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MyFarm is a simulation farming game that teaches students about money management, time management, and responsibility. Students are given a farm and are able to choose various plants and animals to be a part of their farm. Students are able to sell their plants, animals, etc at a shop in order to buy luxury items to decorate their farm.

The target users are 3rd and 4th graders as the game will enhances lessons taught on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Additionally the game will enhance lessons taught on elapse time.

I am currently recruiting persons with a general interested in the development of this game. My goal is to have this game be a popular One Laptop Per Child game. Additionally, I would like to build a strong team and recruit testers that will be able to make this game come into realization. ALL ARE WELCOME this WEDNESDAY to learn more about myFarm on the IRC Channel #myFarm.

This is a great chance to learn about the open source community and help build a game. All Experience Levels are Welcomed, but Experienced Programmers, Artists, and Gamers are HIGHLY Welcomed. Please contact me if you need assistance logging onto IRC: [TWITTER:IOGBURU]

Team Members & Advisors

Ihudiya Ogburu






Teacher Focus Group:


Development Meetings

Our First meeting is Wednesday, 1/6/2010 at 10pm Channel #MyFarm

Interest Sign-Up

Ihudiya Ogburu:

Software Design Document

Software Requirements Specification

Related Articles/Research/Reviews

  1. Farming Simulators or Farming Concept Games
    1. FarmTown
    2. BunnyFarm
    3. AgentFarms
    4. The Farm Garm
    5. PicoFarm
    6. MadFarm
    7. CeoFarm
    8. Little Farm
    9. FoodForceII
    10. EngineFarm

Plan of Action

  1. Create SRS Document
  2. Obtain feedback from SRS Document
  3. Storyline
  4. Concept Drawing and Mini Demo
  5. Obtain feedback from Drawings, Demo, and Storyline
  6. Outline Backend Coding
  7. Begin Coding
  8. Set up User Testing

Bugs/ Fixes

Game Suggestions

  • A website to allow students to post their farm
  • Add a Curriculum
  • Scoreboard
  • Other Versions like MyHouse, MyPet
