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:Ubuntu educational software
You have an Ubuntu system and you wish to try Sugar?
As of 2012-02, Ubuntu does not have a stable version of Sugar in the Ubuntu repositories.
Until this is fixed, try one of these options:
* use [[Community/Distributions/Sweets_Distribution|Sweets]] on Ubuntu, recommended for Ubuntu 11.04, see [[#How_to_install_Sweets_on_Ubuntu|below]],
* use a virtual appliance, compatible with any version of Ubuntu, see [[#How_to_install_a_virtual_appliance|below]],
* use the unstable version 0.90 of Sugar, from the Ubuntu repositories, compatible with any version of Ubuntu, see [[#How_to_install_Sugar_0.90_on_Ubuntu_11.10|below]], or
* install from Sugar source.
===How to install Sweets on Ubuntu===
Install packages on an Ubuntu system so that you may run Sugar.
See [[Community/Distributions/Sweets#Ubuntu_and_its_derivates|How to install Sweets on Ubuntu]].
===How to install a virtual appliance===
Install a virtual appliance based on Ubuntu:
*the [[Sugar_Creation_Kit#Ubuntu_11.04_sweets-distribution_sugar_0.94|Ubuntu 11.04 Sweets Distribution Sugar 0.94 virtual appliance]],
*a tutorial on [[Sugar_Creation_Kit/sck/VirtualBox_Import|How to Import a virtual Appliance into VirtualBox]].
There are other virtual appliances based on other distributions, which can be imported into virtualisation software on Ubuntu.
*see [[Emulator_image_files|Emulator image files]].
===How to install Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu 11.10===
There are [[/0.90|many problems with Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu]], many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the [[#How_to_install_Sweets_on_Ubuntu|Sweets]] or [[#How_to_install_a_virtual_appliance|virtual appliance]] methods instead.
To install Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu 11.10:
*click on Ubuntu Software Centre,
*search for Sugar,
*click on sugar-emulator-0.90,
*click on Install.
Sugar will be downloaded and installed.
To start Sugar, click on Dash, then search for Sugar.
===How to install Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu 11.04===
There are [[/0.90|many problems with Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu]], many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the [[#How_to_install_Sweets_on_Ubuntu|Sweets]] or [[#How_to_install_a_virtual_appliance|virtual appliance]] methods instead.
To install Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu 11.04:
*click on Applications, then Ubuntu Software Centre,
*search for Sugar,
*click on Install.
Sugar will be downloaded and installed.
To start Sugar, click on Applications, then Education, then Sugar.

Latest revision as of 14:41, 1 November 2018