How to present Sugar

Revision as of 07:39, 27 June 2009 by MartinDengler (talk | contribs) (add link to caroline giving the presentation)

How to Present Sugar


Hands on guide

It's great to get people playing around with Sugar themselves. Be sure to cover the basics before you turn people loose, though, otherwise they will get frustrated:

1. Show the Home Screen. 2. Show the XO icon and draw attention to its colors and how they are used throughout the interface to represent "your work". 3. Show how one gets to the frame. 4. Show the Neighborhood view. Show that one can get there from the frame or from F1. 5. Demonstrate connecting to an AP. Explain that more color in the circle means stronger signal (as opposed to how "full" it is) 6. Show the group view and that "friends" will show up there. 7. Show the Journal where one's work is saved. 8. Demonstrate that to do something, one goes to one's Home screen and clicks on any of the icons. They are the activities.


  • Always try to bring an AP. Don't use existing wireless. Collaboration will work on a AP that has no internet / upstream connection.
  • Either get USB sticks to boot OR teach about Sugar, don't try to do both at once.
  • Demo Write and peer editing. This is a big deal for teachers. Do it early in the presentation, beofre you can (happily) distracted with anything else.


This guide is based on Caroline Meeks' reflections on presenting Sugar. You can view her giving the presentation.