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== Preamble ==
==Survey on Instructional strategies using “Sugar” learning platform==
Teachers, students, and engineers worldwide are testing and improving Sugar. With your help—telling us what problems and suggestions you have—we can create a better learning experience for all children.
You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Walter Bender from the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). The primary purpose of the study is to get feedback from teachers who have been using the Sugar learning platform—the software that runs on the OLPC-XO-1 laptop—to help Sugar Labs prioritise resources amongst already identified issues and to identify any further needs. It is also an opportunity to gather success stories and failure points. The Sugar Labs team would like your help to translate the survey results into actionable items.
== Issues ==
As a secondary goal, this consent section also permits academic research institutions in the USA to more easily participate with the project and understand the collected information.
The primary purpose of the survey is to help Sugarlabs prioritise resources amongst already identified issues and to identify any further needs. It is also an opportunity to gather success stories. Survey results would ideally be translatable into actionable items.
Identified issues include:
You were selected as a potential participant in this study because you have been using Sugar as part of Project Ceibal in Uruguay. You should read the information below before deciding whether or not to participate in the survey.
The balance between self-directed project-based learning and more traditional or didactic learning. Should resources be directed at generating lesson plans, e-books and instructional materials or towards enriching Activities which offer self-directed problem solving? Are some of these learning styles better supported by other teaching materials eg. chalk board, paper books?
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. We expect that the survey will take about 15 minutes, however you have the right not to answer any question and to stop participating in the survey at any time and for any reason.  
You will not be compensated for participating in this survey.  
Should the teachers adapt to Sugar or Sugar to the teachers? What obstacles hinder appreciation of the two perspectives and movement together?
The information you tell us will remain anonymous and confidential. Only aggregate results will be published.
Can some materials be better supplied server side in a non-sugar specific way, requiring only a compatible browser? What then should Browse support? Flash, Java, tabbed browsing, auto-complete?
Please contact Walter Bender (walter -AT- media.mit.edu) with any questions or concerns.
How can the Journal best meet the target of “low entry high ceiling” easy for beginners but no roadblocks for more experienced users? If there has to be a trade off, what are the relative importances of each.
If you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Chairman of the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects, M.I.T., Room E25-143b, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, phone +1-617-253-6787 or by email (mede -AT- med.mit.edu).
What is the importance of sharing? What are the different sharing mechanisms? Activity sharing, blogs, wikis, upload areas, private/public? How do kids get the most benefit? Share viewing or authorship rights? Share the whole Activity or objects within the activity?
Apart from the current survey, the survey questions and instruments are available for independent use.
Show source, editing and re-purposing. How realistic is it that students tinker with their Sugar software? How important? What are the benefits? What are the obstacles? How can easy pathways and bridges be supplied?
Sugar is the software used on the OLPC-XO-1 laptop computers deployed as part of Project Ceibal. Teachers, students, and engineers are using, testing, and improving Sugar. With your help—sharing your successes, problems, and suggestions—we can create a better learning experience for all children.
==Please add your questions for teachers here==
How long have you been teaching? (years, numeric input)
jt4sugar: Ask the teachers in Uraguay to tell us how they would get other teachers involved
Do you teach in an urban, suburban, or rural school? (check one or more?)
How familiar were you using computers before your participation in Project Ceibal? (very unfamiliar 12345 very familiar)
In questions, we should try to separate the concepts of
Was you prior experience with computers on (check one or more boxes)
* access to computers
* Windows
* electronic content,
* Apple
* the specific features of the XO hardware,
* Linux
* the operating system Sugar,
* the Activities, and
* internet access.
Thoughts on the OLPC five core principles—
Had you ever used computers in your classroom with your students before Project Ceibal? (yes/no)
* Child Ownership,
* Low Ages,
* Saturation,
* Connection, and
* Free and Open Source.
How important are they in the context of your community?
The OLPC can be customised for the local language. How far has this proceeded? How important is it? What are the problems? What are the perspectives of different stakeholder groups? (In South America, to what extent has Spanish displaced local language?)
How comfortable are you using computers in your classroom? (very uncomfortable 12345 very comfortable)
How can ICT in general and Sugar in particular be appropriated to meet local needs? Are there any anecdotes of appropriation?
Learners access to computers is important because they need to learn how to use programs such as word processors to participate in a technological world. (disagree strongly 12345 strongly agree)
How might ICT education in general and Sugar in particular change relationships between people in your country, for example gender access to technology, relationships between children and adults, urban and village? How might kinship relationships be enhanced or weakened?
As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)
See also http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Oceania/Evaluation <br>
Learners access to computers is important because computers can be a tool to think with, they facilitate problem solving, open-ended discovery, and deep thinking. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)
As a result of my participation in Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)
It is important that computers provide an easy entry for first-time users. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)
We should get feedback on the Journal, View Source, Browse and Collaboration...
As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)
It is important that computers support more complicated tasks as a users competence grows. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)
For a self administered test can have 10-20 questions maximum? For a conference with 600 teachers with OLPC experience could we ask more questions of a smaller group?
As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)
Select questions from the list below, need to cut back to a much much smaller number:<br>
===Sugar Activities===
(when drafting questions consider carefully whether to say OLPC program OLPC, XO, OLPC software, XO software Sugar etc)
Sugar Activities are computer programs that have been created for or adopted to the Sugar environment, such as Read, Write, Browse, and Paint.
: I think we should explain that Sugar is the software (including Activities)that runs on the XO computer and that we are asking for feedback on Sugar.
My students' three favorite Sugar Activities are?
What year level do you mainly teach? P, 1, 2 ....12, other
The three most important Sugar Activities for learning are?  
Learners access to computers is important because computers can be a tool to think with, they facilitate problem solving and deep thinking. disagree 12345 agree
A Sugar Activity that needs improving is?
As a result of OLPC I now believe this less 12345 more
How many Sugar Activities do you estimate are available?
Learners access to computers is important because they need to learn how to use programs such as word processors to participate in a technological world (disagree 12345 agree)
===Sugar Collaboration===
One feature of Sugar is that it enables students to collaborate; examples of Sugar collaboration include peer editing in Write and sharing bookmarks in Browse.
As a result of OLPC I now believe this less 12345 more
Do your students use the collaboration features in Sugar? (never 12345 at least once per day)
//how will the 12345 scale be interpreted?
// these questions or similar evaluate the teacher's position on instructivism/constructivism for correlation with other responses
Do you ever  use the collaboration features to work with your students? (never 12345 at least once per day)
It is important that computers provide an easy entry for first time users (disagree 12345 agree)
Do you ever  use the collaboration features to work with other teachers? (never 12345 at least once per day)
As a result of OLPC I now believe this less 12345 more
Is Sugar collaboration an important learning feature? (not very important 12345 very important)
It is important that computers support more complicated tasks  as a users competence grows (disagree 12345 agree)
Are there Activities that you wish would support collaboration?
As a result of OLPC I now believe this less 12345 more
===Sugar Journal===
Another feature of Sugar is that it maintains a journal (or diary) of the student's work.
// these questions or similar evaluate the teacher's position on low entry/high ceiling for correlation with other responses, relevant to Journal and show source
Do your students use the description field in the Journal to make notes about their work? (never 12345 every time they use an Activity)
My students' 3 favourite Activities are? # since it will be in Spanish, we don't need to quibble about British vs US spelling :)
Do your students use the title field in the Journal to change the title of the entry? (never 12345 every time they use an Activity)
The 3 best learning Activities are?
How often do you look at your student's Journal? (never 12345 at least once per week)
How often do your student's parents look at their child's Journal? (never 12345 at least once per week)
The 1 Activity that is missing from Sugar is?
===Sugar View Source===
Sugar is free and open-source software, designed to be modified by the user.
The 1 Activity that needs the most improvement is?
Have you ever looked at how any of the Sugar software is programmed? (never 12345 many times)
Have your students ever looked at any of the Sugar software? (never 12345 many times)
How satisfied have your students been with the XO? 12345
Are there things you'd like to change about Sugar or a Sugar Activity? (yes/no)
How satisfied have you been with the XO? 12345
Have you ever tried to modify an Activity or Sugar itself? (yes/no)
How satisfied have parents and the community been with the XO? 12345
If yes, was the experience (check all that apply): frustrating; satisfying; an opportunity for learning; other
//each on a 12345 scale?
The XO would be better if it ran Microsoft Windows? 12345
If no, is it because (check all that apply): you don't know how to program; you don't have time to program; it is too difficult to learn; it is someone else's responsibility; you didn't know it was possible; it is good to know the opportunity is there even if I haven't exploited it; other
Rate the importance of  (unimportant 12345 important)
Have your students ever tried to modify an Activity or Sugar itself? (yes/no)
* Child Ownership,
* Low Ages,
* Saturation,
* Connection, and
* Free and Open Source
How important are:<br>
If yes, was the experience (check all that apply): frustrating; satisfying; an opportunity for learning; other
Have your students used:<br>
//each on a 12345 scale?
How satisfied are you with:<br>
* Journal,
* View Source, and
* Collaboration
The XO has resulted in (disagree 12345 agree)(from [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Oceania/Evaluation link]) <br>
0.Reduced absenteeism <br>
How satisfied have your students been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied)
1.Greater engagement by children <br>
2.Empowerment of teachers <br>
3.Increased esteem of teachers <br>
4.Reduced need of discipline <br>
5.Less disruption by students <br>
6.Increase in self esteem by students <br>
7.Increased “connection” with the world (other cultures, languages, ideas) <br>
8.Increased involvement by parents <br>
9.School becomes the centre of the community <br>
10.Development of a sharing culture (child to child, school to community, teacher to parent) <br>
11.Better results than with Computer Labs <br>
How satisfied have you been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied)
And a few final questions about you:
How satisfied have parents and the community been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied) 
How long have you been teaching? (years, numeric input)
The Project Ceibal has resulted in (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)
# Reduced absenteeism
# Greater engagement by children
# Empowerment of teachers
# Increased esteem of teachers
# Reduced need of discipline
# Less disruption by students
# Increase in self esteem by students
# Increased “connection” with the world (other cultures, languages, ideas)
# Increased involvement by parents
# School becomes the center of the community
# Development of a sharing culture (child &harr; child, school &harr; community, teacher &harr; parent, child &harr; family, etc.)  
# Better results than with computers in the classroom
How comfortable were you using computers before you first used Sugar? (uncomfortable 12345 very comfortable)
===Follow up===
Would you be willing to participate in a more detailed, follow up survey? (yes/no)  
Was you prior experience with computers on (check one or more boxes)
Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with other teachers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)  
* Windows,
* Apple, or
* Linux?
Had you ever used a computer in your classroom before using Sugar? (yes/no)
Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with software developers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)  
How comfortable are you using computers in your classroom? (uncomfortable 12345 very comfortable)
What on-line forums do you use, if any? (chat, irc, blog, wiki, email, twitter, Facebook, ning, discussion forum) Other? (check one or more boxes)  
Would you be willing to participate in a more detailed, follow up survey? (yes/no)
Would you be willing to engage in a discussion with other teachers in an on-line forum? (yes/no)
Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with other teachers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)
If yes, which of the forums would be most suitable for such a discussion (check one or more boxes)  
Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with software developers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)
Do you have additional ideas about how to get more teachers involved?
If you wish to be contacted about participating, your contact email is ......
After seeing the new developments in Sugar software (version 0.84) are your impressions or expectations changed?
* Do you see more possibilities for learning?
What on-line forums do you use? (chat, irc, blog, wiki, email, twitter, Facebook, ning, discussion forum) Other? (check one or more boxes)
* Do you see more reasons to provide feedback?
Individual responses to this survey will remain confidential but aggregate responses will be published. By participating in this survey, you agree to Sugarlabs aggregating responses and publishing aggregated data

Latest revision as of 11:53, 23 June 2010

Survey on Instructional strategies using “Sugar” learning platform


You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Walter Bender from the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.). The primary purpose of the study is to get feedback from teachers who have been using the Sugar learning platform—the software that runs on the OLPC-XO-1 laptop—to help Sugar Labs prioritise resources amongst already identified issues and to identify any further needs. It is also an opportunity to gather success stories and failure points. The Sugar Labs team would like your help to translate the survey results into actionable items.

As a secondary goal, this consent section also permits academic research institutions in the USA to more easily participate with the project and understand the collected information.

You were selected as a potential participant in this study because you have been using Sugar as part of Project Ceibal in Uruguay. You should read the information below before deciding whether or not to participate in the survey.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. We expect that the survey will take about 15 minutes, however you have the right not to answer any question and to stop participating in the survey at any time and for any reason. You will not be compensated for participating in this survey.

The information you tell us will remain anonymous and confidential. Only aggregate results will be published.

Please contact Walter Bender (walter -AT- media.mit.edu) with any questions or concerns.

If you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject, you may contact the Chairman of the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects, M.I.T., Room E25-143b, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, phone +1-617-253-6787 or by email (mede -AT- med.mit.edu).

Apart from the current survey, the survey questions and instruments are available for independent use.


Sugar is the software used on the OLPC-XO-1 laptop computers deployed as part of Project Ceibal. Teachers, students, and engineers are using, testing, and improving Sugar. With your help—sharing your successes, problems, and suggestions—we can create a better learning experience for all children.

How long have you been teaching? (years, numeric input)

Do you teach in an urban, suburban, or rural school? (check one or more?)

How familiar were you using computers before your participation in Project Ceibal? (very unfamiliar 12345 very familiar)

Was you prior experience with computers on (check one or more boxes)

  • Windows
  • Apple
  • Linux

Had you ever used computers in your classroom with your students before Project Ceibal? (yes/no)

How comfortable are you using computers in your classroom? (very uncomfortable 12345 very comfortable)

Learners access to computers is important because they need to learn how to use programs such as word processors to participate in a technological world. (disagree strongly 12345 strongly agree)

As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)

Learners access to computers is important because computers can be a tool to think with, they facilitate problem solving, open-ended discovery, and deep thinking. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)

As a result of my participation in Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)

It is important that computers provide an easy entry for first-time users. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)

As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)

It is important that computers support more complicated tasks as a users competence grows. (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)

As a result of Project Ceibal I now believe this (less 12345 more)

Sugar Activities

Sugar Activities are computer programs that have been created for or adopted to the Sugar environment, such as Read, Write, Browse, and Paint.

My students' three favorite Sugar Activities are?

The three most important Sugar Activities for learning are?

A Sugar Activity that needs improving is?

How many Sugar Activities do you estimate are available?

Sugar Collaboration

One feature of Sugar is that it enables students to collaborate; examples of Sugar collaboration include peer editing in Write and sharing bookmarks in Browse.

Do your students use the collaboration features in Sugar? (never 12345 at least once per day) //how will the 12345 scale be interpreted?

Do you ever use the collaboration features to work with your students? (never 12345 at least once per day)

Do you ever use the collaboration features to work with other teachers? (never 12345 at least once per day)

Is Sugar collaboration an important learning feature? (not very important 12345 very important)

Are there Activities that you wish would support collaboration?

Sugar Journal

Another feature of Sugar is that it maintains a journal (or diary) of the student's work.

Do your students use the description field in the Journal to make notes about their work? (never 12345 every time they use an Activity)

Do your students use the title field in the Journal to change the title of the entry? (never 12345 every time they use an Activity)

How often do you look at your student's Journal? (never 12345 at least once per week)

How often do your student's parents look at their child's Journal? (never 12345 at least once per week)

Sugar View Source

Sugar is free and open-source software, designed to be modified by the user.

Have you ever looked at how any of the Sugar software is programmed? (never 12345 many times)

Have your students ever looked at any of the Sugar software? (never 12345 many times)

Are there things you'd like to change about Sugar or a Sugar Activity? (yes/no)

Have you ever tried to modify an Activity or Sugar itself? (yes/no)

If yes, was the experience (check all that apply): frustrating; satisfying; an opportunity for learning; other //each on a 12345 scale?

If no, is it because (check all that apply): you don't know how to program; you don't have time to program; it is too difficult to learn; it is someone else's responsibility; you didn't know it was possible; it is good to know the opportunity is there even if I haven't exploited it; other

Have your students ever tried to modify an Activity or Sugar itself? (yes/no)

If yes, was the experience (check all that apply): frustrating; satisfying; an opportunity for learning; other //each on a 12345 scale?


How satisfied have your students been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied)

How satisfied have you been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied)

How satisfied have parents and the community been with Sugar? (very unsatisfied 12345 very satisfied)

The Project Ceibal has resulted in (strongly disagree 12345 strongly agree)

  1. Reduced absenteeism
  2. Greater engagement by children
  3. Empowerment of teachers
  4. Increased esteem of teachers
  5. Reduced need of discipline
  6. Less disruption by students
  7. Increase in self esteem by students
  8. Increased “connection” with the world (other cultures, languages, ideas)
  9. Increased involvement by parents
  10. School becomes the center of the community
  11. Development of a sharing culture (child ↔ child, school ↔ community, teacher ↔ parent, child ↔ family, etc.)
  12. Better results than with computers in the classroom

Follow up

Would you be willing to participate in a more detailed, follow up survey? (yes/no)

Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with other teachers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)

Would you be willing to participate in an on-line forum with software developers to share ideas about Sugar? (yes/no)

What on-line forums do you use, if any? (chat, irc, blog, wiki, email, twitter, Facebook, ning, discussion forum) Other? (check one or more boxes)

Would you be willing to engage in a discussion with other teachers in an on-line forum? (yes/no)

If yes, which of the forums would be most suitable for such a discussion (check one or more boxes)

Do you have additional ideas about how to get more teachers involved?

After seeing the new developments in Sugar software (version 0.84) are your impressions or expectations changed?

  • Do you see more possibilities for learning?
  • Do you see more reasons to provide feedback?