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(do not recommend ubuntu sugar remix, since it is said that does not work very well, and the work has since been adopted by ubuntu anyway.)
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Moved to https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar/blob/master/docs/ubuntu.md
:Ubuntu educational software
You have an Ubuntu system and you wish to try Sugar?
As of 2012-02, Ubuntu does not have a stable version of Sugar in the Ubuntu repositories.  Until this is fixed, your choices are:
* use the unstable version 0.90 of Sugar, using the Ubuntu repositories,
* use [[Community/Distributions/Sweets_Distribution|Sweets]] on Ubuntu,
* switch to the [[Community/Distributions/Trisquel|Trisquel distribution]],
* switch to [[Community/Distributions|some other distribution]],
* use a virtual appliance, or;
* install from Sugar source.
We provide two kinds of information in this page.
#Existing Ubuntu-based Sugar Spins. A Sugar Spin is a Linux distribution which uses Sugar as its default desktop environment.
#How to install Sugar for your Ubuntu desktop. It is dependent on your Ubuntu's release version and the Sugar version you are going to install.
==Ubuntu-based Sugar Spins==
====VirtualBox Appliance to import====
==[[Image:Ubuntu-small.jpg]]Sugar Desktop 0.90 on Ubuntu 11.10==
NOTE: ''This version uses previous Sugar release. Collaboration is broken''
*Sugar 0.90 is NOT RECOMMENDED.
*Install sucrose-0.90
sudo apt-get install sucrose-0.90
Only comes with pippy and turtleart. You can download more Activities from [[http://activities.sugarlabs.org/| activites.sugarlabs.org ]] from outside of Sugar and install each .xo bundle individually in a terminal with:
sugar-install-bundle activity.xo
To run Sugar fullscreen:
*Go to the menu Applications->Education->sugar
*Drag and drop the Sugar icon to the desktop
*Right-click on Sugar icon and choose Properties
*Change the command to:
  sugar-emulator -f
If you need to turn off screensaver and power management:
xset s off
xset -dpms
==[[File:200px-Edubuntu.png]]Sugar Desktop 0.90 on edubuntu 11.10==
''Note: classic gnome fallback is available on install''
*Install sucrose-0.90
sudo apt-get install sucrose-0.90
Only comes with pippy and turtleart. To get more activities you can:
Download [[http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo| the Surf activity ]] and put it in a USB key. Within Sugar, copy the bundle to the Journal to install it. Start Surf and point it to [[http://activities.sugarlabs.org/| activites.sugarlabs.org ]] to get other activities.
Or you can download from [[http://activities.sugarlabs.org/| activites.sugarlabs.org ]] from outside Sugar and install each .xo bundle individually in a terminal with:
sugar-install-bundle activity.xo
To run Sugar fullscreen:
*menu Applications->Education->sugar
*drag and drop Sugar icon to desktop
*right-click on Sugar icon->Properties
*change command to:
  sugar-emulator -f

Latest revision as of 14:41, 1 November 2018