
Joined 27 March 2015
No change in size ,  15:58, 27 March 2015
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An Experience: A kid (a close relative of mine), as young as 4-5 years, plays games with attractive audio and visuals. Even if the game is new, continously played for few times she gets accoustomed to it and starts doing well, in this process she seems to learn many things and cognisize in a better way. I was fascinated by the things done by 'Learning by doing' . Pattern matching, which in other terms called as similarity matching helps in improving cognitive ability tremendously. Through this project, I would be able to contribute to such a powerful and efficient tool.
An Experience: A kid (a close relative of mine), as young as 4-5 years, plays games with attractive audio and visuals. Even if the game is new, continously played for few times she gets accoustomed to it and starts doing well, in this process she seems to learn many things and cognisize in a better way. I was fascinated by the things done by 'Learning by doing' . Pattern matching, which in other terms called as similarity matching helps in improving cognitive ability tremendously. Through this project, I would be able to contribute to such a powerful and efficient tool.
I'm sorry to tell you that due to proxy issues in college, sharing the development environment screenshot and git hub repository information was not possible. Will get back to you at the earliest.
I'm sorry to tell you that due to proxy issues in college git hub repository information was not possible. I Will get back to you at the earliest.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By7SUYQTLmBGNVJTd0d1ajRSU2pSTWpFeXM2RnR5Wm9uQTZv/view?usp=sharing - this is the development environment screenshot.
