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This page is being performed while I'm porting Jukebox Activity to Gtk3.
This page is being performed while I'm porting Jukebox Activity to Gtk3.
There is a [ ticket] with some useful information that I'm using on the porting and to keep tracking this port. Besides, this wiki page will be useful to write some code snippets about what are the difficulties that I'm having on the port and maybe can be useful for someone else.
There is a [ ticket] with some useful information that I'm using on the porting and to keep tracking this port. Besides, this wiki page will be useful to write some code snippets about what are the difficulties that I'm having on the port and maybe can be useful for someone else.
I will take [[User:Humitos/PortingGetBooks|this guide]] as reference on the Gtk3 porting.
I will take [[User:Humitos/PortingGetBooks|this guide]] as reference on the Gtk3 porting.
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  index = sel_model.get_value(sel_model.get_iter(row), 0)
  index = sel_model.get_value(sel_model.get_iter(row), 0)
The function that '''Gtk.TreeViewColumn.set_cell_data_func''' receives needs a new required argument: ''data''
def _set_number(self, column, cell, model, it):
def _set_number(self, column, cell, model, it, data):
== Sugar ObjectChooser ==
Some arguments are deprecated in the ''sugar-toolkit-gtk3'' version
chooser = ObjectChooser(_('Choose document'), self,
            gtk.DIALOG_MODAL |
replaced by:
chooser = ObjectChooser(self, what_filter=mime.GENERIC_TYPE_AUDIO)
= Notes =
= Notes =
* There is something related with '''collaboration''' in '''' but I didn't understand how it works. I thought this activity is not collaborative.
* There is something related with '''collaboration''' in '''' but I didn't understand how it works. I thought this activity is not collaborative.
* The gtk2 version uses "gst" as "import gst" and "import pygst" but I found that there is a new way to do that using introspection: "from gi.repository import Gst". What's about this? Should we use this new way?
= Missing / Problematic / Un-ported things =
* The slider has a problem with the theme. [ Issue]
* The Gtk3 version in XO 1.75 os18 shows the animation too slow
= Useful Links =
= Useful Links =
