the corner is folded in the top left with a pencil) with the button
left (X) of the touchpad.
<image Home view>
What does the flag of Gabon?
After clicking on this icon, the leaf appears, then you can write using the
<image Write screen>
What are the colors that make up this flag of Gabon?
When the Text tab is highlighted (as in the picture above), it is possible to
change the size of the writing, the police, put in bold characters, the
stress, to place them in italics and align the text.
It is possible to modify a text by pressing the Edit tab, two arrows
appear: one for Cancel, which tends to the left and another for Restored
tends to the right (see illustration below).
<image Edit tab toolbar>
How do these bands of color are they willing?
It is also possible to make pictures by clicking the Table tab, some
number of options appear, including the insertion of the table with the number of columns and
lines that we want, insert a line, a column and their removal (see
illustration below).
<image Table tab toolbar>
These bands have the same size?
To insert an image inside the text, simply click on the tab
Image icon and then click Insert Image. Then, a window appears to select
the image is in the Journal of the computer. To insert the image into the text, it
Just click on the icon of the desired image.
<image Image selection panel>
What does each of the three colors of the flag of Gabon?
===Read Activity===
====Activity Summary====
Read The activity enables learners to read documents in PDF (Portable
Document Format). It is therefore possible for a teacher to distribute to students
many educational resources, books, electronic items found on
the Internet. In the first year of primary education in Gabon, reading becomes
fundamental. In practice, reading is a specific technique and pronunciation,
understanding of words and texts, recognition and discovery of spelling
words. Thus, reading is an appropriate means of appropriation of knowledge
for the student. At the level of XO, reading contributes to the formation of the spirit of research.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student may consult any written materials and recorded in the log (the PDF documents therein).
* The student may also read those on the USB key.
* Reading can also be done collaboratively, in that the student may invite friends to see the same document it.
* The Internet offers the opportunity to seek and find PDF documents relevant to educational activities.
* The student can find a word in the text
* The student can rotate the text, change size, enlarge characters, decrease or increase the brightness. The student performs these settings according to his needs in reading.
Why have we chosen?
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Make a summary of what has been done. Paying attention to the three colors, the
The diachronic aspect of writing gives the reading of paramount importance to the school. Read
form of three bands and their horizontal and meaning of each
is a core activity. The XO as e-book allows students
three colors.
deepen their knowledge. The documents will be available depending on the level
====Guide to use Activity Record====
school students.
Save The activity takes place as follows: go to the Home and perspective
====Application pédagogique 1====
select the Save by clicking on its icon (represented by an eye in
''Level (s)'': 4th and 5th grade of primary
a rectangle).
<image Home view>
The video appears once the activity started, but the student has the choice between options Photo
''Knowledge'': Search and read the texts containing information in the XO.
Video and Audio.
<image Photo view>
Depending on the option chosen, students can either take pictures, record videos or
record sounds. For video and audio, the student can determine how long
See the electronic book of XO to read texts in the
recording menus defiant Timeout: and Time: located in the corner
heading 'understanding of texts "
upper right corner of the screen.
For options, the registration is done by clicking on the icon represented by
Sugar on the platform into the Journal to view the document author Jean
a circle with black dot at its center and which appears below the image on the screen.
de la Fontaine.
<image Record! button>
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': From the 3rd to 5th grade.
It is at the bottom of the screen that the achievements of the students appear. By placing the cursor on
''Knowledge'': Look for information on a topic. Use a dictionary.
them and clicking the right mouse button (O), it is possible to remove the file
activity or the Copy to pressepapier
to include a text in the activity
Writing or other activities that give the opportunity. The i in the corner
registration allows the student to see the file date and enable it to
give an appropriate title.
<image photo>
<image photo properties panel>
All records are also available in the Journal.
Find relevant information around a concept on the Web. Use
a citation.
Share with the activity record with the neighborhood (along the
procedure for sharing the activities described on pages 15 to 17 of Getting Started in XO
Go with the Navigate Google search for PDF documents, read in light of
and the Sugar environment V.8.2.), other students will receive their registration
needs. On a text to find a concept, a citation, or a word by clicking on Edit,
Colleagues at the bottom of their screen a few seconds after they are completed.
introduce the concept or the beginning of the citation read.
===Draw Activity===
====Activity Summary====
The XO helps students make a drawing from the range of tools: the
pencil, brush, eraser, seal, grid Draw ... The activity helps students
to shape its design, ie it happen.
With the draw, the big advantage is that the teacher can easily make
Collaborative dyad when the reading is relative. Practice and
documentary montages: make a video, take photographs of everything, to explore
learning to read, may be individual or collective. The student addresses
web, etc..
the teacher or his classmates especially the pronunciation of certain words and
intonation. Example, the pronunciation of the word "indigenous".
====User Guide for the Reading:====
Read The activity is to feature not displayed by default in the perspective
Home. The activity is first and foremost a document Reader PDF (Portable
Document Format). These documents are recorded in the Journal and may also
be filed via a USB key.
You can access the Journal at any time in the frame. It is possible to make it appear
at any time by moving the cursor across the screen, regardless of the view
in which a user is located. The icon of the Journal is in the upper
left of the frame. To open the Journal, click on its icon.
<image Frame Journal panel>
Inside the Journal is all documents and activities of the student. For
open a PDF document that is already in the Journal, just click on the icon of
document. It will open automatically with the read.
<image Journal view>
For recording in the Journal of a PDF document from external media, it
Just follow the procedure available in the Getting Started in XO and the environment
Sugar v8.2 on pages 12 and 13.
To save a document from the Internet, use the
Browse. Once the document found on the web, it will click on the link to a
arise in the header to inform the download is initiated, while providing the
possibility to cancel or continue it. Subsequently the same header will provide the
opportunity to show the Journal in the downloaded document. All documents downloaded
the Internet is automatically recorded in the Journal.
<image in Read (Introduction to Scratch)>
Click on a PDF document and read the will itself.
<image in Read>
Click the Read tab to access the arrows used to change the page and
navigate the document.
<image Read toolbar advance button>
Click on Edit in order to search for words through the
document and to copy the selected text. To select a portion of text
the document, keep the left button and hold (X) while seservant the touchpad.
Once the selected text, click the Copy icon so that it adds to your
clipboard. This excerpt or quote can then be pasted in a
research written with the Write activity.
To search for a word or phrase, simply write it in the top right
of the screen. The arrows to scroll through all the query words in the
<image Copy button in toolbar>
The last tab, View, allows you to change the display options of the document.
Zoom in by clicking on the magnifying glass. The last icon allows you to view the document
all over the screen.
<image View tab toolbar>
===Talk Activity===
====Activity Summary====
It is an activity that gives students the opportunity to discuss with other students through
the XO. The discussion is done through messages that you enter with the XO and
is sent. Discussions can take place between two or more persons, the
minimum of people required for this activity is two. Messages sent during
a chat session are de facto available to all persons present
in the discussion. Sending messages is done spontaneously. This activity may
be used from the second year because it requires that the student can read and write.
This communication tool can support collaborative work as it can
allow the teacher to communicate with teachers in other classes.
====Affordances of the activity====
====Affordances of the activity====
Draw activity in the XO, highlights the following affordances:
* This activity would allow students of a certain class to communicate in writing with those of another class without them having to move.
* The student can make a drawing.
* Discuss the activity could be used by students to respond to a solicitation the teacher in the context of questions and answers.
* The student can color (the learner can have access to different colors in the
* It could in this context play a role and even replace the slate.
entry forms or effects).
* It could also promote interaction between students, but under the control of the teacher who could also interfere in the discussion.
* The student may accompany his drawing of a text.
* The teacher could keep in touch with his class, even if the latter for some reason had to be away from his classroom.
* Students can resize (by Quadrille, while using the height and
* It provides an opportunity for teachers to be able to converse with colleagues other class without having to travel.
* The student may modify his design, fix it, delete it.
* The student can insert an image.
* The student may give direction to the drawing (in the Images section, students can
reorient its design by turning left or right).
* In the Forms section, the learner has a predetermined geometric figures
(ellipse, rectangle, polygon, heart, parallelogram, arrow, star, trapezoid, triangle)
and it has a line to enable it to carry out all the forms filled in
outside the circle.
* The student can also share with his peers by showing them his design by
example, and they can give their opinions, see correct, when this
mesh network.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Draw activity proposed by the XO, is directly integrated into the curriculum of 4th
<image 5/5>
years primary Enlightenment. Indeed, this activity is included in the tier 1: after the
fourth week, students must already be able to draw an object of observation. This
This activity can be regarded as central in relation to the curricula of the 4th year
knowledge is reinforced in the level 3 to 14th and 16th weeks during which
primary school french. Indeed, the curriculum at this level focus on a number
the learner must climb a step higher in developing original works from the
including skills, working behind the act of communication
following the usual rules of the French language ...
====Application pédagogique 1====
====Applications pédagogiques 1====
====''Making a drawing of your choice.''====
====''Conjugation express''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': From the 3rd to 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Making a design observer
''Knowledge'': Time verbs
Being able to illustrate a still life.
Conjugate verbs in the simple future indicative and present conditional
Suggested activities, the work must be original. With the Draw students
This activity can be used as an interface for the resolution of application exercises.
draw a landscape with the tools at their disposal. Each student in landscape
It will allow the teacher to interact spontaneously and in real time with
Identify the elements represented in french language and through the
students in its progression, but also in the process of appropriating
insertion of text. Thus, each exhibiting its landscape, to discover others
understanding and ownership of a course.
new expressions and languages.
<image landscape>
A teacher could use to realize the level of assimilation of
rules of conjugation of its pupils.
Thus, the teacher starts the Talk offers a verb, a time and a way which
the student must refer to perform the conjugation. Once the instructions given, each
students through its XO offers solutions to the teacher.
If students were offered to combine the verb to eat in the future indicative in the first
person singular, it should have read or at least I eat. But it may
instead of as I eat (future indicative) I eat there is (conditional
This) is not a right answer.
The teacher could then account for gaps and thus insist on a certain
number of elements in the progression of his courses, including opportunities
possible confusion with other times and insist on the pronunciation.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Making a map of Gabon''====
====''Collective construction of a project: The Orchard''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': From Grade 1 to Grade 5
''Knowledge'': The student must be able to present the map of agriculture: a background
card that is offered, students will put the agricultural products of each
''Knowledge'': Plant species
Province of Gabon.
Making a map and identify the agricultural products from each province
Collaborate on a project.
The teacher will first nine groups with the mission of each will be
represented on a map, the main agricultural products in each province. It
can draw symbols representing the products in question, while the
explanation in a caption.
After the whole, development of a final map within the major products
This application essentially turn on a collaborative work between students in order
agriculture in each province (main storage).
to build a collective project.
<image Gabon map>
The teacher could ask students to verbally construct a project.
This project would involve the creation of an orchard. Thus, the teacher could
ask each student to make proposals on the plant species
produce, on maintenance, but also on the management of the orchard.
The teacher will collect together the various proposals and with students to try it
order in a collegial manner.
Some students will make proposals on crops to produce, on the other
opportunities for maintenance and more on how to manage the orchard. The teacher
collect the various proposals and according to their relevance or the will does
will not, but students will know the reasons why some proposals
not be accepted.
====Pedagogical application 3====
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''Translation Team''====
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
''Level (s)'': 4 years
''Knowledge'': Students can build their knowledge on the causes, manifestations and
''Knowledge'': Vocabulary, language groups.
''Knowhow'': Making a poster advertising awareness.
Translate texts in native languages.
Students are placed in group 6. They aim to educate the population
identifying the causes, manifestations and treatment of disease. In the late
peer reviews, an advertising poster, which is the accession of all, will be proposed
the school administration for a wide dissemination.
====The manual of the Draw====
Step 1: Implementation of a design
Select the Draw to view Home.
Like the second, third application also turn around a job
collaboration between students, but this time for work. This application will require the
setting up of several teams. This application would lead to essentially
students to work together to make a translation job. Thus, the work will be divided
so that each student has a part of the work to be done so
individual, which individual will lead to a community so
that the different parties on an individual subject to the various students are
the subject of a community if we're to the analogy or metaphor of the
chain link and that is, the individual links will be here and the setting
common channel.
The teacher could use this application to translate a text in various
languages spoken in Gabon. Training teams to follow, therefore belonging to a
language group: the teams will be composed of members belonging to the same group
language and it will have as many groups and linguistic groups. The work will be
distributed within the various groups so that each member has a
part of the text to translate. The second part of the work will require the presence of all
group for the pooling of individual translations.
====Guide to use the Talk:====
This activity is in the Home view. To access, click on the icon
Talk (it is represented by a bubble).
<image Home view>
<image Home view>
The page that opens presents tools for drawing (pencil, brush, brush,
To discuss, we must first ensure that students are connected to the same network
a seal, a range of colors, an eraser).
mesh, they are not, then select a network (among the 3 offered meshed networks) on
Select the pen: it is positioned on the sheet that was opened on the screen.
which all students will connect. For the process of connecting to the network
<image toolbar crayon>
mesh, it is necessary to refer to pages 8 and 9 of the Guide to the initiation and XO
Sugar v8.2 environment.
Click with the left button (X) and press and hold to make
Once that is complete, return to the Talk, click Share
traits. Make the pen to move the mouse to achieve a design.
with: My Neighborhood, and then return to the neighborhood view and click or
In case of error in the drawing, select the eraser by clicking on the drawing that the
those with whom one wishes to discuss. After this procedure, return to the page
represents, it is positioned directly on the sheet.
discussion, writing in the small space at the bottom of the screen once the message recorded
<image toolbar eraser>
press the Enter key on the keyboard to send the message.
By the same principle as the design: keep the left button (X) key, using the
NB: The number of people with whom you can discuss simultaneously is
mouse, move the gum do what needs to be erased. Use the gum as if it
not determined. In addition, all those invited to a discussion session have
was real.
facto access to the entire contents of the discussion.
===Browse activity===
====Activity Summary====
This activity enables students to explore the world via the XO, it allows
browse the Internet when the XO is connected. It provides access to
Web pages, access to educational materials, use several applications: engine
research (Google, Wikipedia ...), video, audio content, etc.. This activity is aimed at all
students who can already read and write, it could be open to students from
the class of second year, even if initially they are accompanied.
====Affordances of the activity====
* This activity enables students to connect to the Internet through a connection wireless. But to do so, it must have an access line.
* The student can see, web pages, sites, undertake research, communicate with people far away, it can also watch videos, listen to sounds, download documents and even make purchases online.
* This activity can also chat with other people who would themselves connected.
* When this activity is shared with neighbors, it allows to share a discovery that may be made by a student.
To continue drawing, click on the pencil. Once the drawing, go to
====Degree centrality====
Step coloring.
<image 5/5>
Step 2: Coloring
This activity can be considered taking into account central curriculum of awakening
in 4th grade. Indeed, these curricula focus on developing knowledge,
knowledge to scientists, but also on the empowerment of the student.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Creating a listing on the CEMAC''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
First determine the desired color. To do this, click the first icon: Color
''Knowledge'': Spatial Information CEMAC countries
the tool. To the right of it is a square which informs the color tools.
A window will open with different colors in the form of a circle with the inside a
<image color choser>
To choose a color, click the triangle and position the cursor on that color,
that appears in the small rectangle below the circle of color. Intensify or reduce
Locate the CEMAC countries on a map of Africa.
degree by using the triangle. You have to click OK once the selection
===Calculate Activity===
====Activity Summary====
The activity calculation is a calculator. The student can calculate using numbers and
signs. In calculating it recognizes numbers, puts them in a distinctive way before and / or
According to the mathematical signs to perform different types as
add, subtract, multiply and divide.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student can add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers or
* Students can make all kinds of divisions (between numbers of
* The student can add fractions with the same denominator.
* Students can multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000.
* Students can calculate the percentages.
* Students can calculate problems in situations involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division.
* Students can share their findings with a classmate of the class through the XO.
* The teacher will save time and be able to quickly appease conflict cognitive that may generate some results.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Calculate activity is very central to all mathematical tasks
students from the class of the preparatory first year of primary school. Arrived in fourth
grade, students will be able to ask operations to add,
subtract, multiply and divide, to perform various calculations, or to solve
problem situations in mathematics.
From the fourth year, the event will calculate the teacher to see if students
know how to use mathematical tools and their correct answers.
====Application pédagogique 1====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Addition of numbers from 0 to 10000
This application turn around a collaborative work, but in team
to arrive at work more developed.
The application could afford to undertake the creation of a prospectus that
Calculate in situations problems, are numbers from 0 to
present the different countries of the CEMAC (Economic and Monetary Community
of Central Africa). This prospectus presents a number of elements
each country: geography, flag, area, capital, official language (s)
population, President (e), date of independence, currency, telephone.
The work will be divided so that it is organized by team. Each team will be
assigned a country of this area. After this step, each team will explore
Internet so that each will find different information required for
construction of the identity card of each country.
Suggested Activities: Reading and analysis of statements of problems involving
Once this team is finished, there will be the preparation of the prospectus by
additions. (eg Add the following numbers: 11 and 43, 13 and 67, 45 and 87).
integrating the various identity cards of the country.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Cooperation between two schools''====
''Level (s)'': From Grade 1 to Grade 5
After clicking the icon appearing Calculate the prospect of Home XO,
''Knowledge'': The problem selected by teachers.
the student recognizes the numbers and select using the mouse or keyboard. It raises
its operation on the computer screen and tap the enter key to get display
Collaboration dyad:
After making its calculation, the dyad share his results with another dyad by
Discuss the activity. Example:
Dyad 1, we find 11 + 43 = 54 and you?
This application would allow students to share their experiences, but also their
knowledge among themselves spontaneously in order to interact in real time, even if
they do not live in the same country. It can also get in contact
with a resource person for problem solving (school or extra
Dyad 2: we find 43 + 11 = 54.
In the context of cooperation between two schools located in different countries, on
could require two classes of each of these schools to prepare a presentation on a
separate theme (culture, environment, etc..), and then to provide a
simultaneously to audiences in both schools.
Dyad 1: It's funny we have the same result, but we have not put the operation
To do this, use applications to realize video-conferencing
in the same order.
(Skype, etc.).. Once the technical configurations achieved, students begin their
statement which is also followed by students in their countries but also in other
countries, while providing opportunities for all who follow them to interact by asking
questions, but also by making contributions.
====Guide to use the Browse activity:====
To start this activity, students will at first move in the perspective
Neighborhood and click on the available network that appears on the screen (in the form of a
circle, where connection to a server, this circle is surrounded by parentheses).
For more details about how to connect to networks for access
the Internet, please refer to the initiation of XO and the Sugar environment to V.8.2
pages 6 to 9.
<image Neighborhood view>
Dyad 1: Yes, it's just because in addition, order numbers and figures is
Once completed and connected, it returns to the Home view, click on the icon
not significant, the result is always the same because the addition is commutative.
Browse (represented by a globe).
<image Home view>
Once the open, students can begin to navigate and enter the site address
they wish to visit in the address bar at the top of the screen and press the button
Enter on the keyboard. To share his business, click on activity, then
Share with: My Neighborhood.
===Activity Speak===
====Activity Summary====
Speak with the activity, the XO back the sound of letters, words, sentences, texts and
the figures and numbers typed on the keyboard.
Learners will use the Speak to become familiar with the pronunciation
words, to teach numbers and letters, especially in first grade
Primary Gabon, and to learn self correcting accents.
This could facilitate the recognition of visual and hearing students in
learning vowels, consonants and numbers. It would thus gain
time in education.
====Affordances of the activity====
* Speak returns the sounds of letters, words, sentences, texts as well as figures and numbers typed on the keyboard.
* The student can control the language and appearance of the icon (eyes and mouth).
* It can also control the speed in the pronunciation and the volume of the computer.
Through this exercise, the teacher can help students understand the concept of
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
commutativity of addition for example.
<image 5/5>
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The soustration numbers from 0 to 10000; The multiplication by 2, 3, 4 and 9 ....
Speak is a core activity easily integrated into the curricula of primary Gabon in the first year. Indeed, this is where we learn to decipher letters, syllables words, figures and numbers.
numbers from 0 to 10000.
====Application pédagogique 1====
Calculate in problem situations, differences and products
====''Decoding of syllables and learning to read in first year''====
numbers ranging from 0 to 9999.
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The letters, syllables.
Invention and analysis by students in problem situations involving
subtract and multiply by 2.3 ... 9 numbers from 0 to 10000 Example: Mom gives
The reading of letters and syllables
Makaya to 100 francs for pocket money this week, he bought candy for
75 francs. How it is there? Eg a box of eggs contains 6 eggs. How many has he
7 eggs in cartons of 8 boxes each.
Students organized dyad perform subtraction through the calculator
XO by putting the correct numbers and numbers with the mathematical sign. Then, in
tapping the Enter key, they will get the result of their operation.
Collaboration dyad:
The teacher targets a consonant (m), written on the blackboard and asked the
students to recognize, to tap the XO and support the Enter button. The computer
returns a sound. The teacher asks students to repeat and read it.
Secondly, it targets a vowel (a), the writing on the blackboard and asks students to the
recognize on the keyboard, tap it on the XO and press Enter. The computer
returns a sound that will be repeated and read by students. Third, the teacher
asks students to type the consonant and vowel on the XO and press Enter. The
the machine returns the sound of the syllable. For example, m + a = ma. Students will be able to
easily recognize and decipher a syllable and learn to read.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Recognition of numbers from 0 to 20 and signs of three operations: +, × and ÷ in first and second years.''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year and 2nd year of primary
Dyad 1: To solve the problem, we pose the following subtraction: 100 - 75 =
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 20, addition and subtraction.
25. And you?
Dyad 2: To solve the problem, we found the operation: 75 - 100 = -25; We
do not understand why the calculator we place the sign (-) before the number 7, then
Read, count and count the numbers from 0 to 20. Calculate the amounts or
that we are in the subtraction of integers.
differences less than or equal to 20.
Dyad 1: Because you put your evil operation. In the subtraction
natural, most are still before the minus sign (-), since the subtraction
is not commutative.
Dyad collaboration allows students to share their results. Replies
The teacher wrote the numbers on the blackboard, asks students to recognize the
generate different cognitive and sociocognitive conflict, allowing the discussion with
keyboard, typing and press Enter. The XO refers to the sound from the figure that will be repeated by
Close to formulate the issues of personalized learning to better
students. For example, typing 0, they will hear "zero". This will enable them to
ownership of knowledge. The use of the calculator through the XO, can check its
recognize by sight and hearing the numbers. Thus, students learn
own results.
easy to count and calculate. For the calculation, with the meaning of the signs that
====Guide to use the Calculate====
return the XO, students can ensure that the transaction is that fact that he was
To access, place the cursor Calculate the icon (represented by the pictogram of a
requested. This could help to overcome the errors of signs observed in
activities in mathematics.
<image Home view>
Click Start to use the calculator. To perform operations that are
====Pedagogical application 3====
in connection with the problem, use the buttons on the calculator on the screen or
====''Improvement of the lexical spelling.''====
those keys to make the mathematical operation.
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
<image Calculator>
''Knowledge'': Accents and punctuation
The Enter key gives the answer once the transaction is asked. Equations and their
history will appear in the white square on the left hand side of the screen.
===Activity Ruler===
====Activity Summary====
The activity Ruler offers a collection of metric tools that can be printed or used
directly on the screen. The student can make the geometry through measurement of
length, angles and calculations of areas and perimeters. The teacher may need to
print rules, rapporteurs (half circle), leaves and leaf grid
====Affordances of the activity====
* Students can measure the length of an object (pen, pencil, phone
* Students can measure an angle formed by two rods for example.
* Students can calculate the areas of squares, rectangles on a grid.
* Students can use grid sheets to make plans and draw
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Measuring length and angles, the calculation of areas and perimeters of squares and
rectangles are skills required for students in the fourth grade. The use
Ruler of the activity presents a high degree of centrality.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Measuring length and angles''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The perimeter of a shape or object and the angle.
Calculate the perimeter and measure the angle.
Identify punctuation and place the necessary emphasis in a text at
least ten sentences.
The teacher asks students to launch the Ruler and select the first frame.
The teacher dictates a word, phrase or text. When the student finished, he types Enter.
With the rule that is on their screen, they must measure the lengths of small objects
The computer returns to the sounds of words. Take for example the word "consequence". If
in front of them.
forgot the accent on the "e", the XO will return to "consequence". At that time, students went
account of his error and bring the necessary correction. Similarly, students can learn
reading techniques respecting not only the punctuation, but also the diction of
words. This will facilitate the work of teachers and students in learning to read
of difficult words. If the student types such as "excess", the XO will give him the good
pronunciation of the word and keep it. It will be able to read words similar. Finally, given
that the XO is a pause after each punctuation mark, the student will not
only distinguish but also respect them during playback. For example,
Teacher asked to write the words "Mom goes to market she buys meat
vegetables and fruits and type Enter. The XO return the text block. Then the teacher
asked to put punctuation. "Mom goes to market. She buys meat,
vegetables and fruit. " The XO plays with sentence breaks and intonations.
He asked them to select the second view and use the rapporteur at
====User Guide for Speak====
screen for measuring angles formed by two rods, two pens.
To access the Speak activity in the XO, after opening the prospect Welcome,
====Application pédagogique 2====
place the cursor on the icon represented by a mouth and two eyes. Three options
====''Discover formulas perimeter and area, use these formulas to make
appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and Delete. Click on Start by pressing
the left button (X) of the touch pad to enter the business. Or to go
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
quickly, click on the icon to enter the business.
<image Home view>
''Knowledge'': The perimeter and area
In this activity, there are several tabs and icons on the screen. The Voice tab,
allows you to change the language of communication. The tab allows you to adjust the face shape
the mouth. Gives a simple mouth smaller and resembles that of humans.
Making the calculations of perimeter and area
Waveform provides a wide mouth with ripples during playback. Frequency
gives a wider mouth with oscillations. Moreover, the pattern of eyes may
change. Provides round eyes and round glasses Glasses met with the icon.
The texts written in the blank space at the bottom of the screen will be delivered by the voice of
synthesis. The hook at the bottom right gives the directory of text written by the learner.
<image Speak face>
Finally, the activity can be shared with the neighborhood ie with users
connected network or in dyads and triads. Students will evaluate themselves, ie
Students are invited to start the activity Ruler, click on the tab and select Ruler
that they can dictate words and check all spelling and
the third tool.
pronunciation. In calculating shape Thursday, a group could start the transaction in the XO,
and another written response. They will develop the cooperative spirit. The procedure
<image Ruler grid>
sharing activities with the neighborhood is described on pages 15 to 17 of the Introductory Guide
On this grid, they must identify a square and discover the formula for the perimeter of this
XO and the Sugar environment V.8.2.
square by counting the number of subdivisions on each side. They will then identify
===Activity Record===
Other squares in which they will calculate the perimeter using the formula found.
====Activity Summary====
Save The activity enables learners and teachers to record videos,
On this grid, they must also identify a rectangle and find the formula for the perimeter
sounds as well as take pictures. They can in this way create content
of this rectangle by counting the number of subdivisions on each side. They will then
teaching stuck to the local reality. The teacher can ask learners to
identify other rectangles which they will calculate the perimeter using the formula
movies, save the cries of animals in their immediate surroundings
or take pictures of a landscape.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The learner can record videos.
* Students can take pictures.
* Students can record sounds (bird song).
* The child may share the record with the group class setting
common to different activities they have done individually.
====Degree centrality====
<image 5/5>
The second phase is to identify on a square grid and calculate its area in
Save The activity fits in perfectly with the curriculum awakening 4th year
counting the number of small squares that are inside the square. The child discovers
primary, inasmuch as this activity allows the teacher and the learner better
Thus the formula for the area of the square. With this formula, students will identify other
conduct the study of the environment based on images representing this community. This
squares and calculate their areas.
activity is consistent with a socioconstructionniste because it allows
learners to take part in the construction tools (photographs, video and audio)
essential to learning and that they are themselves users.
They will take the same approach to discover the formula for the area of a rectangle
====Application pédagogique 1====
and use the same formula to calculate the areas identified other rectangles.
As part of an educational project, the teacher could invite learners to
====User Guide of the Ruler====
divide the tasks: one to handle the audio recording of the national anthem of
You can access the Ruler by clicking on the icon of a rule in the run home.
Gabon, Concorde, some students will work to explain the flag while gabonais
<image Home view>
for others to document the geography of their neighborhood.
====''The Concorde''====
''Level (s)'': 2nd year of primary
Once in the activity, click on the Ruler to display the different tools
''Knowledge'': The Concorde.
measure available.
<image Ruler toolbar>
Changing the tools by clicking on the icons shown above.
Sing the chorus and first verse of the national anthem La Concorde.
It is possible for the teacher to print these tools by making a catch
screen by pressing the keys 1 Atl simultaneously. The screenshot will appear in
the Journal. It is therefore possible for the teacher to put it on a USB key, to
transfer the file to a computer linked to a printer and to print.
===Memorize Activity===
====Activity Summary====
The student must keep the knowledge. Remember The activity allows students to practice
mathematical operations by combining their results, and capital letters
tiny, and so on. This activity can be done individually or in groups, as a game
The student can recognize the words he has never learned and can learn to write and
As stated in the curricula of awakening in the 2nd year the booklet indicates target situation
pronounce. So Remember that the activity may lead to their learning
the learner must know how to sing and skill to acquire is to perform
meanings and how to use them. Students as teachers can create
properly the chorus and first verse of the Concorde. Students can
educational activities of their memory.
register their service with the recording function to the Audio
====Affordances of the activity====
share with those around them.
* Develop visual and auditory memory. The student will have to find a
addition, a letter or a musical instrument and sound that accompanies it and
Students may work with the Save out the maps, flags and landscapes
obtained through the affordance photo, make descriptions and identification of
* Students can learn to read and write the new letters and the power
a flag colors, forms of relief and border activities in accordance with
curricula of arousal class of 4th grade.
* Students can learn the meaning and use of new words.
====Application pédagogique 2====
* It can quickly add up mentally and operations.
====''Geographical Location of Gabon''====
* The student can play with other students.
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
* Students can learn the social knowledge (skills, know-how, become).
* Students can keep recording community knowledge and be able to
* Students may remember, remember the social achievements.
* The student is able to methodically establish, by its repetition in
memory learning.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Memorization is highly integrated into the curriculum and particularly in
primary education which the young learner has not yet acquired the ability
development of synthesis. In the curricula of primary evaluation is
generally based on the ability to memorize, ie to store,
retain the knowledge acquired earlier. It is in this business to grow
recall, reminiscence of the acquis.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Memorize it is to recall or remember''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to 3rd grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 99, addition without deferral of numbers from 0 to 99
''Knowledge'': The neighboring countries of Gabon
Write, read, decompose, recompose, compare the numbers from 0 to 99.
Locate and identify the borders of Gabon
Inventing statements of problems involving additive free report.
# Reading and Writing numbers in words, eg read the number 20 written in letters
Affordance with picture taking, the teacher photography map of Central Africa
a leaf.
in a manual. He created his own teaching materials. Then, he shared his shot
# Invention and analysis by students in problem situations involving
with all students who study it.
additions without report.
The teacher will go to the Save by clicking the icon is represented by
The teacher invites students to identify countries and oceans bordering Gabon
a grid square of three horizontal and three vertical squares. Once the activity is
observing the teaching medium of the card in the
offered, the teacher will ask students to click on a square to keep the figure
appears, read it aloud and write it.
====Application pédagogique 2====
NB. This observation would be guided step by step through a questionnaire on certain target
====''Memorize to keep it or keep''====
elements such as: Central Africa, the four boundaries are the Atlantic, Cameroon,
''Level (s)'': 4th and 5th grade of primary
Equatorial Guinea, Congo.
He later that the teacher opens the pooling of elements
response to obtain a written record.
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''Symbolism of the flag of Gabon''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 99, the report added without numbers
''Knowledge'': The flag of Gabon
Quickly calculate the sums of the numbers from 0 to 99
Describe the flag of Gabon and explain the meaning of each color.
The teacher will ask students to click on a square in the upper part of the
Alone or in groups, students may make reports (photographic, video and audio) on
grid and asked to memorize the sum that appears, then the students will click
The flag of Gabon. Thereafter, use these reports through an interaction with the
the bottom of the grid to find the result of the addition. The student scores a point
group class. The use of such data stored in the Register will be guided
when it comes to match the addition and its outcome.
developed by questioning by the teacher with his students.
====Guide to use the Save====
Remember this activity is found in the Home view. To access, click
Sample questions:
Remember the icon with the left button (X) of the touchpad.
<image Home view>
After clicking on this icon, the grid appears, you can click a square in
What does the flag of Gabon?
the upper part of the grid and store the sum, then click on a square in the
part of the bottom of the grid to find the result of the problem proposed in the square from the top
that has been previously selected.
<image Memorize view>
When the result does not correspond to the addition, the sum and the result disappear.
What are the colors that make up this flag of Gabon?
While when we have a good answer to the sum and the result are displayed
the screen that mark the points in the student's name.
<image Memorize view2>
You can change the figures or data literate sound by pressing
How do these bands of color are they willing?
Service Charge on parties demonstrations placed above the grid. There is
possibility of widening the scope of the grid by clicking on the box dimensions
4 X 4.
<image grid size selector>
Indeed, the Create tab leaves an opportunity for teachers and students to create as many games
These bands have the same size?
possible. While respecting the principle of combining two elements, the games can
take several forms (involving a word and its opposite, set of words Genre
different words in language and in french, etc..)
<image Activity editing>
To save the parties created, click the Save icon third party.
What does each of the three colors of the flag of Gabon?
They will be recorded in the Journal and will be accessible through the bar
top by clicking the second icon on the Charger.
===Distance Activity===
====Activity Summary====
This activity is used to compute the distance between two computers.
Students can measure distances to evaluate intervals between two points in
Why have we chosen?
school with the little green XO computer. Students organized in dyads should be placed
so that the sound emitted simultaneously by each of the computers can be levied
by the other so that the measured distance can be assessed.
With a combination of activities, it is possible that the students use
Make a summary of what has been done. Paying attention to the three colors, the
simultaneously and the Draw Distance.
form of three bands and their horizontal and meaning of each
====Affordances of the activity====
three colors.
* Students can measure the length to go to get from one point to another.
====Guide to use Activity Record====
* Students can measure the perimeter of the classroom.
Save The activity takes place as follows: go to the Home and perspective
* Students can measure the distance to make a course in Education
select the Save by clicking on its icon (represented by an eye in
physical and sports (EPS) for example.
a rectangle).
* Students may draw together and assess the distance between two drawings.
<image Home view>
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
According to the curriculum of the fourth grade, the distance may be
Central to the main concepts of teaching / learning
characteristics to this grade level. The measured distances can then be
used to calculate an area where a surface for example. The concepts
distance measures have their place in mathematics, in the section of the
Before the fourth year in Éveil 2nd year, and Draw Distance can be
The video appears once the activity started, but the student has the choice between options Photo
combined and become central when spatio-temporal structure.
Video and Audio.
====Application pédagogique 1====
<image Photo view>
''Level of study'': 4th year
''Knowledge'': The perimeter and the half-perimeter of the rectangle
Depending on the option chosen, students can either take pictures, record videos or
record sounds. For video and audio, the student can determine how long
recording menus defiant Timeout: and Time: located in the corner
upper right corner of the screen.
For options, the registration is done by clicking on the icon represented by
Measure or calculate problems in situations on the perimeter and demipérimètre Rectangle
a disc with black dot at its center and which appears below the image on the screen.
<image Record! button>
It is at the bottom of the screen that the achievements of the students appear. By placing the cursor on
them and clicking the right mouse button (O), it is possible to remove the file
Reading and analysis of statements of problems involving the calculation of perimeter and
activity or the Copy to pressepapier
half-perimeter of rectangular figures. (Eg the internal perimeter of the classroom to
to include a text in the activity
using the XO).
Writing or other activities that give the opportunity. The i in the corner
registration allows the student to see the file date and enable it to
give an appropriate title.
<image photo>
<image photo properties panel>
Statement: Identify the lengths and widths of the class, and measure distances by means
All records are also available in the Journal.
of XO.
The teacher can arrange the class into dyads.
Share with the activity record with the neighborhood (along the
Two different dyads, each with an XO computer, identifies a length and a
procedure for sharing the activities described on pages 15 to 17 of Getting Started in XO
width of the classroom, and carries through the measure of the distance. Each
and the Sugar environment V.8.2.), other students will receive their registration
side of the class is measured using the XO.
Colleagues at the bottom of their screen a few seconds after they are completed.
===Draw Activity===
====Activity Summary====
The XO helps students make a drawing from the range of tools: the
pencil, brush, eraser, seal, grid Draw ... The activity helps students
to shape its design, ie it happen.
Both XO network engaged in the give a distance measure similar to a rule
With the draw, the big advantage is that the teacher can easily make
calibrated accurately.
documentary montages: make a video, take photographs of everything, to explore
web, etc..
Students could then use these measurements to calculate the perimeter of the classroom.
====Affordances of the activity====
Draw activity in the XO, highlights the following affordances:
* The student can make a drawing.
* The student can color (the learner can have access to different colors in the entry forms or effects).
* The student may accompany his drawing of a text.
* Students can resize (by Quadrille, while using the height and width).
* The student may modify his design, fix it, delete it.
* The student can insert an image.
* The student may give direction to the drawing (in the Images section, students can reorient its design by turning left or right).
* In the Forms section, the learner has a predetermined geometric figures (ellipse, rectangle, polygon, heart, parallelogram, arrow, star, trapezoid, triangle) and it has a line to enable it to carry out all the forms filled in outside the circle.
* The student can also share with his peers by showing them his design by example, and they can give their opinions, see correct, when this mesh network.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Collaboration in dyads:
Draw activity proposed by the XO, is directly integrated into the curriculum of 4th
years primary Enlightenment. Indeed, this activity is included in the tier 1: after the
fourth week, students must already be able to draw an object of observation. This
knowledge is reinforced in the level 3 to 14th and 16th weeks during which
the learner must climb a step higher in developing original works from the
After displaying the remote computer screens, students share
====Application pédagogique 1====
viewing results and agree to the distance restraint.
====''Making a drawing of your choice.''====
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': 3rd grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Metric, straight line
''Knowledge'': Making a design observer
Measure and compare several segments of existing right
Being able to illustrate a still life.
the environment in the home, in the classroom, in the schoolyard.
Statement: Identify the distance measure, determine using the XO as provided by
Suggested activities, the work must be original. With the Draw students
the protocol to use. Compare distances obtained on the computer screen and
draw a landscape with the tools at their disposal. Each student in landscape
record the distances obtained in the Journal by naming them.
Identify the elements represented in french language and through the
insertion of text. Thus, each exhibiting its landscape, to discover others
new expressions and languages.
<image landscape>
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Making a map of Gabon''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The student must be able to present the map of agriculture: a background
card that is offered, students will put the agricultural products of each
Province of Gabon.
Making a map and identify the agricultural products from each province
The teacher will first nine groups with the mission of each will be
represented on a map, the main agricultural products in each province. It
can draw symbols representing the products in question, while the
explanation in a caption.
For example: the door of the class A, at the door of Class B: 10.11 meters.
After the whole, development of a final map within the major products
agriculture in each province (main storage).
Measurements in the schoolyard can be plotted on the plan
<image Gabon map>
the school by pupils.
====Pedagogical application 3====
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
''Knowledge'': Students can build their knowledge on the causes, manifestations and
Collaboration in dyads:
''Knowhow'': Making a poster advertising awareness.
Dyads distances are displayed on the screens of XO and agree to the
actual distance.
Students are placed in group 6. They aim to educate the population
identifying the causes, manifestations and treatment of disease. In the late
peer reviews, an advertising poster, which is the accession of all, will be proposed
the school administration for a wide dissemination.
====The manual of the Draw====
Step 1: Implementation of a design
NB: Through this activity, teachers can help students develop skills to
Select the Draw to view Home.
measure distances with the XO.
<image Home view>
====Pedagogical application 3====
''Level of study'': 2nd year of primary
''Knowledge": spatio-temporal structure: in front, behind, before, ... next to, far, near, around.
The page that opens presents tools for drawing (pencil, brush, brush,
a seal, a range of colors, an eraser).
Select the pen: it is positioned on the sheet that was opened on the screen.
<image toolbar crayon>
Click with the left button (X) and press and hold to make
Draw and / or identify an object in relation to another, or a student.
traits. Make the pen to move the mouse to achieve a design.
In case of error in the drawing, select the eraser by clicking on the drawing that the
represents, it is positioned directly on the sheet.
<image toolbar eraser>
By the same principle as the design: keep the left button (X) key, using the
mouse, move the gum do what needs to be erased. Use the gum as if it
was real.
Simulation of role play where one student gives orders to another student using the
To continue drawing, click on the pencil. Once the drawing, go to
terms: before, after, on ... near, far, after, for example around
Step coloring.
====User Guide of the Distance====
As a first step, it will ensure that the XO is connected to the same network
meshed. To do this, see pages 8 and 9 of the Guide to the initiation and XO
Sugar environment V.8.2. In the Home view, begin the activity by clicking
the icon representing a dolphin.
<image Home view>
In the box Share with: select my neighborhood. Follow one of
Step 2: Coloring
sharing procedures described on pages 16 and 17 of Getting Started in XO and
Sugar environment V.8.2. The two connected XO activity can begin. Click
Start far away.
<image Distance screen>
It is therefore the position of XO computers one side to another. Computers emit
First determine the desired color. To do this, click the first icon: Color
in turn a sound wave that can measure the distance between the two
the tool. To the right of it is a square which informs the color tools.
screens. This will be displayed on the screen. Ideally, the XO should be placed on the
A window will open with different colors in the form of a circle with the inside a
ground without any obstacles obstructing the sound emitted by the devices. Note that
weather can also influence the measure. Therefore
<image color choser>
Atmosphere tab allows the student to enter the variables of temperature and humidity
on so that the measures are as accurate as possible.
To choose a color, click the triangle and position the cursor on that color,
<image Atmosphere toolbar>
that appears in the small rectangle below the circle of color. Intensify or reduce
===Activity Measure===
degree by using the triangle. You have to click OK once the selection
===Calculate Activity===
====Activity Summary====
====Activity Summary====
Measuring this activity helps students explore the physical world, it allows us to see
The activity calculation is a calculator. The student can calculate using numbers and
different variations of a sound (frequency, amplitude, etc..) using the microphone
signs. In calculating it recognizes numbers, puts them in a distinctive way before and / or
XO. The student can have a visual representation of a wave as well as learn
According to the mathematical signs to perform different types as
concepts related: the frequency, amplitude, time, etc.. This activity can be
add, subtract, multiply and divide.
used during the course of primary education, and since the first year.
====Affordances of the activity====
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student can view a graphical representation of the wave produced by sound.
* The student can add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers or numbers.
* Students can record over a period of time that the wave generated.
* Students can make all kinds of divisions (between numbers of fractions).
* Students may be required to differentiate the sound of a tone.
* The student can add fractions with the same denominator.
* It can classify the sounds according to their kind.
* Students can multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000.
* Students can measure the amplitude of a sound.
* Students can calculate the percentages.
* Students can measure the frequency of a wave.
* Students can calculate problems in situations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
* The student can compare the sound with his classmates.
* Students can share their findings with a classmate of the class through the XO.
The activity measurement also presents a number of affordances such as measuring the
* The teacher will save time and be able to quickly appease conflict cognitive that may generate some results.
voltage of a current or observe these currents on the screen as you would with a
oscilloscope, which can be developed as required curriculum. A list of
possibilities and specifications for construction of the different probes are available at
Next: # Projects_and_Activities_Index. Only
this resource is available in English and requires skills in
of electricity. For the use of probes and tools (thermometer,
pH indicator, indicator of the turbidity of a liquid indicator of the conductivity of a
liquid, etc..) software were designed specifically for the XO. For more
information, visit the Vernier to the following address:
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
This activity in terms of curricula for the 4th year of primary education can be regarded as
<image 5/5>
device. At the central level, it could be placed at level 3. Because if it does
is really not the primary curriculum, it enables students to explore
Calculate activity is very central to all mathematical tasks
domains other than those prescribed and develop curiosity and promote its
students from the class of the preparatory first year of primary school. Arrived in fourth
spirit of discovery.
grade, students will be able to ask operations to add,
====Application pédagogique 1====
subtract, multiply and divide, to perform various calculations, or to solve
====''Exploration and comparison of sounds''====
problem situations in mathematics.
''Level (s)'': 4th to 5th grade of primary
From the fourth year, the event will calculate the teacher to see if students
''Knowledge'': The CW
know how to use mathematical tools and their correct answers.
====Application pédagogique 1====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Addition of numbers from 0 to 10000
Explore the sounds in their physical dimension.
Calculate in situations problems, are numbers from 0 to
Through the feature that allows you to record sound, the teacher and students
Suggested Activities: Reading and analysis of statements of problems involving
could save a number of sounds to form a kind of
additions. (eg Add the following numbers: 11 and 43, 13 and 67, 45 and 87).
sound database.
Once the database set up (the sounds come from both
After clicking the icon appearing Calculate the prospect of Home XO,
the everyday environment, as everywhere else) students proceed to
the student recognizes the numbers and select using the mouse or keyboard. It raises
comparisons to determine which sounds are the highest, lowest, most
its operation on the computer screen and tap the enter key to get display
acute, the most serious differentiate waves and sound, see the frequency and
amplitude, etc..
====User Guide for the Measurement====
Collaboration dyad:
To start this activity, click the Measure icon is in the perspective
Home XO (it is represented by a screen where we see a curve).
<image Home view>
Once in the business, we have a number of features, so we can
After making its calculation, the dyad share his results with another dyad by
amplitude control (visual) by extending or shortening.
Discuss the activity. Example:
<image >
The microphone can record sounds is de facto running as soon as we began
Dyad 1, we find 11 + 43 = 54 and you?
on the Measure. There is an icon that lets you start recording
sound (at the top of the screen on the far right) and another that allows you to control when
recording (it can be done immediately or can be programmed in a
time interval determined). Sound option allows you to see sounds, but
also be recorded, while the option Sensors can measure the voltage of a
current, but also see it on the screen. Like all activities,
to share his business, click on the Activity tab, and then click Share with: My
neighborhood, and follow the procedure for sharing on pages 15 to 17 of Getting Started in XO and
the environment Sugar V.8.2.
===Activity Scratch===
====Activity Summary====
Scratch The activity allows students to make the programming object, ie of
make programs and games with ease. Also, in this
rich graphical environment, students can locate in space, identifying and
placing objects in relation to a landmark. It can also compare packages through
their cardinal (number of elements). These activities are for students of all
levels depending on the complexity of the task at hand.
With a combination of activities, it is possible that the students use
Dyad 2: we find 43 + 11 = 54.
simultaneously the Draw Distance and Scratch.
====Affordances of the activity====
Dyad 1: It's funny we have the same result, but we have not put the operation
* The student can make the programming object.
in the same order.
* Students can create simple programs and designing video games.
* Students can program the movement of characters within a
Dyad 1: Yes, it's just because in addition, order numbers and figures is
graphical environment.
not significant, the result is always the same because the addition is commutative.
* Students can design avatars (characters or objects)
* The student can position the objects within an environment.
* The student may also place or draw, placing an object near or far from
and appreciate the distance between two drawings.
* The student can identify objects placed on or under a given benchmark.
* Students may place an object on or under a given benchmark.
* Students may place an object above or below a given benchmark.
* The student can identify the internal and / or outside of an object or a space.
* Students may place an object within and / or outside of another.
* Students can compare sets by matching term by term (without
count) to highlight the concepts provided that, unless more than.
* Students can compare their answers with those of its peers.
* The student may be assisted by his peers or by the teacher.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Scratch The activity helps students to achieve the know-how relating to
affordances above, has a very high degree of centrality. By
Therefore, its use can be recommended in the implementation of curricula
primary. Indeed, in the 3rd year Awakening, Draw Distance and Scracth may be
combined and become central when spatio-temporal structure.
The interest for the teacher to work on the XO is justified by several
Through this exercise, the teacher can help students understand the concept of
reasons. Scratch scenes are closer to the reality that the designs of the book because
commutativity of addition for example.
the mobility of objects in them. In the manual first year of primary education, on
====Application pédagogique 2====
asks the children to draw objects over, under, above, below, beside, etc..
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
This can be problematic for those who can not draw. Scratch on avoiding this
difficulty because they have to move objects that already exist, in case of error, the student has
nothing to erase, it is sufficient to correct by moving the object.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Lie within the space''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The terms: over, under, above, below.
''Knowledge'': The soustration numbers from 0 to 10000; The multiplication by 2, 3, 4 and 9 ....
numbers from 0 to 10000.
Locate in space by ID or by placing an object on or under, above
Calculate in problem situations, differences and products
or below a given benchmark. Solve problems involving significant
numbers ranging from 0 to 9999.
involves the spatial structure.
The teacher provides students with a scene in which there is a trampoline, a cat and a
Invention and analysis by students in problem situations involving
balloon. The ball is placed on the trampoline and there is a cat under the trampoline. In addition to
subtract and multiply by 2.3 ... 9 numbers from 0 to 10000 Example: Mom gives
find a girl whose arms are raised and legs apart completely
Makaya to 100 francs for pocket money this week, he bought candy for
the horizontal below it is a balloon.
75 francs. How it is there? Eg a box of eggs contains 6 eggs. How many has he
7 eggs in cartons of 8 boxes each.
Students are required to identify the position of the ball and the cat in relation to
Students organized dyad perform subtraction through the calculator
trampoline. They are also asked to identify the position of the ball compared to the young
XO by putting the correct numbers and numbers with the mathematical sign. Then, in
daughter. The teacher expects the students to be able to answer that:
tapping the Enter key, they will get the result of their operation.
*The ball is on the trampoline;
*The ball is above the trampoline;
*The cat is under the trampoline;
*The ball is below the girl;
The teacher provides a second stage in which there is the young girl and a ball.
The student must place the ball over, under, above, below the girl.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Inside or outside''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The terms: inside, outside.
Collaboration dyad:
Dyad 1: To solve the problem, we pose the following subtraction: 100 - 75 =
Locate an object inside or outside a package. Resolve
25. And you?
significant problems involving spatial structure.
Dyad 2: To solve the problem, we found the operation: 75 - 100 = -25; We
do not understand why the calculator we place the sign (-) before the number 7, then
that we are in the subtraction of integers.
The teacher provides a scene where a fruit basket and some of which are
Dyad 1: Because you put your evil operation. In the subtraction
located in the shopping basket and others outside of the basket. The student must identify those
natural, most are still before the minus sign (-), since the subtraction
within and those who are outside.
is not commutative.
It asks students to move two objects from the interior to the exterior of the basket.
Dyad collaboration allows students to share their results. Replies
====Pedagogical application 3====
generate different cognitive and sociocognitive conflict, allowing the discussion with
Close to formulate the issues of personalized learning to better
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
ownership of knowledge. The use of the calculator through the XO, can check its
own results.
====Guide to use the Calculate====
To access, place the cursor Calculate the icon (represented by the pictogram of a
<image Home view>
''Knowledge'': The terms provided that, unless and more than.
Click Start to use the calculator. To perform operations that are
in connection with the problem, use the buttons on the calculator on the screen or
those keys to make the mathematical operation.
<image Calculator>
Compare sets of objects. Solve problems involving significant
The Enter key gives the answer once the transaction is asked. Equations and their
involve the comparison of ensembles.
history will appear in the white square on the left hand side of the screen.
===Activity Ruler===
====Activity Summary====
The activity Ruler offers a collection of metric tools that can be printed or used
The teacher provides a scene where there are four circles representing four forest
directly on the screen. The student can make the geometry through measurement of
within which there are animals.
length, angles and calculations of areas and perimeters. The teacher may need to
print rules, rapporteurs (half circle), leaves and leaf grid
====Affordances of the activity====
* Students can measure the length of an object (pen, pencil, phone portable).
* Students can measure an angle formed by two rods for example.
* Students can calculate the areas of squares, rectangles on a grid.
* Students can use grid sheets to make plans and draw graphics.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Measuring length and angles, the calculation of areas and perimeters of squares and
rectangles are skills required for students in the fourth grade. The use
Ruler of the activity presents a high degree of centrality.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Measuring length and angles''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The perimeter of a shape or object and the angle.
Students should compare the forest and say what is that all animals that
another one with the fewer animals than the others, that more animals than the
Calculate the perimeter and measure the angle.
The master is expected that students compare sets by correspondence
animal by animal.
To carry out its educational applications, the teacher may:
The teacher asks students to launch the Ruler and select the first frame.
*Construct the scene on the XO;
With the rule that is on their screen, they must measure the lengths of small objects
*The students sent to the grid;
in front of them.
*Enable students to describe and comment on the scene;
Orally-ask the first question (identification of objects relative to a benchmark);
*Allow students time to answer them individually;
*Allow students time to share, to seek help;
*How the whole class;
*Repeat the same procedure for other questions.
====User Guide of the Scratch====
Click on the Scratch From Home view XO.
<image Home view>
Click on Choose a new pixie from a file, 4 costume categories
He asked them to select the second view and use the rapporteur at
(illustrations) appear (animals, fantasy, people, things).
screen for measuring angles formed by two rods, two pens.
<image Scratch home>
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Discover formulas perimeter and area, use these formulas to make calculations''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
Double-click on Things, objects appear;
''Knowledge'': The perimeter and area
<image folder selection popup>
Move the cursor over the selected object (such as the trampoline), click on it, and then validate
OK. The trampoline will appear on the scene.
Making the calculations of perimeter and area
<image Things>
Repeat for other objects.
Once on the scene, the objects can be placed according to the intentions of learning
using drag and drop (hold the left button (X) is pressed while
used the touchpad).
NB The activity Scratch is extremely rich and complex. It thus lends itself to a large
Students are invited to start the activity Ruler, click on the tab and select Ruler
variety of educational applications. For more information on Scratch and its
the third tool.
affordances programming subject visit the Web:
<image Ruler grid>
===Moon Activity===
On this grid, they must identify a square and discover the formula for the perimeter of this
====Activity Summary====
square by counting the number of subdivisions on each side. They will then identify
The task of the learner would be to observe the object that appears on the screen of the activity
Other squares in which they will calculate the perimeter using the formula found.
Moon of the XO. The learner has access to a wealth of information on the Moon, by
real time. Note that this activity can be used to better understand several concepts
related to the planet Earth. The learner can do activities on the image manipulation
in the XO as a metaphor for earth, and to make multiple uses. It may
use a grid with coordinates.
Through this activity, learners can learn and build an active
On this grid, they must also identify a rectangle and find the formula for the perimeter
understanding of several concepts such as "of the spherical Earth," the location
of this rectangle by counting the number of subdivisions on each side. They will then
from one point to the Earth's surface and the rotation of the Earth and its consequences
identify other rectangles which they will calculate the perimeter using the formula
daily (including the succession of day and night). The activity has a strong Moon
capacity suggestive action that teachers can use in the course of Enlightenment.
This metaphor of the Earth is extremely relevant and original and could be
The second phase is to identify on a square grid and calculate its area in
further substantiated in the educational applications outside of those we
counting the number of small squares that are inside the square. The child discovers
propose here. Among other things, it allows the learner to observe phenomena that he
Thus the formula for the area of the square. With this formula, students will identify other
often described in abstract and theoretical and thus the testing of a
squares and calculate their areas.
theoretical knowledge learned. It allows many other learning and
discoveries including scientific information about the behavior of the Moon. These
regularly updated information are clearly shown in the legend of
margin to the left of the metaphor.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student has access to real-time information on the Moon (phases, visibility
the surface, the next lunar eclipse, the next solar eclipse)
* The activity can also be used as course material in different ways
"Earth" because it can be used to learning about the concept of "spherical
of the earth. "
* Students can also use this medium to a teaching on the learning
"Locating a point on the surface of the Earth using the grid coordinates
* The student can change the face of the moon and then be led to understand the concept
rotation of the Moon and Earth.
Social Affordances:
They will take the same approach to discover the formula for the area of a rectangle
and use the same formula to calculate the areas identified other rectangles.
====User Guide of the Ruler====
You can access the Ruler by clicking on the icon of a rule in the run home.
<image Home view>
It could bring together learners each to his XO in case the neighborhood
Once in the activity, click on the Ruler to display the different tools
grid would be impossible as we have just seen. In this case,
measure available.
interactivity happen in the form of an exchange (driven by a possible
<image Ruler toolbar>
questionnaire) between learners using the XO as eBook.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
The integration of the Moon with the curriculum is perfect, and meshes well with the content
description and location point on the surface of the Earth as it appears in the
curricula Enlightenment for the 4th year of primary education and basic Gabon (the
disciplinary field 2: the study of mid-location of Gabon). This
activity can be adapted to other educational situations involving different levels of
primary and the needs and capacities of teachers, each according to the realities of
context of work.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''The earth, a planet round''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The spherical Earth
Changing the tools by clicking on the icons shown above.
It is possible for the teacher to print these tools by making a catch
Explaining his comments by the shape of the Earth.
screen by pressing the keys 1 Atl simultaneously. The screenshot will appear in
the Journal. It is therefore possible for the teacher to put it on a USB key, to
transfer the file to a computer linked to a printer and to print.
===Memorize Activity===
====Activity Summary====
The student must keep the knowledge. Remember The activity allows students to practice
mathematical operations by combining their results, and capital letters
tiny, and so on. This activity can be done individually or in groups, as a game
Using the representation of the moon in the activity, the teacher invites students to
The student can recognize the words he has never learned and can learn to write and
comments. The face is illuminated which is the side of the sun, the face is shaded
pronounce. So Remember that the activity may lead to their learning
that is not exposed to direct sunlight. By turning the world on this
meanings and how to use them. Students as teachers can create
successively the different faces of the earth to the sun: the succession of day and the
educational activities of their memory.
====Affordances of the activity====
* Develop visual and auditory memory. The student will have to find a addition, a letter or a musical instrument and sound that accompanies it and memory.
* Students can learn to read and write the new letters and the power made.
* Students can learn the meaning and use of new words.
* It can quickly add up mentally and operations.
* The student can play with other students.
* Students can learn the social knowledge (skills, know-how, become).
* Students can keep recording community knowledge and be able to apply.
* Students may remember, remember the social achievements.
* The student is able to methodically establish, by its repetition in memory learning.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Based on the questionnaire, learners observe the educational support
Memorization is highly integrated into the curriculum and particularly in
primary education which the young learner has not yet acquired the ability
development of synthesis. In the curricula of primary evaluation is
generally based on the ability to memorize, ie to store,
retain the knowledge acquired earlier. It is in this business to grow
recall, reminiscence of the acquis.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Memorize it is to recall or remember''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to 3rd grade of primary
Questions to guide the observation of the shape of the object:
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 99, addition without deferral of numbers from 0 to 99
What is the shape of this item?
Write, read, decompose, recompose, compare the numbers from 0 to 99.
Inventing statements of problems involving additive free report.
What does this object mean to you?
What can you conclude about the shape of the planet Earth?
# Reading and Writing numbers in words, eg read the number 20 written in letters a leaf.
# Invention and analysis by students in problem situations involving additions without report.
The teacher then asked students to make a co-production written in phrases
The teacher will go to the Save by clicking the icon is represented by
simple by using the Write XO (say what is the shape of the Earth).
a grid square of three horizontal and three vertical squares. Once the activity is
offered, the teacher will ask students to click on a square to keep the figure
appears, read it aloud and write it.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''The movements of the Earth and Moon''====
====''Memorize to keep it or keep''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Level (s)'': 4th and 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The movement of rotation of the Earth and its consequences.
''Knowledge'': The numbers from 0 to 99, the report added without numbers
Define the movement and present its main consequence.
Quickly calculate the sums of the numbers from 0 to 99
Activity of the learner
The teacher will ask students to click on a square in the upper part of the
* Free observation of the object of the Moon XO.
grid and asked to memorize the sum that appears, then the students will click
* XO-handling: pointer on the icon Change hemisphere and click
the bottom of the grid to find the result of the addition. The student scores a point
left (X)
when it comes to match the addition and its outcome.
====Guide to use the Save====
Remember this activity is found in the Home view. To access, click
Remember the icon with the left button (X) of the touchpad.
<image Home view>
Questions to guide the observation:
After clicking on this icon, the grid appears, you can click a square in
the upper part of the grid and store the sum, then click on a square in the
part of the bottom of the grid to find the result of the problem proposed in the square from the top
that has been previously selected.
How does the earth every time we click on the button
<image Memorize view>
What changes the aspect of the world whenever it is rotated? (The
When the result does not correspond to the addition, the sum and the result disappear.
displacement of the shadow accompanies the rotational movement of the Earth)
While when we have a good answer to the sum and the result are displayed
the screen that mark the points in the student's name.
What you see on the gray area and the clear zone whenever the Earth
<image Memorize view2>
What does each of you for clear and shaded areas? (The day and night).
You can change the figures or data literate sound by pressing
====Pedagogical application 3====
Service Charge on parties demonstrations placed above the grid. There is
====''How to locate?''====
possibility of widening the scope of the grid by clicking on the box dimensions 4 X 4.
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
''Knowledge'': Geographic coordinates, latitude, longitude and the cardinal points.
<image grid size selector>
Indeed, the Create tab leaves an opportunity for teachers and students to create as many games
Locate a point and give guidance to help coordinate
possible. While respecting the principle of combining two elements, the games can
geographical areas of latitude and longitude points (N-S-E-O).
take several forms (involving a word and its opposite, set of words Genre
different words in language and in french, etc..)
<image Activity editing>
Activity of the learner:
To save the parties created, click the Save icon third party.
They will be recorded in the Journal and will be accessible through the bar
top by clicking the second icon on the Charger.
Using the grid in the Class Moon makes an observation tour of the
===Distance Activity===
grid questions.
====Activity Summary====
This activity is used to compute the distance between two computers.
What information appearing on the top and bottom of the globe and which names
Students can measure distances to evaluate intervals between two points in
t give it to these points?
school with the little green XO computer. Students organized in dyads should be placed
so that the sound emitted simultaneously by each of the computers can be levied
by the other so that the measured distance can be assessed.
How many types of lines you see on the globe and what each of them?
With a combination of activities, it is possible that the students use
simultaneously and the Draw Distance.
====Affordances of the activity====
* Students can measure the length to go to get from one point to another.
* Students can measure the perimeter of the classroom.
* Students can measure the distance to make a course in Education physical and sports (EPS) for example.
* Students may draw together and assess the distance between two drawings.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
With the help of document grid, tell what the following terms:
According to the curriculum of the fourth grade, the distance may be
Central to the main concepts of teaching / learning
characteristics to this grade level. The measured distances can then be
used to calculate an area where a surface for example. The concepts
distance measures have their place in mathematics, in the section of the
Move longitude?
Before the fourth year in Éveil 2nd year, and Draw Distance can be
combined and become central when spatio-temporal structure.
====Application pédagogique 1====
''Level of study'': 4th year
Move in latitude?
''Knowledge'': The perimeter and the half-perimeter of the rectangle
Activity final synthesis: Design of collaborative writing based on the
different responses during the exchange or sharing. These students
Measure or calculate problems in situations on the perimeter and demipérimètre Rectangle
say what used to locate a point in space as well as for travel.
====User Guide of the Moon====
Go on-screen list of the activities of XO to the Home view, locate the Moon
represented by an icon of the moon. Point the cursor on this icon gently rolling
the finger on the touch pad corresponding to the rectangle of the environment. Launch activity
clicking with the left button (X), the tab Start to start the Moon.
<image Home view>
A representation of the Moon will appear as well as several real-time information.
<image Moon>
By clicking on the View tab, two icons appear, one sign of a grid and
Reading and analysis of statements of problems involving the calculation of perimeter and
the other that of a globe with an arrow. To change the order, ie of affordance, it
half-perimeter of rectangular figures. (Eg the internal perimeter of the classroom to
Simply click on one of the icons.
using the XO).
<image View tab>
The grid view shows the parallels and meridians (benchmarks map)
Statement: Identify the lengths and widths of the class, and measure distances by means
necessary to locate a point on the surface of the Earth.
of XO.
<image Moon with grid>
To rotate the globe (rotation), simply click on the icon of the Moon Change
The teacher can arrange the class into dyads.
Hemisphere view, above view, as many times as you want to rotate the globe.
Two different dyads, each with an XO computer, identifies a length and a
<image Moon southern hemisphere view>
width of the classroom, and carries through the measure of the distance. Each
side of the class is measured using the XO.
To leave one of the two views (the grid or rotating globe), click on the icon and
Both XO network engaged in the give a distance measure similar to a rule
successive elements appear then disappear.
calibrated accurately.
===Activity Implode===
====Activity Summary====
'''Implode''' activity is a game of logic supports the community of learners in
which brings the child to destroy a structure of blocks by grouping them by color
and making them explode or disappear from the screen.
With this activity the teacher will nurture the spirit of logic of students in situations
Students could then use these measurements to calculate the perimeter of the classroom.
problems. Students will not use color pencils but recognize
colors easily.
Affordances of the activity
* The student can move the blocks to match the colors according to the
* The student can control the level of play, the recovery after a failure or a first
new configuration.
* The Game tab provides more information on the game and its level: New, Undo,
Redo, Easy, Medium and Difficult.
* The activity can be done individually, in dyads or triads and share with
the neighborhood. Students can share the activity. They will train for
become resource persons (those who are doing very well in the game), for
help others in difficulty depending on the level of play Students
and develop the spirit of the community instead of the competitive spirit in vogue
in attitude of Gabonese student.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Implode activity can be placed at level 5, because it is an easy to integrate
in the mathematics curriculum the first year to train and represent
sets according to various criteria: nature, shapes and colors and build collections
Objects from 1 to 3 elements.
====Application pédagogique 1====
Blend colors and introduction to the operations of addition and subtraction in
first year with the easy level.
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
Collaboration in dyads:
After displaying the remote computer screens, students share
Train sets by color
viewing results and agree to the distance restraint.
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': 3rd grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Metric, straight line
Measure and compare several segments of existing right
the environment in the home, in the classroom, in the schoolyard.
The teacher may ask students to identify different colors on the screen by
Statement: Identify the distance measure, determine using the XO as provided by
example green, yellow, red, blue and orange. Then it will ask students to
the protocol to use. Compare distances obtained on the computer screen and
click on a set from three small squares of the same color. Students
record the distances obtained in the Journal by naming them.
seen the disappearance of the tiles after clicking on the whole. The teacher
Ask students what happened. Students will notice that the group
tile was removed from the screen. Thus, the teacher may illustrate the operations
of addition and subtraction through this activity. For example, 1 and 2 is red
join is add or add. A set of red disappears from
the screen is removed, delete or remove.
====Application pédagogique 2====
''Level (s)'': From 2nd to 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
For example: the door of the class A, at the door of Class B: 10.11 meters.
Cultivating a taste for effort among students with medium and difficult levels.
Measurements in the schoolyard can be plotted on the plan
the school by pupils.
Indeed, at each level of play, the student can be led to it. The fun
Collaboration in dyads:
of the activity will encourage it to start again until he wins. If the teacher
asks students to consider the activity as a problem to solve, depending on the level
Dyads distances are displayed on the screens of XO and agree to the
of the learner and the game, they can say, for example, to subtract only the color
actual distance.
orange. The student who succeeds in doing so solved the problem. Otherwise, it
repeat the activity to obtain the desired result. The teacher can
transpose the effort during the game to solve problems in mathematics
for example.
NB: This application is not included in the curriculum. However, it has
NB: Through this activity, teachers can help students develop skills to
educational benefits that teachers and students could take into account
measure distances with the XO.
all fields (and french enlightenment) to resolve the problems.
====Pedagogical application 3====
====User Guide for the Implode====
''Level of study'': 2nd year of primary
To access the Implode activity in the XO, after opening, with a view Welcome,
place the cursor on the icon represented by small green squares.
<image Home view>
Three options appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and Delete. Click Start
''Knowledge": spatio-temporal structure: in front, behind, before, ... next to, far, near, around.
by pressing the left button (represented by X) of the touch pad to enter
activity. To go faster, click on the icon to enter the business.
<image Game>
Click on the tab for the main Game commands The star of the game is to start
a new game, the two triangles pointing left can
Draw and / or identify an object in relation to another, or a student.
again at the very beginning, the arrow pointing left to return
a stroke back, while the arrow pointing to the right restored the coup canceled. The
three gates shown in this menu allow you to change the level of play from left to
right, the levels are easier to more difficult.
<image Game toolbar>
To play, click groups of three or more blocks of the same color. In
positioning your cursor on them, they will highlight.
===Activity Mini-Tam Tam===
====Activity Summary====
The student can make or play music in a fun way. It is a simple starting point
for the child to learn through exploration of the key songs, some sounds
musical instruments, the cries of certain animals and the noise that some objects
when they fall or bump against another object. The learner can become familiar
with the role of percussion, the beats per measure, the complexity of the beat, the
tempo and volume.
This activity allows the child to differentiate or to standardize the sounds in order to
Simulation of role play where one student gives orders to another student using the
build a musical sequence.
terms: before, after, on ... near, far, after, for example around
====Affordances of the activity====
====User Guide of the Distance====
* The student can identify the sounds
As a first step, it will ensure that the XO is connected to the same network
* The student can distinguish the sounds of musical instruments,
meshed. To do this, see pages 8 and 9 of the Guide to the initiation and XO
Animals, humans and objects (doors, trash ...)
Sugar environment V.8.2. In the Home view, begin the activity by clicking
* The student can control the tempo
the icon representing a dolphin.
* It may increase or decrease the speed of the tempo
* Students can measure the beat sounds and the possibility of the complex.
* It can combine sounds to get the rhythms he wants
* Students can recognize and imitate the sounds of the living environment
* The student may, with this activity, communicate or announce to the sound of a tam-tam
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
Indeed, '''TamTam
Mini''' is not fully integrated into the primary school curriculum, but
it remains a formal instrument used by all learners. Therefore, it is not
only as an instrument of music, but also as a means of
communication. It becomes an educational activity to enable the student
to establish itself sounds and share them with other students in her community or
by the way.
====Application pédagogique 1====
Mini or the art of playing music''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to the 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The instruments of music, the beat, tempo and percussion
<image Home view>
In the box Share with: select my neighborhood. Follow one of
Combine different musical instruments
sharing procedures described on pages 16 and 17 of Getting Started in XO and
Sugar environment V.8.2. The two connected XO activity can begin. Click
Start far away.
<image Distance screen>
The teacher invites students to explore sounds and instruments available in the grid
It is therefore the position of XO computers one side to another. Computers emit
right of the activity. They can combine the sounds of some instruments to a rhythm
in turn a sound wave that can measure the distance between the two
chant. Students are then asked to explore the concepts surrounding the percussion and
screens. This will be displayed on the screen. Ideally, the XO should be placed on the
pace. The controls to the left of the screen can be used for teacher
ground without any obstacles obstructing the sound emitted by the devices. Note that
demonstrate the concept of beat per measure of complexity of the beats and tempo.
weather can also influence the measure. Therefore
====Application pédagogique 2====
Atmosphere tab allows the student to enter the variables of temperature and humidity
on so that the measures are as accurate as possible.
Mini and wakefulness''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to 3rd grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The Man, animals, objects, sounds
<image Atmosphere toolbar>
===Activity Measure===
Distinguish the different sounds, objects and animals
====Activity Summary====
Measuring this activity helps students explore the physical world, it allows us to see
different variations of a sound (frequency, amplitude, etc..) using the microphone
XO. The student can have a visual representation of a wave as well as learn
As part of an activity of exploration and enlightenment, the teacher may ask students
concepts related: the frequency, amplitude, time, etc.. This activity can be
to discover the sounds produced by animals and instruments. Thus, students
used during the course of primary education, and since the first year.
distinguish the cries of animals, the sounds of musical instruments.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student can view a graphical representation of the wave produced by sound.
The teacher can go through questions:
* Students can record over a period of time that the wave generated.
* Students may be required to differentiate the sound of a tone.
What cry shall deliver the cow or sheep?
* It can classify the sounds according to their kind.
* Students can measure the amplitude of a sound.
What sounds can we give the strings of a guitar?
* Students can measure the frequency of a wave.
====User Guide of the Tam-Tam Mini====
* The student can compare the sound with his classmates.
This activity TamTam
The activity measurement also presents a number of affordances such as measuring the
Mini is the prospect Home. To access, click on
voltage of a current or observe these currents on the screen as you would with a
on the icon TamTam
oscilloscope, which can be developed as required curriculum. A list of
Mini (represented by an icon with two drum sticks) with
possibilities and specifications for construction of the different probes are available at
the left button (X) of the touchpad.
Next: # Projects_and_Activities_Index. Only
<image Home view>
this resource is available in English and requires skills in
of electricity. For the use of probes and tools (thermometer,
pH indicator, indicator of the turbidity of a liquid indicator of the conductivity of a
liquid, etc..) software were designed specifically for the XO. For more
information, visit the Vernier to the following address:
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 3/5>
After clicking on this icon, the most musical instruments appear
This activity in terms of curricula for the 4th year of primary education can be regarded as
in and out of a grid with pictures (of humans, animals and other
device. At the central level, it could be placed at level 3. Because if it does
objects used in the living environment).
is really not the primary curriculum, it enables students to explore
<image gallery of sound instruments>
domains other than those prescribed and develop curiosity and promote its
spirit of discovery.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Exploration and comparison of sounds''====
''Level (s)'': 4th to 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The CW
''Savoirfaire'': Explore the sounds in their physical dimension.
The choice of instruments is possible. To access, click on the
left button (X) to activate the sound or instrument that we want to play. For
play different sounds (the letters J and H, for example), you have to press the keys
keyboard. It is possible to start a rate increase or decrease the speed of the tempo,
why you should click on the Play button (represented by a green triangle) and move
up or down four controls (beats per minute, complexity
beat, Tempo and Volume). This activity leaves the possibility for the teacher to use
the sounds or create new sounds. Thus, the sharing or exchange of our
creations with our friends as possible is our ability to play the
music between friends.
===Activity Tam Tam Jam===
====Activity Summary====
This activity enables students to assemble the pieces of music and sounds. It can
several sequences with different rhythms and sounds, like a concert.
With this activity the instruments will not be mandatory, because the XO has a
Through the feature that allows you to record sound, the teacher and students
bank of instruments and sounds. The teacher could diversify the teachings on
could save a number of sounds to form a kind of
musical instruments.
sound database.
====Affordances of the activity====
* It can use several instruments and rhythms at once.
* The student can control the tempo.
* The student can control the volume and order of passage.
* It can also compose and record his own music.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
This course meets the curriculum of basic education, such as the
4th grade curriculum in Éveil (arts education and sports) to create and implement
decorative arts with a desire to produce a rhythm by using a tool
music and the 5th years namely to make complex projects in activities
art (drawing, singing, handwork, music). It is therefore easy to integrate with
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Recognition of different musical instruments and their categories''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Instruments, percussion, wind instruments, stringed instruments.
Once the database set up (the sounds come from both
the everyday environment, as everywhere else) students proceed to
comparisons to determine which sounds are the highest, lowest, most
acute, the most serious differentiate waves and sound, see the frequency and
amplitude, etc..
====User Guide for the Measurement====
To start this activity, click the Measure icon is in the perspective
Home XO (it is represented by a screen where we see a curve).
<image Home view>
Create and implement a concern with objects of art, to produce a rate
using a musical instrument Regouper instruments by category within
an orchestra.
Once in the business, we have a number of features, so we can
amplitude control (visual) by extending or shortening.
Students may create groups of harmonious sounds from the range that
<image >
is presented. The teacher may ask students to choose a musical instrument,
a sound, cry or prerecorded voice in the directory tab that appears at the bottom
of the screen. Then the teacher asked to choose a rhythm in the tab Loops of
associate it with sounds and instruments selected above and click to hear
composition made. Through this variety the student has the opportunity to perform, create
to record and listen to his music by clicking on the numbers and signs
chosen to identify the instruments and sounds selected. At this point, students will be
aware of his spirit of creativity in curricula sought in Enlightenment.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Mobilization capacity in the creation''====
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
''Knowledge'': The singing, composition
The microphone can record sounds is de facto running as soon as we began
on the Measure. There is an icon that lets you start recording
sound (at the top of the screen on the far right) and another that allows you to control when
recording (it can be done immediately or can be programmed in a
time interval determined). Sound option allows you to see sounds, but
also be recorded, while the option Sensors can measure the voltage of a
current, but also see it on the screen. Like all activities,
to share his business, click on the Activity tab, and then click Share with: My
neighborhood, and follow the procedure for sharing on pages 15 to 17 of Getting Started in XO and
the environment Sugar V.8.2.
===Activity Scratch===
Carry out complex projects in artistic activities. Ability to
====Activity Summary====
coordinate and harmonize the instruments, sounds and singing.
Scratch The activity allows students to make the programming object, ie of
make programs and games with ease. Also, in this
rich graphical environment, students can locate in space, identifying and
placing objects in relation to a landmark. It can also compare packages through
their cardinal (number of elements). These activities are for students of all
levels depending on the complexity of the task at hand.
According to the teacher, students can combine sounds to offices
With a combination of activities, it is possible that the students use
different and achieve the creation of a virtual orchestra. The teacher will ask the
simultaneously the Draw Distance and Scratch.
students to form a choir and with the XO, to compose music that can
====Affordances of the activity====
accompany. Students who succeed in producing a smooth and rhythmic music
* The student can make the programming object.
demonstrate their capacity for coordination and harmonization or engineering
* Students can create simple programs and designing video games.
into sound. Instead of the traditional method of vocalization, the possibility is
* Students can program the movement of characters within a graphical environment.
offered to students to use instruments and sounds like a DJ on a track.
* Students can design avatars (characters or objects)
====User guide of the Tam-Tam Jam====
* The student can position the objects within an environment.
To access the TamTam
* The student may also place or draw, placing an object near or far from and appreciate the distance between two drawings.
Jam in the XO, after opening, with a view
* The student can identify objects placed on or under a given benchmark.
Home, place the cursor on the icon represented by a drum associated with a
* Students may place an object on or under a given benchmark.
trumpet and a guitar. Three options appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and
* Students may place an object above or below a given benchmark.
Remove. Click on start pressing the left mouse button (represented by X)
* The student can identify the internal and / or outside of an object or a space.
touch pad to enter the business. Or to go faster, click directly
* Students may place an object within and / or outside of another.
on the icon to return to the activity.
* Students can compare sets by matching term by term (without count) to highlight the concepts provided that, unless more than.
<image Home view>
* Students can compare their answers with those of its peers.
This activity has several tabs. The tab includes options Jam Control
* The student may be assisted by his peers or by the teacher.
Volume and Tempo. The 3rd tab Playback will stop the loop, to mute
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
and a display (metronome) and a control beat. The Desktop tab is
<image 5/5>
as a memory card that holds all the compositions made in different
environments of the composition. The Save tab allows you to record
Scratch The activity helps students to achieve the know-how relating to
new sounds using the microphone.
affordances above, has a very high degree of centrality. By
<image toolbar>
Therefore, its use can be recommended in the implementation of curricula
At the bottom of the screen there are drum kits (set of batteries and tam-tam), Loops (bank
primary. Indeed, in the 3rd year Awakening, Draw Distance and Scracth may be
musical sequences), All (all types of sounds), Concrete (sound among objects
combined and become central when spatio-temporal structure.
excerpts from the environment), Animals (animal cries), Keyboard (keyboards), My
sounds (my sons), People (the prerecorded voice of a child), Strings (instruments
The interest for the teacher to work on the XO is justified by several
strings), Winds (wind instruments) and percussion.
reasons. Scratch scenes are closer to the reality that the designs of the book because
<image Drum kits>
the mobility of objects in them. In the manual first year of primary education, on
To form the orchestra, the student need only drag and drop to assemble instruments,
asks the children to draw objects over, under, above, below, beside, etc..
sounds and musical sequences (loops). Click the right button (M) under
This can be problematic for those who can not draw. Scratch on avoiding this
the touchpad to access new options (control of reverberation, edition of
difficulty because they have to move objects that already exist, in case of error, the student has
the sequence of the beat to control the instrument, designated keyboard button to
nothing to erase, it is sufficient to correct by moving the object.
activate the instrument, etc.)..
====Application pédagogique 1====
<image Loops><image Loops panel>
====''Lie within the space''====
The activity can be shared with neighbors and to dyads or triads. Students
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
to discuss their different compositions, make suggestions,
innovations from the draft class (for example, be a melody for
''Knowledge'': The terms: over, under, above, below.
Christmas or New Year). The ability to interact is developed and even Central
in this activity. It develops the spirit of cooperation and creativity.
===Activity Tam-Tam Edit===  
====Activity Summary====  
The student can compose or play music alone or with other learners
using sound effects, instruments or sounds. The XO is of
promote the skills, ie to develop the ability to select a
instrument sounds to choose and make melodies.  
The educational benefits from the operation of the activity Tamtam
Edit for teachers
Locate in space by ID or by placing an object on or under, above
are that it has all the possible instruments: piano, clarinet, banjo,
or below a given benchmark. Solve problems involving significant
xylophone, etc.. more different sounds and different possibilities of adjustment,
involves the spatial structure.
coordination, symbiosis and thus creating unlimited it can share with the whole
group class.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The learner is able to compose a melody using a variety instruments such as guitar, piano, flute, xylophone, clarinet ...
* The learner is able to improve his compositions, incorporating other sounds of children, cries of animals (chickens, horses, frogs ...).
* You can compose music and record instantly.
* Can select for its creation or mimic the sounds generated by the XO.
* It can save not only his keyboard, but also bring its music to ogg ie ready for export.
* It can select the tools to mark the difference in notes music and frequency sounds (using the paint tool).
* The computer offers green design tools for the preparation of notes music.
* The learner can modify the volume of the tempo at will.
* The XO offers modern music that the student can recognize or discover while having tones. It also includes animals and their cries respectifs.  
* Students can share all its activities both with the teacher with his neighborhood is composed of peers connected to the grid.
* You may submit work to the teacher.
* It may also involve his peers in his compositions, the latter can make their changes, their additions, etc..
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
In referring to the curriculum of 4th and 5th years and the 1st year's event
Edit fits under Enlightenment.
In 4th and 5th years eg
* First-level 4 at the 22nd week, students will perform a song.
* Then at level 5, the 29th week the knowledge of learners are built around
* Two types of instruments are used: the percussion instruments (tamtam, drum)
and wind instruments (flute, trumpet, harmonica ...).
* At the end of learning, students will be able to use a percussion instrument
or wind.
As a justification to integrate the curriculum, we can
The teacher provides students with a scene in which there is a trampoline, a cat and a
explain that the activity TamTam
balloon. The ball is placed on the trampoline and there is a cat under the trampoline. In addition to
Edit the learner can compose music that
find a girl whose arms are raised and legs apart completely
accompany a song. The learner can also create his own music with
the horizontal below it is a balloon.
instruments required by the curriculum, but it can enrich many other
opportunities available to him including the XO to add sounds like the cries
Students are required to identify the position of the ball and the cat in relation to
animals (bird, dog, etc..) or human voices. It may also share
trampoline. They are also asked to identify the position of the ball compared to the young
composition of music with others.  
daughter. The teacher expects the students to be able to answer that:
====Application pédagogique 1 ====
*The ball is on the trampoline;
====''Compose a melody''====  
*The ball is above the trampoline;
Level (s): 4th grade of primary
*The cat is under the trampoline;
*The ball is below the girl;
Knowledge: The traditional songs and / or modern
The teacher provides a second stage in which there is the young girl and a ball.
The student must place the ball over, under, above, below the girl.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Inside or outside''====
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The terms: inside, outside.
Run a traditional song and / or modern.  
Locate an object inside or outside a package. Resolve
significant problems involving spatial structure.
Students will create their own melody to the presentation of a ballet. As
illustration, the First Symphony dyad Brigitte / Solange.
The student selects the section Dial, then it makes the choice of instruments
The teacher provides a scene where a fruit basket and some of which are
music (frog, dog, rooster, balafon), then the sheet of paper, he shall record the  
located in the shopping basket and others outside of the basket. The student must identify those
sequences of musical notes to get the music you want.  
within and those who are outside.
Similarly, students in Grade 1 may be required to perform the anthem Group
National (the Concorde).  
It asks students to move two objects from the interior to the exterior of the basket.
====Application pédagogique 2====  
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''Composition of a musical repertoire''====  
Level (s): 4th grade of primary  
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
''Knowledge'': The terms provided that, unless and more than.
Knowledge: Awareness of the value of traditional local songs and / or modern.
Compare sets of objects. Solve problems involving significant
involve the comparison of ensembles.
Enhance the original music (example: Elon, Ikokou, etc).
Perform traditional songs and modern within a moderate band at the
cultural day of school at the end of the year.
Placed in groups of five, students will select musical instruments of XO,
The teacher provides a scene where there are four circles representing four forest
recognize those who are part of traditional culture (it should be noted that Gabon
within which there are animals.
includes fifty ethnic groups), call or mimic melodies so that all
together constitute a musical repertoire for the festival season.  
Students should compare the forest and say what is that all animals that
====User Guide of the Tam-Tam Edit====
another one with the fewer animals than the others, that more animals than the
On the home page, place the cursor on the icon TamTam
Edit, a window opens,
click on the Run option, a page is opened.
The master is expected that students compare sets by correspondence
It presents the extreme left, a panoply of instruments (guitar, piano, tam-tam, etc.)..
animal by animal.
To change the instrument, click on their image. Click on the symbol of addition (+)
to add a new instrument to the list.  
To carry out its educational applications, the teacher may:
The bar tab of activity we offer three choices: Student Activities, Composer and Generate
*Construct the scene on the XO;
The Components tab displays a bar with three compartments.
*The students sent to the grid;
Left: a button Play / Pause, Stop another then a third keyboard Save
*Enable students to describe and comment on the scene;
and a final ogg to record sound to ogg format
Orally-ask the first question (identification of objects relative to a benchmark);
subsequently converted to MP3 or CD.  
*Allow students time to answer them individually;
In the center there is a selection tool to move the clips, a pencil and a brush,
*Allow students time to share, to seek help;
which allows us to edit the clips of the instruments.
*How the whole class;
At right, a Copy button that makes a copy of the sequence. Finally a button
*Repeat the same procedure for other questions.
Volume / Tempo that leave our slider to access the controls.
====User Guide of the Scratch====
To compose a melody, click on the Compose tab, then select the  
Click on the Scratch From Home view XO.
instruments required.
Then click on the pencil to draw lines in front of the chosen instrument and
<image Home view>
points at the bottom of the page (which will be the sequence to play the instrument).
At the bottom of the screen lists the different sequences that make up your song.
Click on Choose a new pixie from a file, 4 costume categories
The composition can be heard by clicking the Play button. To mark a stop
(illustrations) appear (animals, fantasy, people, things).
to make an improvement, click the Pause button and insert arrangements
<image Scratch home>
We can improve the composition by adding the sounds of animals, the cries of birds or
of children.
Double-click on Things, objects appear;
For the computer generates a sound or a sequence according to your settings, first click
on the Generation tab.  
<image folder selection popup>
The top bar to change option buttons Play / Pause and Stop are still,
then added three more: generating a sound, then Property Generation. Leaving the
Move the cursor over the selected object (such as the trampoline), click on it, and then validate
cursor on the icon property, the latter lets you select the level of individual
OK. The trampoline will appear on the scene.
elements (a division of the grid, page color, transposition, pan, volume, etc.).  
Then, click, a window opens, it sets the pace,
<image Things>
height, duration, scale and pattern of the melody generated.
Finally, it is possible to save your publication in the Journal of the XO
Repeat for other objects.
retain for future use (use the Store procedure described on page
Once on the scene, the objects can be placed according to the intentions of learning
15 of Getting Started in XO and the Sugar environment V.8.2), or the record format
using drag and drop (hold the left button (X) is pressed while
ogg to export.  
used the touchpad).
Ultimately, this chapter has attempted a description of the capabilities of XO in primary school
NB The activity Scratch is extremely rich and complex. It thus lends itself to a large
Gabon. Far from being exhaustive, we accept that many activities can be exploited
variety of educational applications. For more information on Scratch and its
with the XO in school from primary school so unique. Similarly, it is
affordances programming subject visit the Web:
possible to combine activities in the context of educational applications.
Adapting to Gabon password, among other things, integration of XO in
conformity with the curricula. To go further, we can still consider a
===Moon Activity===
Operating XO: pedagogy of the project.
====Activity Summary====
==Chapter 3 ==
The task of the learner would be to observe the object that appears on the screen of the activity
Moon of the XO. The learner has access to a wealth of information on the Moon, by
This chapter suggests, by way of example, four projects that could be achieved by
real time. Note that this activity can be used to better understand several concepts
combining certain activities (or affordances) of the XO. These are projects on
related to the planet Earth. The learner can do activities on the image manipulation
deforestation, disease, cultural heritage and national languages. As you
in the XO as a metaphor for earth, and to make multiple uses. It may
see, these projects cover various fields of study. Each project is presented
use a grid with coordinates.
according to a style, because it seemed more important to reflect a certain
variety of possible actions to unify the presentation of projects. However, each
Through this activity, learners can learn and build an active
proposed project follows the methodology suggested by Gregory and Laferrière
understanding of several concepts such as "of the spherical Earth," the location
from one point to the Earth's surface and the rotation of the Earth and its consequences
===Project 1: The Herbarium at school ===
daily (including the succession of day and night). The activity has a strong Moon
School project: "The herbarium at school. "
capacity suggestive action that teachers can use in the course of Enlightenment.
This metaphor of the Earth is extremely relevant and original and could be
This project was designed to be completed in the fourth and / or fifth grade
further substantiated in the educational applications outside of those we
primary education system in Gabon.
propose here. Among other things, it allows the learner to observe phenomena that he
often described in abstract and theoretical and thus the testing of a
Discussion of the feasibility of this project with two teachers, and Valentine Béranger, of  
theoretical knowledge learned. It allows many other learning and
Elementary School Application of the École Normale Supérieure. Both teachers
discoveries including scientific information about the behavior of the Moon. These
found it very exciting and very timely especially as Valentine had already piloted a  
regularly updated information are clearly shown in the legend of
agriculture project with a third class of primary school. The "to the herbarium
margin to the left of the metaphor.
school "seemed feasible.  
====Affordances of the activity====
====1 / CHOOSE THE THEME: ====
* The student has access to real-time information on the Moon (phases, visibility the surface, the next lunar eclipse, the next solar eclipse)
The choice of the theme is left to the discretion of the teacher or the teacher, through
* The activity can also be used as course material in different ways "Earth" because it can be used to learning about the concept of "spherical of the earth. "
a discussion with the target class, the great movement of logging in the city of
* Students can also use this medium to a teaching on the learning "Locating a point on the surface of the Earth using the grid coordinates geography.
* The student can change the face of the moon and then be led to understand the concept rotation of the Moon and Earth.
=====Learning Objectives: =====
* Identify, photograph, name and recognition of certain plants in the environment
closest to the student, here it is the courtyard of the school.
* Identify some uses of plants.  
* Define the term "deforestation".  
* Identify some of the consequences of deforestation.  
* Raise awareness of the importance of plants in the environment of the student.  
* Planting trees in the school.
* Develop a herbarium of 10 pages.
Skills and attitudes developed by students through the project:
* Recognize, name awareness, planting trees, using the XO.  
Students will have access to resources in the library of the XO. They consult
appropriate documents on the Internet, as well as software using the XO.  
Obtaining the teacher of a student to leave school
Social Affordances:
able to go to the National Herbarium in Libreville, and the herbarium of the University of
The student must take ownership of the project, and the teacher play a role
facilitator or resource person in the organization and execution of the project.
The teacher organizes the class into triads. Each triad is working on a plant. She
It could bring together learners each to his XO in case the neighborhood
photography plant using the XO, names using the information collected in the
grid would be impossible as we have just seen. In this case,
Bookstore XO, or exit at the National Herbarium and identifies some of the utilities
interactivity happen in the form of an exchange (driven by a possible
plant. It makes this plant for a page and a page traditional electronic
questionnaire) between learners using the XO as eBook.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
Triads interchangent regularly each triad results and this in turn
The integration of the Moon with the curriculum is perfect, and meshes well with the content
role its results to the class.  
description and location point on the surface of the Earth as it appears in the
curricula Enlightenment for the 4th year of primary education and basic Gabon (the
The project may take the entire school year, one hour per week
disciplinary field 2: the study of mid-location of Gabon). This
during the course of awakening. (It may take less time, about 6 months, if the teacher or
activity can be adapted to other educational situations involving different levels of
the teacher decides to put the project to the time allotted to manual labor, 30
primary and the needs and capacities of teachers, each according to the realities of
minutes per day in the Gabonese education system).
context of work.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''The earth, a planet round''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
The teacher ensures that students respect the time and the interactions
''Knowledge'': The spherical Earth
students help build a community of learners.
The teacher encourages frequent communication between learners,
''Savoirfaire'': Explaining his comments by the shape of the Earth.
encourages, stimulates, corrects shooting, helping students to make regular updates on
the development of their work.
Progressive development within each triad, a thought of a living environment
for humans, the presence of plants, and its responsibility for its balance.  
Progressive development, by any group class of a herbarium of plants from electronic
School classified through the bookstore or log XO.
Progressive development, by any group class, a traditional plant, consisting of 10
Using the representation of the moon in the activity, the teacher invites students to
pages. Each page representing a plant by its leaves and / or dried flower, with its
comments. The face is illuminated which is the side of the sun, the face is shaded
common name and scientific name, and some utilities to be its specificity.  
that is not exposed to direct sunlight. By turning the world on this
successively the different faces of the earth to the sun: the succession of day and the
Progressive development of a botanical garden, students will plant trees or
Based on the questionnaire, learners observe the educational support
few plants in the schoolyard.
Presentation to the whole class of tasks of each triad, questions and
comments to enrich and enhance the collective production of the class.
The teacher spoke in front of the class to say what is positive
Questions to guide the observation of the shape of the object:
compared to the project and improve deficiencies while encouraging and challenging.
====6 / BACK ON THE PROJECT:====
Once completed, the project should be allowed to teach the class group that
Plants are essential to the human environment, as they provide oxygen,
of food, shade etc ... Man must protect the plant from its environment
and maintain such replanting.
Development of a botanical garden, the primary school level. Students will plant
some trees in the courtyard.
Exhibition of project results with other classes of the school and education
What is the shape of this item?
other classes in respect of the environment including plants.
Sharing the results of the project with other schools in the city, rural or other
What does this object mean to you?
countries through the Internet XO.
===Project 2: Fight against unhealthy ===
The project will be implemented in three phases: design-implementation-evaluation.
====Design ====
Note that to start the project includes all primary students, regardless of
level. The difference will be simply at the level of involvement that can be
associated with age, but the level of students.
The project may take place in three months from the school, which takes place in Gabon by
What can you conclude about the shape of the planet Earth?
me in October, ie in the first quarter. This schedule will have the advantage of seeing
actions that can be achieved in the short medium and long term success.
The success of the project therefore involves the consideration of certain prior
The teacher then asked students to make a co-production written in phrases
the teacher. In practice this means the teacher of
simple by using the Write XO (say what is the shape of the Earth).
around the question to identify a problem, so students should know
====Application pédagogique 2====
what it is, identify information sources and the problem, then bring their
====''The movements of the Earth and Moon''====
reflections and proposals on possible solutions to this problem.
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
In the case of the fight against unhealthy in Libreville, which is our example, we
can make the following suggestions.  
''Knowledge'': The movement of rotation of the Earth and its consequences.
Define in simple terms and concepts appropriate to the statement taking into account the  
level of language study and students. Cleanliness, hygiene dirt would be in this
Define the movement and present its main consequence.
optical concepts appropriate at all levels of primary education, ie the
first to fourth year.  
With the class, and from these definitions, a general view of the situation of the city
Libreville identifying all sales areas without distinction. This concerns
school in the neighborhood streets, etc..
To acquaint students with the origins and causes of this situation.  
Activity of the learner
* Free observation of the object of the Moon XO.
* XO-handling: pointer on the icon Change hemisphere and click left (X)
Awareness about the dangers of such a situation by referring to disease or even
Questions to guide the observation:
In practice this amounts to the unhealthy relationship between the city and work
How does the earth every time we click on the button
school. This will be to introduce students to the direct consequences of unhealthy
academic performance. For example, show children that mosquitoes
transmit malaria to humans, live not only in the high high
grass around our schools and our homes, but also in wastewater ponds,
gutters not priests populous neighborhoods of the capital of Gabon.
The project will then aim to make children aware of their rights and
What changes the aspect of the world whenever it is rotated? (The
obligations to overcome this phenomenon. In this case, we will discuss ways
displacement of the shadow accompanies the rotational movement of the Earth)
human material and financial resources. The search, involving students in the design of
this project through discussions in class to make them aware of  
problems in their environment and have a real impact on their lives. It
is also to foster a spirit of civic involvement, foster cooperation,
complementarity and solidarity.
The executive phase of the project will be crucial to the extent it contains actions
What you see on the gray area and the clear zone whenever the Earth
concrete that students faced in the field. These are the actions that materialize the  
child labor.
The teacher can organize such a tour of the class
What does each of you for clear and shaded areas? (The day and night).
in a business of gathering and collecting garbage.  
====Pedagogical application 3====
====''How to locate?''====
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
After this step, the integration of XO to the project is fundamental. It
''Knowledge'': Geographic coordinates, latitude, longitude and the cardinal points.
will use the little green computer as a tool for the class develops its thinking
on the fight against unhealthy in Libreville.  
The activities of XO, such as compute, discuss distance, scratch, draw, write, navigate,
video interview will be widely used to carry out the project, even
Locate a point and give guidance to help coordinate
if others can also be requested. It may for example rely on the
geographical areas of latitude and longitude points (N-S-E-O).
Géraldine contribution to illustrate the contribution of XO in this struggle that will lead
students. In addition, for example, the design can be made to the prospectus on
good reflexes such do not throw garbage anywhere, and other shows where the cast.
Contrary to the view Jean Paulin's remarks are very relevant, I
Activity of the learner:
support activities that calculate distance and fit perfectly to the project. As
illustration, we will say that the context itself offers this opportunity:  
:* Those who know Libreville realize that very often the garbage bins are
prepared to enter schools and colleges, high schools, the smell of waste indispose
regular students, the same is being done in neighborhoods with
latrines that are built anarchic.
:* It can also be observed in Libreville that the bins are inadequate insofar as
willing are often overwhelmed and fill an hour after the passage of
Trucking, the company responsible for the collection and garbage disposal!
For this reason one can measure the distance of the bins with the school or latrines
Using the grid in the Class Moon makes an observation tour of the grid questions.
with houses, calculate the volume of the garbage bin, the amount of waste produced by a
individual, and also the number of inhabitants in the district to understand why
overflowing garbage bins and draw conclusions.  
On the other hand, the actions may be to formulate requests for aid to
What information appearing on the top and bottom of the globe and which names does one give to these points?
NGOs to redo the paint for example. Similarly,
Parents can contribute to repair toilets in schools that most
Gabon institutions do not work or are to be built.
=====Assessment =====
From the knowledge gained from the project ask students to
make proposals to remedy as far as possible the situation.
The information gathered will be used by the teacher in his
How many types of lines you see on the globe and what each of them?
teaching to the curriculum and materials of the class. In
level of civic education, he or she can educate students about the behavior
With the help of document grid, tell what the following terms:
the management of individual waste to the extent that very often people throw
garbage in prohibited places, sometimes we can see that some are on the ground
even when there is a garbage bin or trash can next to it. Students are also
champions of this attitude, since very little throw their garbage in the garbage.
The evaluation will be done by observing the behavior of students, changes
Move longitude?
occurring in their environment, and attention that will give them the authority
Municipal and especially parents about the need to clean up their environment.
===Project 3: The bars and I ===
====Introduction ====
The education system is marked by the last few years of reforms aimed
to make it more effective. The most significant realization of what we may agree
to call a mini revolution is the introduction of a competency-based approach (SBA)
primary school. This means going beyond the mere mastery of objectives by providing atomic
students the opportunity to mobilize resources to deal with situations - problems
In the following contribution, we propose an enrichment of the APC The approach (or
Move in latitude?
pedagogy) project. The precursors of this approach are the Americans and Dewey
Kilpatrick, Ukrainian Makarenko and french Freinet.
We see this as an educational framework for students to go
Activity final synthesis: Design of collaborative writing based on the
even further in the mobilization of resources acquired in school. Indeed,
different responses during the exchange or sharing. These students
working on projects that affect their daily lives, students can make
say what used to locate a point in space as well as for travel.
the expertise developed in the classroom. The project approach offers, in
====User Guide of the Moon====
Moreover, the possibility to collaborate with their peers and with other resource persons to
Go on-screen list of the activities of XO to the Home view, locate the Moon
through the tool. The use of a computer network is really the element
represented by an icon of the moon. Point the cursor on this icon gently rolling
most striking of a learning project. With the help and support from their teacher or
the finger on the touch pad corresponding to the rectangle of the environment. Launch activity
their teacher, children will activate around a project which they assumed
clicking with the left button (X), the tab Start to start the Moon.
responsibility. They will be able to "learn together and develop a
community of learners "(Laferrière, 2005) which can go well beyond their class,  
their city and their own countries.  
How to operationalize the project pedagogy in the context if a particular
<image Home view>
gabonaise school?
The purpose of the discussion that follows is to outline an answer to this important issue. In
A representation of the Moon will appear as well as several real-time information.
Indeed, our schools are too often problems such as lack of equipment
didactic or overstaffing. We show how the project approach
can be implemented taking into account these peculiarities.  
The example presented here is a project whose theme could be "the bars and I 'to
<image Moon>
Students of a class of 5th grade. We will highlight the different
steps for the realization of such a project: preparation, execution and
exploitation pédagogique.
=====I - Project Preparation=====
=====Why this theme? =====
Pierre Monsard, academic gabonais died a few years ago, said not without
By clicking on the View tab, two icons appear, one sign of a grid and
reason that forty years of independence in Gabon, it was "constructed over pubs and  
the other that of a globe with an arrow. To change the order, ie of affordance, it
bars and libraries. " This statement, knowing that anyone can Gabon
Simply click on one of the icons.
reasonably challenging, well the problem of the proliferation of bars in
our country. In the environment of the student, the bars are everywhere be it in the vicinity
from home or near the school with their attendant nuisances. Among these disturbances on  
include the diurnal and nocturnal disturbance, alcoholism, smoking, etc..  
In many families, the child is introduced very early in this universe. Indeed, it is not
<image View tab>
uncommon for young boys and girls of barely a decade are
sent by their parents to buy beer or cigarettes at the nearest bar. And
total violation of the law, the owners of these structures to sell alcohol and tobacco
these minors. Thus, when a child buys a bottle of wine for example, there is no
way to be sure it is not him - even eat.
No risk - so we not make alcoholics and smokers tomorrow?
The grid view shows the parallels and meridians (benchmarks map)
necessary to locate a point on the surface of the Earth.
The proliferation of bars in our cities is therefore to the fight against these scourges
<image Moon with grid>
threaten our society.
Furthermore, bars are unique gabonais Walnut neighborhood in a real
To rotate the globe (rotation), simply click on the icon of the Moon Change
deluge of decibels at night and day. This course, once again, in contradiction
Hemisphere view, above view, as many times as you want to rotate the globe.
with the Gabonese law prohibits noise. Sometimes the bars are so close to
homes or schools, it is harder for children to work or simply
to sleep because of the deafening sound of music. Thus, bars may
negatively affect school performance.  
It was just a few illustrations of the importance for students to reflect on the  
<image Moon southern hemisphere view>
bars problem and propose possible solutions to minimize the effects  
negatively on their environment. However, experience shows that "for an approach  
To leave one of the two views (the grid or rotating globe), click on the icon and
project to succeed it must be close to his theme of life or centers of interest
successive elements appear then disappear.
students "(Munro).  
=====Featured Resources=====  
===Activity Implode===
* Science courses (as of alcohol and tobacco on health is on the agenda  
====Activity Summary====
5th grade);  
'''Implode''' activity is a game of logic supports the community of learners in
* Courses in mathematics (calculation of expenditures caused by alcohol and tobacco,  
which brings the child to destroy a structure of blocks by grouping them by color
Students may produce statements of problems on the basis of questions asked of those who  
and making them explode or disappear from the screen.
attend bars and solve these problems by mobilizing resources acquired  
class issues recorded by the camera XO);
With this activity the teacher will nurture the spirit of logic of students in situations
* French course (Preparation of a brochure, posters, ...);  
problems. Students will not use color pencils but recognize
* NGO (Action for Gabon or UNESCO, WHO, ...);  
colors easily.
* Collaboration with other schools in the same city, Gabon or outside of Gabon
Affordances of the activity
for such comparisons;  
* The student can move the blocks to match the colors according to the destroy
* Geography and drawing (Making a map of the neighborhood bars and their proximity to  
* The student can control the level of play, the recovery after a failure or a first new configuration.
* The Game tab provides more information on the game and its level: New, Undo, Redo, Easy, Medium and Difficult.
* Measurement of sound intensity in the bars with the XO;  
* The activity can be done individually, in dyads or triads and share with the neighborhood. Students can share the activity. They will train for become resource persons (those who are doing very well in the game), for help others in difficulty depending on the level of play Students and develop the spirit of the community instead of the competitive spirit in vogue in attitude of Gabonese student.
=====Organization =====
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
=====→ Action Plan:=====  
<image 5/5>
* Duration: 10 weeks, a half - day per week which does not seem  
excessive because of the high level of core activities;  
Implode activity can be placed at level 5, because it is an easy to integrate
* Create groups of five students each with specific tasks;  
in the mathematics curriculum the first year to train and represent
* Entertainment in bars under the supervision of the teacher or the teacher for  
sets according to various criteria: nature, shapes and colors and build collections
interviews, videos, photos with the XO;  
Objects from 1 to 3 elements.
* Invitation to an NGO to explain the social consequences (destruction of the cell  
====Application pédagogique 1====
family), a doctor to explain the impact of alcohol, tobacco and pollution  
Blend colors and introduction to the operations of addition and subtraction in
sound man.  
first year with the easy level.
====II - The project====  
''Level (s)'': 1st year of primary
=====Progressive development of thought and documents=====  
As that project activities are carried out, students must take  
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
aware of the adverse effects on them - and on their environment  
the existence of so many bars. It is the emergence of individuals who  
alcohol, smoking and noise are problems that require social  
Train sets by color
find a solution. Indeed, in what is going on, these scourges have too  
tend to be trivialized. The bars are there, they exist in our living environment without  
s'émeuve no effect if their destructive for our country. It is not uncommon to  
Libreville, for example, to meet a person lying on the floor or on the sidewalk  
The teacher may ask students to identify different colors on the screen by
on the road, intoxicated causing death as passers hilarity.  
example green, yellow, red, blue and orange. Then it will ask students to
=====→ One or more production=====  
click on a set from three small squares of the same color. Students
This awareness must lead to the realization of actions aimed at reducing
seen the disappearance of the tiles after clicking on the whole. The teacher
adverse consequences in the life of students. This can be achieved by  
Ask students what happened. Students will notice that the group
production of posters, leaflets, files, etc.. for their peers, to  
tile was removed from the screen. Thus, the teacher may illustrate the operations
parents and the whole neighborhood. To fight against noise pollution for example, we can  
of addition and subtraction through this activity. For example, 1 and 2 is red
very well lead students to send a letter to the mayor of the commune in which  
join is add or add. A set of red disappears from
located their neighborhood, to seek enforcement.  
the screen is removed, delete or remove.
====III - Educational Farms====  
====Application pédagogique 2====
Under this project, students were encouraged to make the contribution  
''Level (s)'': From 2nd to 5th grade of primary
knowledge to solve a social problem that affects their lives.  
''Knowledge'': The overall concept, the addition and subtraction
''Savoirfaire'': Cultivating a taste for effort among students with medium and difficult levels.
Indeed, at each level of play, the student can be led to it. The fun
of the activity will encourage it to start again until he wins. If the teacher
asks students to consider the activity as a problem to solve, depending on the level
of the learner and the game, they can say, for example, to subtract only the color
orange. The student who succeeds in doing so solved the problem. Otherwise, it
repeat the activity to obtain the desired result. The teacher can
transpose the effort during the game to solve problems in mathematics
for example.
NB: This application is not included in the curriculum. However, it has
educational benefits that teachers and students could take into account
all fields (and french enlightenment) to resolve the problems.
====User Guide for the Implode====
To access the Implode activity in the XO, after opening, with a view Welcome,
place the cursor on the icon represented by small green squares.
<image Home view>
Three options appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and Delete. Click Start
by pressing the left button (represented by X) of the touch pad to enter
activity. To go faster, click on the icon to enter the business.
<image Game>
Click on the tab for the main Game commands The star of the game is to start
a new game, the two triangles pointing left can
again at the very beginning, the arrow pointing left to return
a stroke back, while the arrow pointing to the right restored the coup canceled. The
three gates shown in this menu allow you to change the level of play from left to
right, the levels are easier to more difficult.
<image Game toolbar>
To play, click groups of three or more blocks of the same color. In
positioning your cursor on them, they will highlight.
===Activity Mini-Tam Tam===
====Activity Summary====
The student can make or play music in a fun way. It is a simple starting point
for the child to learn through exploration of the key songs, some sounds
musical instruments, the cries of certain animals and the noise that some objects
when they fall or bump against another object. The learner can become familiar
with the role of percussion, the beats per measure, the complexity of the beat, the
tempo and volume.
This activity allows the child to differentiate or to standardize the sounds in order to
build a musical sequence.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The student can identify the sounds
* The student can distinguish the sounds of musical instruments, Animals, humans and objects (doors, trash ...)
* The student can control the tempo
* It may increase or decrease the speed of the tempo
* Students can measure the beat sounds and the possibility of the complex.
* It can combine sounds to get the rhythms he wants
* Students can recognize and imitate the sounds of the living environment
* The student may, with this activity, communicate or announce to the sound of a tam-tam new.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 4/5>
Indeed, '''TamTam
Mini''' is not fully integrated into the primary school curriculum, but
it remains a formal instrument used by all learners. Therefore, it is not
only as an instrument of music, but also as a means of
communication. It becomes an educational activity to enable the student
to establish itself sounds and share them with other students in her community or
by the way.
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Tam Tam Mini or the art of playing music''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to the 5th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The instruments of music, the beat, tempo and percussion
''Savoirfaire''': Combine different musical instruments
The teacher invites students to explore sounds and instruments available in the grid
right of the activity. They can combine the sounds of some instruments to a rhythm
chant. Students are then asked to explore the concepts surrounding the percussion and
pace. The controls to the left of the screen can be used for teacher
demonstrate the concept of beat per measure of complexity of the beats and tempo.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Tam Tam Mini and wakefulness''====
''Level (s)'': From the 1st to 3rd grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The Man, animals, objects, sounds
''Savoirfaire'': Distinguish the different sounds, objects and animals
As part of an activity of exploration and enlightenment, the teacher may ask students
to discover the sounds produced by animals and instruments. Thus, students
distinguish the cries of animals, the sounds of musical instruments.
The teacher can go through questions:
What cry shall deliver the cow or sheep?
What sounds can we give the strings of a guitar?
====User Guide of the Tam-Tam Mini====
This activity TamTam
Mini is the prospect Home. To access, click on
on the icon TamTam
Mini (represented by an icon with two drum sticks) with
the left button (X) of the touchpad.
<image Home view>
After clicking on this icon, the most musical instruments appear
in and out of a grid with pictures (of humans, animals and other
objects used in the living environment).
<image gallery of sound instruments>
The choice of instruments is possible. To access, click on the
left button (X) to activate the sound or instrument that we want to play. For
play different sounds (the letters J and H, for example), you have to press the keys
keyboard. It is possible to start a rate increase or decrease the speed of the tempo,
why you should click on the Play button (represented by a green triangle) and move
up or down four controls (beats per minute, complexity
beat, Tempo and Volume). This activity leaves the possibility for the teacher to use
the sounds or create new sounds. Thus, the sharing or exchange of our
creations with our friends as possible is our ability to play the
music between friends.
===Activity Tam Tam Jam===
====Activity Summary====
This activity enables students to assemble the pieces of music and sounds. It can
several sequences with different rhythms and sounds, like a concert.
With this activity the instruments will not be mandatory, because the XO has a
bank of instruments and sounds. The teacher could diversify the teachings on
musical instruments.
====Affordances of the activity====
* It can use several instruments and rhythms at once.
* The student can control the tempo.
* The student can control the volume and order of passage.
* It can also compose and record his own music.
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
This course meets the curriculum of basic education, such as the
4th grade curriculum in Éveil (arts education and sports) to create and implement
decorative arts with a desire to produce a rhythm by using a tool
music and the 5th years namely to make complex projects in activities
art (drawing, singing, handwork, music). It is therefore easy to integrate with
====Application pédagogique 1====
====''Recognition of different musical instruments and their categories''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Instruments, percussion, wind instruments, stringed instruments.
''Savoirfaire'': Create and implement a concern with objects of art, to produce a rate
using a musical instrument Regouper instruments by category within
an orchestra.
Students may create groups of harmonious sounds from the range that
is presented. The teacher may ask students to choose a musical instrument,
a sound, cry or prerecorded voice in the directory tab that appears at the bottom
of the screen. Then the teacher asked to choose a rhythm in the tab Loops of
associate it with sounds and instruments selected above and click to hear
composition made. Through this variety the student has the opportunity to perform, create
to record and listen to his music by clicking on the numbers and signs
chosen to identify the instruments and sounds selected. At this point, students will be
aware of his spirit of creativity in curricula sought in Enlightenment.
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Mobilization capacity in the creation''====
''Level (s)'': Grade 5
''Knowledge'': The singing, composition
''Savoirfaire'': Carry out complex projects in artistic activities. Ability to
coordinate and harmonize the instruments, sounds and singing.
According to the teacher, students can combine sounds to offices
different and achieve the creation of a virtual orchestra. The teacher will ask the
students to form a choir and with the XO, to compose music that can
accompany. Students who succeed in producing a smooth and rhythmic music
demonstrate their capacity for coordination and harmonization or engineering
into sound. Instead of the traditional method of vocalization, the possibility is
offered to students to use instruments and sounds like a DJ on a track.
====User guide of the Tam-Tam Jam====
To access the TamTam
Jam in the XO, after opening, with a view
Home, place the cursor on the icon represented by a drum associated with a
trumpet and a guitar. Three options appear: Run, Remove the favorite, and
Remove. Click on start pressing the left mouse button (represented by X)
touch pad to enter the business. Or to go faster, click directly
on the icon to return to the activity.
<image Home view>
This activity has several tabs. The tab includes options Jam Control
Volume and Tempo. The 3rd tab Playback will stop the loop, to mute
and a display (metronome) and a control beat. The Desktop tab is
as a memory card that holds all the compositions made in different
environments of the composition. The Save tab allows you to record
new sounds using the microphone.
<image toolbar>
At the bottom of the screen there are drum kits (set of batteries and tam-tam), Loops (bank
musical sequences), All (all types of sounds), Concrete (sound among objects
excerpts from the environment), Animals (animal cries), Keyboard (keyboards), My
sounds (my sons), People (the prerecorded voice of a child), Strings (instruments
strings), Winds (wind instruments) and percussion.
<image Drum kits>
To form the orchestra, the student need only drag and drop to assemble instruments,
sounds and musical sequences (loops). Click the right button (M) under
the touchpad to access new options (control of reverberation, edition of
the sequence of the beat to control the instrument, designated keyboard button to
activate the instrument, etc.)..
<image Loops><image Loops panel>
The activity can be shared with neighbors and to dyads or triads. Students
to discuss their different compositions, make suggestions,
innovations from the draft class (for example, be a melody for
Christmas or New Year). The ability to interact is developed and even Central
in this activity. It develops the spirit of cooperation and creativity.
===Activity Tam-Tam Edit===
====Activity Summary====
The student can compose or play music alone or with other learners
using sound effects, instruments or sounds. The XO is of
promote the skills, ie to develop the ability to select a
instrument sounds to choose and make melodies.
The educational benefits from the operation of the activity Tamtam
Edit for teachers
are that it has all the possible instruments: piano, clarinet, banjo,
xylophone, etc.. more different sounds and different possibilities of adjustment,
coordination, symbiosis and thus creating unlimited it can share with the whole
group class.
====Affordances of the activity====
* The learner is able to compose a melody using a variety instruments such as guitar, piano, flute, xylophone, clarinet ...
* The learner is able to improve his compositions, incorporating other sounds of children, cries of animals (chickens, horses, frogs ...).
* You can compose music and record instantly.
* Can select for its creation or mimic the sounds generated by the XO.
* It can save not only his keyboard, but also bring its music to ogg ie ready for export.
* It can select the tools to mark the difference in notes music and frequency sounds (using the paint tool).
* The computer offers green design tools for the preparation of notes music.
* The learner can modify the volume of the tempo at will.
* The XO offers modern music that the student can recognize or discover while having tones. It also includes animals and their cries respectifs.
* Students can share all its activities both with the teacher with his neighborhood is composed of peers connected to the grid.
* You may submit work to the teacher.
* It may also involve his peers in his compositions, the latter can make their changes, their additions, etc..
====Degree of centrality of the activity====
<image 5/5>
In referring to the curriculum of 4th and 5th years and the 1st year's event
Tam Tam Edit fits under Enlightenment.
In 4th and 5th years eg
* First-level 4 at the 22nd week, students will perform a song.
* Then at level 5, the 29th week the knowledge of learners are built around instruments.
* Two types of instruments are used: the percussion instruments (tamtam, drum) and wind instruments (flute, trumpet, harmonica ...).
* At the end of learning, students will be able to use a percussion instrument or wind.
As a justification to integrate the curriculum, we can
explain that the activity Tam Tam Edit the learner can compose music that
accompany a song. The learner can also create his own music with
instruments required by the curriculum, but it can enrich many other
opportunities available to him including the XO to add sounds like the cries
animals (bird, dog, etc..) or human voices. It may also share
composition of music with others.
====Application pédagogique 1 ====
====''Compose a melody''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': The traditional songs and / or modern
''Savoirfaire'': Run a traditional song and / or modern.
Students will create their own melody to the presentation of a ballet. As
illustration, the First Symphony dyad Brigitte / Solange.
The student selects the section Dial, then it makes the choice of instruments
music (frog, dog, rooster, balafon), then the sheet of paper, he shall record the
sequences of musical notes to get the music you want.
Similarly, students in Grade 1 may be required to perform the anthem Group
National (the Concorde).
====Application pédagogique 2====
====''Composition of a musical repertoire''====
''Level (s)'': 4th grade of primary
''Knowledge'': Awareness of the value of traditional local songs and / or modern.
''Savoirfaire'': Enhance the original music (example: Elon, Ikokou, etc).
Perform traditional songs and modern within a moderate band at the
cultural day of school at the end of the year.
Placed in groups of five, students will select musical instruments of XO,
recognize those who are part of traditional culture (it should be noted that Gabon
includes fifty ethnic groups), call or mimic melodies so that all
together constitute a musical repertoire for the festival season.
====User Guide of the Tam-Tam Edit====
On the home page, place the cursor on the icon TamTam
Edit, a window opens,
click on the Run option, a page is opened.
<image Home view>
It presents the extreme left, a panoply of instruments (guitar, piano, tam-tam, etc.)..
To change the instrument, click on their image. Click on the symbol of addition (+)
to add a new instrument to the list.
<image Tam Tam Edit>
The bar tab of activity we offer three choices: Student Activities, Composer and Generate
The Components tab displays a bar with three compartments.
<image Composer toolbar>
Left: a button Play / Pause, Stop another then a third keyboard Save
and a final ogg to record sound to ogg format
subsequently converted to MP3 or CD.
In the center there is a selection tool to move the clips, a pencil and a brush,
which allows us to edit the clips of the instruments.
At right, a Copy button that makes a copy of the sequence. Finally a button
Volume / Tempo that leave our slider to access the controls.
To compose a melody, click on the Compose tab, then select the
instruments required.
<image Track properties>
Then click on the pencil to draw lines in front of the chosen instrument and
points at the bottom of the page (which will be the sequence to play the instrument).
At the bottom of the screen lists the different sequences that make up your song.
The composition can be heard by clicking the Play button. To mark a stop
to make an improvement, click the Pause button and insert arrangements
We can improve the composition by adding the sounds of animals, the cries of birds or
of children.
For the computer generates a sound or a sequence according to your settings, first click  on the Generation tab.
<image Play toolbar>
The top bar to change option buttons Play / Pause and Stop are still,
then added three more: generating a sound, then Property Generation. Leaving the
cursor on the icon property, the latter lets you select the level of individual
elements (a division of the grid, page color, transposition, pan, volume, etc.).
<image Properties panel>
Then, click, a window opens, it sets the pace,
height, duration, scale and pattern of the melody generated.
<image Play panel>
Finally, it is possible to save your publication in the Journal of the XO
retain for future use (use the Store procedure described on page
15 of Getting Started in XO and the Sugar environment V.8.2), or the record format
ogg to export.
Ultimately, this chapter has attempted a description of the capabilities of XO in primary school
Gabon. Far from being exhaustive, we accept that many activities can be exploited
with the XO in school from primary school so unique. Similarly, it is
possible to combine activities in the context of educational applications.
Adapting to Gabon password, among other things, integration of XO in
conformity with the curricula. To go further, we can still consider a
Operating XO: pedagogy of the project.
==Chapter 3 ==
This chapter suggests, by way of example, four projects that could be achieved by
combining certain activities (or affordances) of the XO. These are projects on
deforestation, disease, cultural heritage and national languages. As you
see, these projects cover various fields of study. Each project is presented
according to a style, because it seemed more important to reflect a certain
variety of possible actions to unify the presentation of projects. However, each
proposed project follows the methodology suggested by Gregory and Laferrière
<image Project path>
===Project 1: The Herbarium at school ===
School project: "The herbarium at school. "
This project was designed to be completed in the fourth and / or fifth grade
primary education system in Gabon.
Discussion of the feasibility of this project with two teachers, and Valentine Béranger, of
Elementary School Application of the École Normale Supérieure. Both teachers
found it very exciting and very timely especially as Valentine had already piloted a
agriculture project with a third class of primary school. The "to the herbarium
school "seemed feasible.
====1 / CHOOSE THE THEME: ====
The choice of the theme is left to the discretion of the teacher or the teacher, through
a discussion with the target class, the great movement of logging in the city of
=====Learning Objectives: =====
* Identify, photograph, name and recognition of certain plants in the environment closest to the student, here it is the courtyard of the school.
* Identify some uses of plants.
* Define the term "deforestation".
* Identify some of the consequences of deforestation.
* Raise awareness of the importance of plants in the environment of the student.
* Planting trees in the school.
* Develop a herbarium of 10 pages.
Skills and attitudes developed by students through the project:
* Recognize, name awareness, planting trees, using the XO.
Students will have access to resources in the library of the XO. They consult
appropriate documents on the Internet, as well as software using the XO.
Obtaining the teacher of a student to leave school
able to go to the National Herbarium in Libreville, and the herbarium of the University of
The student must take ownership of the project, and the teacher play a role
facilitator or resource person in the organization and execution of the project.
The teacher organizes the class into triads. Each triad is working on a plant. She
photography plant using the XO, names using the information collected in the
Bookstore XO, or exit at the National Herbarium and identifies some of the utilities
plant. It makes this plant for a page and a page traditional electronic
Triads interchangent regularly each triad results and this in turn
role its results to the class.
The project may take the entire school year, one hour per week
during the course of awakening. (It may take less time, about 6 months, if the teacher or
the teacher decides to put the project to the time allotted to manual labor, 30
minutes per day in the Gabonese education system).
The teacher ensures that students respect the time and the interactions
students help build a community of learners.
The teacher encourages frequent communication between learners,
encourages, stimulates, corrects shooting, helping students to make regular updates on
the development of their work.
Progressive development within each triad, a thought of a living environment
for humans, the presence of plants, and its responsibility for its balance.
Progressive development, by any group class of a herbarium of plants from electronic
School classified through the bookstore or log XO.
Progressive development, by any group class, a traditional plant, consisting of 10
pages. Each page representing a plant by its leaves and / or dried flower, with its
common name and scientific name, and some utilities to be its specificity.
Progressive development of a botanical garden, students will plant trees or
few plants in the schoolyard.
Presentation to the whole class of tasks of each triad, questions and
comments to enrich and enhance the collective production of the class.
The teacher spoke in front of the class to say what is positive
compared to the project and improve deficiencies while encouraging and challenging.
====6 / BACK ON THE PROJECT:====
Once completed, the project should be allowed to teach the class group that
Plants are essential to the human environment, as they provide oxygen,
of food, shade etc ... Man must protect the plant from its environment
and maintain such replanting.
Development of a botanical garden, the primary school level. Students will plant
some trees in the courtyard.
Exhibition of project results with other classes of the school and education
other classes in respect of the environment including plants.
Sharing the results of the project with other schools in the city, rural or other
countries through the Internet XO.
===Project 2: Fight against unhealthy ===
The project will be implemented in three phases: design-implementation-evaluation.
====Design ====
Note that to start the project includes all primary students, regardless of
level. The difference will be simply at the level of involvement that can be
associated with age, but the level of students.
The project may take place in three months from the school, which takes place in Gabon by
me in October, ie in the first quarter. This schedule will have the advantage of seeing
actions that can be achieved in the short medium and long term success.
The success of the project therefore involves the consideration of certain prior
the teacher. In practice this means the teacher of
around the question to identify a problem, so students should know
what it is, identify information sources and the problem, then bring their
reflections and proposals on possible solutions to this problem.
In the case of the fight against unhealthy in Libreville, which is our example, we
can make the following suggestions.
Define in simple terms and concepts appropriate to the statement taking into account the
level of language study and students. Cleanliness, hygiene dirt would be in this
optical concepts appropriate at all levels of primary education, ie the
first to fourth year.
With the class, and from these definitions, a general view of the situation of the city
Libreville identifying all sales areas without distinction. This concerns
school in the neighborhood streets, etc..
To acquaint students with the origins and causes of this situation.
Awareness about the dangers of such a situation by referring to disease or even
In practice this amounts to the unhealthy relationship between the city and work
school. This will be to introduce students to the direct consequences of unhealthy
academic performance. For example, show children that mosquitoes
transmit malaria to humans, live not only in the high high
grass around our schools and our homes, but also in wastewater ponds,
gutters not priests populous neighborhoods of the capital of Gabon.
The project will then aim to make children aware of their rights and
obligations to overcome this phenomenon. In this case, we will discuss ways
human material and financial resources. The search, involving students in the design of
this project through discussions in class to make them aware of
problems in their environment and have a real impact on their lives. It
is also to foster a spirit of civic involvement, foster cooperation,
complementarity and solidarity.
The executive phase of the project will be crucial to the extent it contains actions
concrete that students faced in the field. These are the actions that materialize the
child labor.
The teacher can organize such a tour of the class
in a business of gathering and collecting garbage.
After this step, the integration of XO to the project is fundamental. It
will use the little green computer as a tool for the class develops its thinking
on the fight against unhealthy in Libreville.
The activities of XO, such as compute, discuss distance, scratch, draw, write, navigate,
video interview will be widely used to carry out the project, even
if others can also be requested. It may for example rely on the
Géraldine contribution to illustrate the contribution of XO in this struggle that will lead
students. In addition, for example, the design can be made to the prospectus on
good reflexes such do not throw garbage anywhere, and other shows where the cast.
Contrary to the view Jean Paulin's remarks are very relevant, I
support activities that calculate distance and fit perfectly to the project. As
illustration, we will say that the context itself offers this opportunity:
:* Those who know Libreville realize that very often the garbage bins are prepared to enter schools and colleges, high schools, the smell of waste indispose regular students, the same is being done in neighborhoods with latrines that are built anarchic.
:* It can also be observed in Libreville that the bins are inadequate insofar as willing are often overwhelmed and fill an hour after the passage of Trucking, the company responsible for the collection and garbage disposal!
For this reason one can measure the distance of the bins with the school or latrines
with houses, calculate the volume of the garbage bin, the amount of waste produced by a
individual, and also the number of inhabitants in the district to understand why
overflowing garbage bins and draw conclusions.
On the other hand, the actions may be to formulate requests for aid to
NGOs to redo the paint for example. Similarly,
Parents can contribute to repair toilets in schools that most
Gabon institutions do not work or are to be built.
=====Assessment =====
From the knowledge gained from the project ask students to
make proposals to remedy as far as possible the situation.
The information gathered will be used by the teacher in his
teaching to the curriculum and materials of the class. In
level of civic education, he or she can educate students about the behavior
the management of individual waste to the extent that very often people throw
garbage in prohibited places, sometimes we can see that some are on the ground
even when there is a garbage bin or trash can next to it. Students are also
champions of this attitude, since very little throw their garbage in the garbage.
The evaluation will be done by observing the behavior of students, changes
occurring in their environment, and attention that will give them the authority
Municipal and especially parents about the need to clean up their environment.
===Project 3: The bars and I ===
====Introduction ====
The education system is marked by the last few years of reforms aimed
to make it more effective. The most significant realization of what we may agree
to call a mini revolution is the introduction of a competency-based approach (SBA)
primary school. This means going beyond the mere mastery of objectives by providing atomic
students the opportunity to mobilize resources to deal with situations - problems
In the following contribution, we propose an enrichment of the APC The approach (or
pedagogy) project. The precursors of this approach are the Americans and Dewey
Kilpatrick, Ukrainian Makarenko and french Freinet.
We see this as an educational framework for students to go
even further in the mobilization of resources acquired in school. Indeed,
working on projects that affect their daily lives, students can make
the expertise developed in the classroom. The project approach offers, in
Moreover, the possibility to collaborate with their peers and with other resource persons to
through the tool. The use of a computer network is really the element
most striking of a learning project. With the help and support from their teacher or
their teacher, children will activate around a project which they assumed
responsibility. They will be able to "learn together and develop a
community of learners "(Laferrière, 2005) which can go well beyond their class,
their city and their own countries.
How to operationalize the project pedagogy in the context if a particular
gabonaise school?
The purpose of the discussion that follows is to outline an answer to this important issue. In
Indeed, our schools are too often problems such as lack of equipment
didactic or overstaffing. We show how the project approach
can be implemented taking into account these peculiarities.
The example presented here is a project whose theme could be "the bars and I 'to
Students of a class of 5th grade. We will highlight the different
steps for the realization of such a project: preparation, execution and
exploitation pédagogique.
=====I - Project Preparation=====
=====Why this theme? =====
Pierre Monsard, academic gabonais died a few years ago, said not without
reason that forty years of independence in Gabon, it was "constructed over pubs and
bars and libraries. " This statement, knowing that anyone can Gabon
reasonably challenging, well the problem of the proliferation of bars in
our country. In the environment of the student, the bars are everywhere be it in the vicinity
from home or near the school with their attendant nuisances. Among these disturbances on
include the diurnal and nocturnal disturbance, alcoholism, smoking, etc..
In many families, the child is introduced very early in this universe. Indeed, it is not
uncommon for young boys and girls of barely a decade are
sent by their parents to buy beer or cigarettes at the nearest bar. And
total violation of the law, the owners of these structures to sell alcohol and tobacco
these minors. Thus, when a child buys a bottle of wine for example, there is no
way to be sure it is not him - even eat.
No risk - so we not make alcoholics and smokers tomorrow?
The proliferation of bars in our cities is therefore to the fight against these scourges
threaten our society.
Furthermore, bars are unique gabonais Walnut neighborhood in a real
deluge of decibels at night and day. This course, once again, in contradiction
with the Gabonese law prohibits noise. Sometimes the bars are so close to
homes or schools, it is harder for children to work or simply
to sleep because of the deafening sound of music. Thus, bars may
negatively affect school performance.
It was just a few illustrations of the importance for students to reflect on the  
bars problem and propose possible solutions to minimize the effects  
negatively on their environment. However, experience shows that "for an approach  
project to succeed it must be close to his theme of life or centers of interest
students "(Munro).  
=====Featured Resources=====  
* Science courses (as of alcohol and tobacco on health is on the agenda 5th grade);  
* Courses in mathematics (calculation of expenditures caused by alcohol and tobacco, Students may produce statements of problems on the basis of questions asked of those who attend bars and solve these problems by mobilizing resources acquired class issues recorded by the camera XO);
* French course (Preparation of a brochure, posters, ...);  
* NGO (Action for Gabon or UNESCO, WHO, ...);  
* Collaboration with other schools in the same city, Gabon or outside of Gabon for such comparisons;  
* Geography and drawing (Making a map of the neighborhood bars and their proximity to school)  
* Measurement of sound intensity in the bars with the XO;  
=====Organization =====
=====→ Action Plan:=====  
* Duration: 10 weeks, a half - day per week which does not seem excessive because of the high level of core activities;  
* Create groups of five students each with specific tasks;  
* Entertainment in bars under the supervision of the teacher or the teacher for interviews, videos, photos with the XO;  
* Invitation to an NGO to explain the social consequences (destruction of the cell family), a doctor to explain the impact of alcohol, tobacco and pollution sound man.  
====II - The project====  
=====Progressive development of thought and documents=====  
As that project activities are carried out, students must take  
aware of the adverse effects on them - and on their environment  
the existence of so many bars. It is the emergence of individuals who  
alcohol, smoking and noise are problems that require social  
find a solution. Indeed, in what is going on, these scourges have too  
tend to be trivialized. The bars are there, they exist in our living environment without  
s'émeuve no effect if their destructive for our country. It is not uncommon to  
Libreville, for example, to meet a person lying on the floor or on the sidewalk  
on the road, intoxicated causing death as passers hilarity.  
=====→ One or more production=====  
This awareness must lead to the realization of actions aimed at reducing
adverse consequences in the life of students. This can be achieved by  
production of posters, leaflets, files, etc.. for their peers, to  
parents and the whole neighborhood. To fight against noise pollution for example, we can  
very well lead students to send a letter to the mayor of the commune in which  
located their neighborhood, to seek enforcement.  
====III - Educational Farms====  
Under this project, students were encouraged to make the contribution  
knowledge to solve a social problem that affects their lives.  
For example, competence in writing and speaking is put to  
For example, competence in writing and speaking is put to  
to conduct interviews, prepare posters or leaflets.  
to conduct interviews, prepare posters or leaflets.
From these interviews, children can collect data on expenditure
daily to an individual bar. Then it may be useful to calculate the amount that
individual spends monthly. This information can be used to produce
statements of mathematical problems that will lead them to mobilize their knowledge in computing.
Here, what is interesting is that the mathematical problem is not imposed on students,
but it is them - themselves, from a social fact to them, go and ask the
solve. The solution of the problem is simply an object of contemplation, but
one more for the file and which will serve to convince.
===Project 4: The national languages ===
====Project Goal: Develop a glossary====
=====Choose project:=====
The idea for a fact: the loss of national languages. Children speak up
least in their languages. Hence the development of a glossary in order to practice
local languages.
=====Resources: =====
* Using the XO to save;
* Adult speakers of each language listed;
* The teacher as facilitator, coach learners to the development of glossary;
* The activity will take place during the course of awakening, in 4th grade. The time spent for activity will depend on the organization of the teacher or the teacher.
Organization of work:
* Identify the languages in the class to leave the groups in different languages;
* Training groups. The groups will consist of speakers of the learners language. Those who find themselves alone integrate groups. The idea is that to learn another language, you should first speak their language;
* Make a list of expressions and words in french, which will be contained in the glossary;
* Collect data using the XO. Learners will record the voices of those resources and pronunciation of words and phrases will be maintained through the activity Memorize XO.
=====Coordination and synthesis of contributions:=====
* Processing of data by class group. During this examination, the learners could share the different emotions that occurred during the harvest data with other groups through the activity of XO Talk;
* Summary of groups and preparation of the glossary.
Note that this project will be for one quarter. The teacher's role would be to
guide, guide learners suggestions, guidelines and attitudes to adopt
for group work. Children will learn the polite phrases (hello,
thank you, etc..), know the names of animals, trees, pets and will be encouraged to
converse in local languages.
=====Continuation of the project:=====
* Awareness campaign with games: For example, present an object (even photo) and ask other students to comment on the institution named in a local language. After the response, the group will bring the necessary correction, if need. Students could make a learning experience. Jurisdiction to develop, be able to translate a word or phrase local language.
* New training group in class with people who did not work together (you can have two or three people from the same group) in the but to make them work in another language which is not necessarily theirs. The goal here is to encourage children to communicate in other langueslocales by exchanging other linguistic groups;
=====Development of another glossary.=====
* Sharing a project in interaction with other institutions.
From these interviews, children can collect data on expenditure
daily to an individual bar. Then it may be useful to calculate the amount that
individual spends monthly. This information can be used to produce
statements of mathematical problems that will lead them to mobilize their knowledge in computing.
Here, what is interesting is that the mathematical problem is not imposed on students,
but it is them - themselves, from a social fact to them, go and ask the
solve. The solution of the problem is simply an object of contemplation, but
one more for the file and which will serve to convince.
===Project 4: The national languages ===
====Project Goal: Develop a glossary====
=====Choose project:=====
The idea for a fact: the loss of national languages. Children speak up
least in their languages. Hence the development of a glossary in order to practice
local languages.
=====Resources: =====
* Using the XO to save;
* Adult speakers of each language listed;
* The teacher as facilitator, coach learners to the development of
* The activity will take place during the course of awakening, in 4th grade. The time spent for
activity will depend on the organization of the teacher or the teacher.
Organization of work:
* Identify the languages in the class to leave the groups in different languages;
* Training groups. The groups will consist of speakers of the learners
language. Those who find themselves alone integrate groups. The idea is that
to learn another language, you should first speak their language;
* Make a list of expressions and words in french, which will be contained in the
* Collect data using the XO. Learners will record the voices of those
resources and pronunciation of words and phrases will be maintained through the activity
Save XO.
=====Coordination and synthesis of contributions:=====
* Processing of data by class group. During this examination, the
learners could share the different emotions that occurred during the harvest
data with other groups through the activity of XO Talk;
* Summary of groups and preparation of the glossary.
Note that this project will be for one quarter. The teacher's role would be to
guide, guide learners suggestions, guidelines and attitudes to adopt
for group work. Children will learn the polite phrases (hello,
thank you, etc..), know the names of animals, trees, pets and will be encouraged to
converse in local languages.
=====Continuation of the project:=====
* Awareness campaign with games: For example, present an object (even
photo) and ask other students to comment on the institution named in a
local language. After the response, the group will bring the necessary correction, if
need. Students could make a learning experience. Jurisdiction
to develop, be able to translate a word or phrase
local language.
* New training group in class with people who did not work
together (you can have two or three people from the same group) in the
but to make them work in another language which is not necessarily theirs. The goal here
is to encourage children to communicate in other langueslocales by exchanging
other linguistic groups;
=====Development of another glossary.=====
* Sharing a project in interaction with other institutions.
==General Conclusion==  
==General Conclusion==  
Like many African countries, Gabon in recent years embarked on
Like many African countries, Gabon in recent years embarked on