Summer of Code/Resources

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Sugar Labs is a big project. Like all big projects, it has a big wiki. Here are some pointers:

First Steps

Getting Orientated

  1. Learn about the Sugar Learning Platform
  2. Sign up to our mailing lists & connect via our IRC channels
  3. Learn how the different Sugar Labs project teams work together

Getting the Code

  1. Know git? Visit our source code page to see the repositories of all of the Sugar modules & core Activities
  2. You may wish to learn the terms we use to describe Sugar's components

Fixing Bugs

Getting to work on bugs is a great way to start your introduction to the Sugar code base. Hint: Search for sugar-love in the bug tracker.

  1. Visit, also known as
  2. Learn our bug status codes

GSoC Project Ideas

Are you looking for things that could occupy your time over the summer break? There are several proposals that are looking for some enthusiastic support:

We are also very keen to have a student or two adopt a mature Activity. This would involve completing a set of non-trivial patches for a particular Activity. This is a great opportunity to get to know how others' code is written. You'll be able to show to your future employers that you're able to fit in nicely with a currenty software project.

Further Resources

Development Team

  • Almanac is the hub of the development team. The development team's focus is the core of the Sugar Learning Platform.

Activity Team

  • Resources is a portal of resources for the Activity team. The Activity team is focused on maintaining the individual Activities that sit within the Sugar Learning Platform.

Sugar Labs