Difference between revisions of "Ubuntu/Tests"

(51 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
=Ubuntu with Sweets_Distribution=
:Note: This is  page of test results combining Sugar with Ubuntu, in various forms, on various versions.
==Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.94==
*'''Under Construction Not Ready Please Return Later'''--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 11:09, 6 March 2012 (EST)
==Ubuntu with Sweets Distribution==
===XUbuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution===
:A nice simple interface similar to gnome2
*[[Sugar_Creation_Kit#Sugar_Creation_Kit#XUbuntu_11.10_sweets-distribution_sugar_0.94|Virtual Appliance]]
*Installed --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 20:00, 8 March 2012 (EST)
:VirtualBox 4.1.8 r75467 for OSX MacBook Pro i7
:VirtualBox (i386) appliance is available: [[Sugar_Creation_Kit#XUbuntu_11.10_sweets-distribution_sugar_0.94|xubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 VirtualBox appliance]] for import.
Logout gives these selections in the Login Box Dropdown List:
*Sweets Distribution <== use this one It should remain in bar after drop down closes
  Xfce Session
  Xubuntu Session
====About my Computer====
Ubuntu 11.10
There was some error fetching the last-update-time
from sugar-server. Please contact Support.
IRC            10 ok    D/L from ASLO in Browse
Write          77 ok
Turtle Art    136 ok
Terminal        35 ok
Read            95 '''no''' failed to start
  ImportError: could not import gobject (error was: ImportError('when using g.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject".
  Please change all occurrences of "import gobject" to "from gi.repository inport GObject".'))
Pippy          46 ok
Log            27 ok
Jukebox        23 ok
Image Viewer    19 ok
Etoys          116 ok
Chat            74 ok
Calculate      38 ok
Browse        129 ok
=====Activity Updates=====
*29 new activities from CP/Software Update
Paint          31 ok
Colors          15 '''no''' failed to start
Typing Turtle  26 ok
Words            4 ok
Visual Match    27 ok
StopWatch        4 ok
Spirolaterals  14 ok
Ruler            7 '''no''' failed to start
Labyrinth      11 ok
Flipsticks      8 ok
Maze            9 '''no'' hangs and pulses "starting"
Moon            11 ok
Tux Paint        5 ok but exits to journal
Physics          8 ok
Speak          20 ok
TamTamMini      54 '''no''' failed to start
Measure        32 '''no''' failed to start
Abacus          19 ok
FotoToon        5 ok
Poll            27 '''no''' starts but build a poll and lesson plans do not start
Memorize        36 ok
Arithmetic      2 ok
Implode        10 ok
GCompris        17 ok exits to journal
Turtle Machine  10 ok
Get Books        5 '''no''' failed to start
Tetris Mat      1 ok but too display is larger than screen
Record          87 ok?  only sound
*Works well
===Ubuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution===
*Tested --[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 09:07, 8 March 2012 (EST)
*Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
*Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
:More Apps
:More Apps
Line 8: Line 83:
:click on left panel terminal Keep in launcher
:click on left panel terminal Keep in launcher
*Start Firefox go to:
*Start Firefox go to:
*copy paste commands
*copy paste commands listed into Ubuntu terminal (move mouse cursor to left edge of screen-terminal will appear)
===About my Computer===
:Many files will be downloaded and installed
:Close Ubuntu Terminal and firefox
*Log out
*Log in session: (stared wheel in top - right corner of gdm window)
:drop down box appears:
:: *  Sweets Distribution <=Pick this one
:: Ubuntu
:: Ubuntu 2D
*Sweets Distribution starts
:Click: (<= Back) to rename your sugar entity
:Click to change colors of your XO avatar
:(=> Done) to start sugar
*look at the tutorial [[Tutorials/Introduction_to_the_Sugar_Interface| Introduction to the Sugar Interface]]
====About my Computer====
    Build    Ubuntu 11.10 
    Sugar    0.94.1
    Firmware  VirtualBox
Last Updated On: There was some error fetching the last-update-time
                  from sugar-server. Please contact Support
==Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.90.1==
*Software Updates (not all that are offered)
*Native Versions in Ubuntu Repositories
  Typing Turtle    26  ok
*Software Center
  Words              4  ok
:Search "sugar'"
  Spirolaterals    14  ok
sugar-emulator 0.84; 0.86; 0.88; and 0.90
  FlipSticks        8  ok
install sugar-emulator 0.90
  Moon              11 ok
*TO load a browser Add Surf activity:
  Physics            8  ok
* download http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
  Speak            20  ok speaks
* install the bundle in a terminal by typing:
  Abacus            19  ok
sugar-install-bundle Surf-115.xo
  FotoToon          5  ok
*Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
  Memorize          36  ok
:More Apps
  Arithmetic        2  ok
:Search "sugar"
  GCompris          17  ok  music exits to journal view - not f3 list view
*Start Sugar
  Turtle Machine    10  ok 
*Use Surf-115 to connect to ASLO (activities on start page) and install applications.
  Record            87  ok  only Audio available on MacBookPro i7 VirtualBox and no sound on playback
===About my Computer===
  IRC              10 ok  downloaded fro ASLO with Browse
Build    Ubuntu 11.10
*Before Update
Sugar    0.90.1
Key: ok = activity starts normally
Key:'''*''' Original Installs from sweets_distribution
*Some Activities that start
  surf        115            Downloaded and installed with sugar-install-bundle
  Write          77* '''no''' starts with greyed screen and icons only appear under mouse
chat         73            ASLO
      Error write-activity::Loading keybindings
  record       93            ASLO only sound on VirtualBox OSX
      /opt/sweets/write/AbiwordWordActivity.py:215: GtkWarning: IA__gdk_window_setcursor: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
  get books   10            ASLO no way to read as read does not start
  Turtle Art    136* ok
arithmetic   2           ASLO
  Terminal        35* ok
  moon        13            ASLO
  Read            95'''no''' (failed to start)  
maze         15            ASLO
      ImportError: could not import gobject (error was: ImportError('when using gi.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject", please change all occurances of "import gobject" to "from gi.repository import GObject".',))
Turtle Art  98
  Pippy          46* ok  (physics works)
Pippy        37
  Log            27* ok  
IRC          8: Ubuntu 10  ASLO "connecting on port 8001" but no connection
  Jukebox         23* ok sees audio from record (no sound from MacBook Pro i7)
words        14            ASLO
  Image Viewer    19* ok sees paint drawing
Terminal    35            ASLO
   Etoys          116* ok 
   Chat           74* ok  Collaborates (visible) on jabber
*Users central avatar XO disappears after several minutes
  Calculate      38* ok  
:Known bug of 0.90
  Browse         129* ok
*Connects properly
===Ubuntu 11.04 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution===
*[[Sugar_Creation_Kit#Ubuntu_11.04_sweets-distribution_sugar_0.94|Virtual Appliance]]
*followed [[Sweets_Distribution#Ubuntu_and_its_derivates|install steps]],
*all included activities started fine.
(A virtual appliance of this version is available in the [[Sugar_Creation_Kit#Ubuntu_11.04_sweets-distribution_sugar_0.94|Sugar Creation Kit]].)
===Ubuntu 10.04.4 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution===
==Ubuntu 10.04.4 with sugar 0.94==
*followed [[Sweets_Distribution#Ubuntu_and_its_derivates|install steps]],
*installed fine in new Hard Disk and VirtualBox installs  08:14, 6 March 2012 (EST)
:Sweets-Distribution 0.94 Installed fine in new VirtualBox install--[[User:Satellit|Satellit]] 08:14, 6 March 2012 (EST)
:: This version is RECOMMENDED
====About my Computer====
===About my Computer===
  Build    Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
  Build    Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
  Sugar    0.94.1
  Sugar    0.94.1
  Firmware  VirtualBox
  Firmware  VirtualBox
:After 30 activities updated in CP/Software Update = not marked with *
Key = 30 activities updated in CP/Software Update
  Scratch         201000321 Downloads but not in f3 Spiral or list view. (Blacklisted?)
activity        #    ok=works Comments
  Scratch   201000321 '''no'''        Downloads but not in f3 Spiral or list view. (Blacklisted?)
  Gcompris        17  ok with sounds  
  Gcompris        17  ok with sounds  
  Paint          31  ok
  Paint          31  ok
Line 74: Line 181:
  Labyrinth      11  ok
  Labyrinth      11  ok
  Flipsticks      8  ok
  Flipsticks      8  ok
  Maze            9  '''NO''' pulses and "starting"
  Maze            9  '''NO''' pulses and "starting", log empty
  Moon            11  ok
  Moon            11  ok
  Tux Paint        5  ok
  Tux Paint        5  ok
Line 94: Line 201:
  IRC            10  ok    downloaded from ASLO
  IRC            10  ok    downloaded from ASLO
  Key:* Original Installs from sweets_distribution
  Key:* = Original Installs from sweets_distribution
  Write          77*  ok       
  Write          77*  ok       
  Turtle Art    136*  ok       
  Turtle Art    136*  ok       
Line 104: Line 211:
  Image Viewer    19*  ok
  Image Viewer    19*  ok
  Etoys          116*  ok
  Etoys          116*  ok
  Chat            73*  ok  no emoticons (see text version on send line)
  Chat            73*  ok  no emoticons (see text version on send line) But: shows them when connected and sharing another's chat.?
  Calculate      38*  ok
  Calculate      38*  ok
  Browse        129*  ok Connects to ASLO  Bookmarks are grayed out
  Browse        129*  ok Connects to ASLO  Bookmarks are grayed out
*Connects properly
*Connects properly
*Tutorial: [[Tutorials/Backup & restore Journal|Backup/Restore]]
*Insert a USB drive
*Click on journal
*Click on the USB drive in left corner after frame retracts
*Pop-Up Menu offers Backup
:*datastore.tar.gz is stored on the USB drive
*Click on the USB drive in left corner after frame retracts
*Pop-Up Menu offers  Restore
===Ubuntu 10.04 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution===
*used 10.04 original ISOs,
*followed [[Sweets_Distribution#Ubuntu_and_its_derivates|install steps]],
*all included activities started fine.
==Ubuntu with Sugar from Ubuntu repositories==
===Ubuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.90.1===
*Native packages in Ubuntu repositories
*Software Center
:Search "sugar'"
sugar-emulator 0.84; 0.86; 0.88; and 0.90
install sugar-emulator 0.90
*[[Ubuntu/0.90#Problem:_Browse_activity_does_not_work|install Surf activity because Browse does not work]]
*Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
:More Apps
:Search "sugar"
*Start Sugar
*Use Surf to connect to  ASLO (activities on start page) and install activities.
====About my Computer====
Build    Ubuntu 11.10
Sugar    0.90.1
*Some Activities that start
surf        115            Downloaded and installed with sugar-install-bundle
chat        73            ASLO
record      93            ASLO only sound on VirtualBox OSX
get books    10            ASLO no way to read as read does not start
arithmetic    2            ASLO
moon        13            ASLO
maze        15            ASLO
Turtle Art  98
Pippy        37
IRC          8: Ubuntu 10  ASLO "connecting on port 8001" but no connection
words        14            ASLO
Terminal    35            ASLO
*[[Ubuntu/0.90#Problem:_collaboration_is_broken|collaboration is broken]]

Latest revision as of 18:34, 9 July 2012

Note: This is page of test results combining Sugar with Ubuntu, in various forms, on various versions.

Ubuntu with Sweets Distribution

XUbuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution

A nice simple interface similar to gnome2
VirtualBox 4.1.8 r75467 for OSX MacBook Pro i7
VirtualBox (i386) appliance is available: xubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 VirtualBox appliance for import.


Logout gives these selections in the Login Box Dropdown List:

*Sweets Distribution <== use this one It should remain in bar after drop down closes
 Xfce Session
 Xubuntu Session

About my Computer

Ubuntu 11.10
There was some error fetching the last-update-time
from sugar-server. Please contact Support.


IRC             10 ok    D/L from ASLO in Browse

Write           77 ok
Turtle Art     136 ok
Terminal        35 ok
Read            95 no failed to start
  ImportError: could not import gobject (error was: ImportError('when using g.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject".
  Please change all occurrences of "import gobject" to "from gi.repository inport GObject".'))
Pippy           46 ok
Log             27 ok
Jukebox         23 ok
Image Viewer    19 ok
Etoys          116 ok
Chat            74 ok
Calculate       38 ok
Browse         129 ok
Activity Updates
  • 29 new activities from CP/Software Update
Paint           31 ok
Colors          15 no failed to start
Typing Turtle   26 ok
Words            4 ok
Visual Match    27 ok
StopWatch        4 ok
Spirolaterals   14 ok
Ruler            7 no failed to start
Labyrinth       11 ok
Flipsticks       8 ok
Maze             9 'no hangs and pulses "starting"
Moon            11 ok
Tux Paint        5 ok but exits to journal
Physics          8 ok
Speak           20 ok
TamTamMini      54 no failed to start
Measure         32 no failed to start
Abacus          19 ok
FotoToon         5 ok
Poll            27 no starts but build a poll and lesson plans do not start
Memorize        36 ok
Arithmetic       2 ok
Implode         10 ok
GCompris        17 ok exits to journal
Turtle Machine  10 ok
Get Books        5 no failed to start
Tetris Mat       1 ok but too display is larger than screen
Record          87 ok?  only sound


  • Works well

Ubuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution

  • Tested --Satellit 09:07, 8 March 2012 (EST)
  • Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
More Apps
Search "terminal"
  • Start terminal
click on left panel terminal Keep in launcher
  • Start Firefox go to:


  • copy paste commands listed into Ubuntu terminal (move mouse cursor to left edge of screen-terminal will appear)
Many files will be downloaded and installed
Close Ubuntu Terminal and firefox
  • Log out
  • Log in session: (stared wheel in top - right corner of gdm window)
drop down box appears:
* Sweets Distribution <=Pick this one
Ubuntu 2D
  • Pswd_______
  • Sweets Distribution starts
Click: (<= Back) to rename your sugar entity
Click to change colors of your XO avatar
(=> Done) to start sugar

About my Computer

  • Software
   Build     Ubuntu 11.10  
   Sugar     0.94.1
   Firmware  VirtualBox

Last Updated On: There was some error fetching the last-update-time
                 from sugar-server. Please contact Support


  • Software Updates (not all that are offered)
  Typing Turtle     26  ok
  Words              4  ok
  Spirolaterals     14  ok
  FlipSticks         8  ok
  Moon              11  ok
  Physics            8  ok
  Speak             20  ok speaks
  Abacus            19  ok
  FotoToon           5  ok
  Memorize          36  ok
  Arithmetic         2  ok
  GCompris          17  ok   music exits to journal view - not f3 list view
  Turtle Machine    10  ok   
  Record            87  ok   only Audio available on MacBookPro i7 VirtualBox and no sound on playback
  IRC               10  ok   downloaded fro ASLO with Browse
  • Before Update
Key: ok = activity starts normally
Key:* Original Installs from sweets_distribution

  Write           77* no starts with greyed screen and icons only appear under mouse 
     Error write-activity::Loading keybindings
     /opt/sweets/write/AbiwordWordActivity.py:215: GtkWarning: IA__gdk_window_setcursor: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
  Turtle Art     136* ok
  Terminal        35* ok
  Read            95*  no (failed to start) 
     ImportError: could not import gobject (error was: ImportError('when using gi.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject", please change all occurances of "import gobject" to "from gi.repository import GObject".',))
  Pippy           46* ok  (physics works)
  Log             27* ok  
  Jukebox         23* ok  sees audio from record (no sound from MacBook Pro i7)
  Image Viewer    19* ok  sees paint drawing 
  Etoys          116* ok  
  Chat            74* ok   Collaborates (visible) on jabber
  Calculate       38* ok  
  Browse         129* ok


  • Connects properly

Ubuntu 11.04 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution

(A virtual appliance of this version is available in the Sugar Creation Kit.)

Ubuntu 10.04.4 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution

  • followed install steps,
  • installed fine in new Hard Disk and VirtualBox installs 08:14, 6 March 2012 (EST)

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
Sugar     0.94.1
Firmware  VirtualBox


Key = 30 activities updated in CP/Software Update

activity        #    ok=works Comments
Scratch    201000321 no        Downloads but not in f3 Spiral or list view. (Blacklisted?)
Gcompris        17   ok with sounds 
Paint           31   ok
Colors          15   ok
Typing Turtle   26   ok
Words            4   ok
Visual Match    27   ok
StopWatch        4   ok
Spriolaterals   14   ok
Ruler            7   ok
Labyrinth       11   ok
Flipsticks       8   ok
Maze             9   NO pulses and "starting", log empty
Moon            11   ok
Tux Paint        5   ok
Physics          8   ok
Speak           20   ok speaks
TamTamMini      54   no failed to start
Measure         32   ok
Read            87   ok - starts at greyed screen
Abacus          19   yes
FotoToon         5   ok
Poll            27   no starts but Build a Poll and Lesson Plans do not start
Memorize        36   ok
Arithmetic       2   ok
Implode         10   ok
Turtle Machine  10   ok
Get Books        5   ok loads darwin Origin of the Species EPUB Loads from journal in read
Tetris Mat       1   ok but display window is oversize in 10" Netbook
Record          87   ok  Photo on ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 Photo and Video OK Audio does not playback any sound
IRC             10   ok     downloaded from ASLO

Key:* = Original Installs from sweets_distribution
Write           77*   ok      
Turtle Art     136*   ok      
Terminal        35*   ok
Read            79*   ok  updates to 87
Pippy           46*   ok? starts but error: ImportError: Cannot import name physics
Log             27*   ok
Jukebox         23*   ok
Image Viewer    19*   ok
Etoys          116*   ok
Chat            73*   ok  no emoticons (see text version on send line) But: shows them when connected and sharing another's chat.?
Calculate       38*   ok
Browse         129*   ok Connects to ASLO  Bookmarks are grayed out


  • Connects properly


  • Tutorial: Backup/Restore
  • Insert a USB drive
  • Click on journal
  • Click on the USB drive in left corner after frame retracts
  • Pop-Up Menu offers Backup
  • datastore.tar.gz is stored on the USB drive
  • Click on the USB drive in left corner after frame retracts
  • Pop-Up Menu offers Restore

Ubuntu 10.04 with Sugar 0.94 via Sweets Distribution

  • used 10.04 original ISOs,
  • followed install steps,
  • all included activities started fine.

Ubuntu with Sugar from Ubuntu repositories

Ubuntu 11.10 with Sugar 0.90.1

  • Native packages in Ubuntu repositories
  • Software Center
Search "sugar'"
sugar-emulator 0.84; 0.86; 0.88; and 0.90
install sugar-emulator 0.90
More Apps
Search "sugar"
  • Start Sugar
  • Use Surf to connect to ASLO (activities on start page) and install activities.

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 11.10
Sugar     0.90.1


  • Some Activities that start
surf        115            Downloaded and installed with sugar-install-bundle
chat         73            ASLO
record       93            ASLO only sound on VirtualBox OSX
get books    10            ASLO no way to read as read does not start
arithmetic    2            ASLO
moon         13            ASLO
maze         15            ASLO
Turtle Art   98
Pippy        37
IRC          8: Ubuntu 10  ASLO "connecting on port 8001" but no connection 
words        14            ASLO
Terminal     35            ASLO
