Local Labs

Revision as of 22:34, 3 November 2008 by Dfarning (talk | contribs) (move todo items to todo list)

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Welcome to the Local Sugar Labs project.

Local Sugar Labs are regional groups chartered to help accomplish to Sugar Labs mission on a local level. There are many ways in which a local lab can affect greater change than a global lab.

  • Local labs can adapt the technology and pedagogy to an area's culture and resources (f.e developing activities and contents, specific to the countries and regions).
  • Local labs can help translate Sugar to the local language. Local labs can support sugar deployments in area schools.
  • Local labs can begin a strong local community devoted to the Sugar labs principles, and in that way making the use and share of sugar more open and sustainable, also is a way and opportunity for communication,between the local communities and world Sugar Labs community.

We would like to help local and regional groups establish Sugar Labs, whose mission would be to advance learning and the technical and pedagogical support around learning in specific locales. We are looking for input on how best to do this. Your input would be of great value to our efforts. Please join the discussion.

Pros and Cons


  • Good source of self sustaining revenue.


  • Would SL directly engaging in work-for-hire cause a conflict of interest with our members and partners