Design Team/Logo Ideas

Please add your logo ideas to the image gallery.


Ribofuranose-2D-skeletal.png Ribose Sugar Glucose Sugar

Another Sugar Cube

This logo variation is an axonometric sugar cube with the name sugar labs wrapping around the base. The name is set in Tempo heavy Condensed.  

May violate Sugar CRM's trademark.

Sugar Cube


May violate Sugar CRM's trademark.

Building Blocks

Here's a derivative idea, based on the "Sugar cube" proposal from before. If we consider representing Sugar as a building block, we could treat Sugarlabs as community structure composed of those blocks, emphasizing both construction(ism) and collaboration. Please note that this is a really quick sketch, and details such as size, placement, color, font, and even the rendition of the cube should be considered in detail, if this direction seems worth exploring.


A connected community of learners

I like the cube idea, I was inspired looking at the earlier Sugar Cube designs and wanted to build something. My ideal is to connect a lot of parts, LEGO-style. So I adapted a Rubics cube design to build an apartment community with the Python team, the Sugar team, and so forth. Please choose and letter your sides, something wonderful could happen.

You could use this to document software/API layers, or anything that could be boxed, the dBus and other system software would be helpful to visualize, as well as children in different area using the mesh networking.


Text in pseudo-Sugar icon style

The colors and line weights need adjusting, but just to give an idea. It is simple and flexible and it intends to give the impression of multiple elements making a whole--in this case a word.

Eye Metaphor

I considered trying something different. Our eyes are the organs we humans absorb the most information with, especially when using a computer. Also, SugarLabs may represent an eye for its users gathering information from all over the world. This metaphor was also incorporated in the rest of the suite, while each logo incorporates the function/tool it represents in a metaphorical way. An other thing that was taken into consideration is that the SugarLabs logo can be recognized/memorized easily and additionally it is functional in some cases on its own, without the need of the "SugarLabs" badge. Hope this helps

Introduce "Lab" visual element?


 I had taken a crack at a similar idea myself, when working with the "droplet of sugar" idea.

  Just to give idea about logo based on "Sugarcane" image with SUGAR painted on it, and pieces of Sugarcane making "LABS" structure

  Galaxy looking lollipop w/ lightbulb,