Difference between revisions of "Design Team/Sugar Shell Touch Input"

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(List of touch UI related topics for the Sugar shell)
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Revision as of 15:57, 18 April 2012



Favourite view

  • Add new grid layout?
  • Maximise Activity icon size
  • Disable Activity icon dragging for fixed layouts or fully implement feature

List view

  • Scrolling
  • Favourite star hit behaviour

Neighborhood view

  • Remove primary action from AP icons
  • Remove primary action from ad-hoc icons
  • Invoke ad-hoc, AP, Activity, Buddy palettes on single touch
  • Remove primary action from shared Activities


  • Frame expose/hide gesture
  • Hide keyboard shortcut hints
  • Hide/expose on screen keyboard, one or other, not both


  • Hide cursor
  • Palette hover/click behaviours
  • Hide keyboard shortcuts
  • Make toolbar overflow drop-down widget standard sugar toolbutton width
  • Up/down menu overflow UI too thin

Group view

  • Remove primary action from shared Activities
  • Invoke Buddy palette on single touch

Details view