Design Team/Proposals/Groups

Group mock-ups


  • Get agreement on any of this :-)

Add buddy to existing Group from Neighbourhood

Buddy palettes would show self tags (tags the buddy added to their own profile) and a new "Add to Group -->" menu showing any groups the user had already created (managing these groups is performed in the Group view). Friends can be considered as a default group provided by the system that you can't delete.

Group view with additional management

Note combination box for creating new and selecting existing Groups is currently set to "Colleagues". All buddy icons shown are for buddies already added to the "Colleagues" group. Hovering over a buddy reveals a palette that allows you to remove a buddy from this group.

Group view with additional management

Clicking the combination box reveals the other Groups already defined, including the default "Friends" group provided by the system. Selecting an entry updates the buddy icons shown on the main canvas for that Group. Clicking the erase (-) toolbar button would raise an alert "Confirm erase: Are you sure you want to permanently erase the '<group_name>' group? (Keep/Erase)". Typing a new string into the combination box would activate the add group (+) toolbar button and disable the (-) button. Typing a new name then clicking (+) would create the group and clear the canvas of previously shown buddies (you'll see none here until you add them from neighborhood).

Journal view showing "Send to --> Group"

Once we have named Groups, the Journal "Send to -->" feature can be extended at some future release cycle to support sending an entry to a whole group. Named Groups could also appear in the Activity "Share with:" menu for quick private collaboration with a number of buddies (each buddy in the Group would receive an Activity invite request).
