Platform Team/Package Management System/Getting started

Sweets introduction

Iain, Aleksey has prepared a new distribution model for Sugar called Sweets, and asks about introducing it to non developers, #3249.

Sorry, but the ticket was about Sweets Usage, not about Sweets Distribution. alsroot 01:18, 3 December 2011 (EST)
OK, good example of the confusion possible. From Platform Team/Sweets, the assumption is made that,
"It is important to stimulate users into becoming doers—to modify existing activities, and to share the results of their experiments with other people, viz., a distribution method should handle different variants of the same project.";
so Sweets seems to be aimed at those about to graduate to the software sharing stage of Sugar learning. Do you think that this stage can be assumed for someone who has not launched or loaded Sugar before? (Someone, here, refers to a significant fraction of the population of beginning Sugar learners.) To this goal, significant stimulation efforts seem to be focused on providing malleable software at the Activity level, so learners can discover the gratification of creating new 'code' products. Sweets seems a bit advanced from that early stage. Clearly, a, or the, goal is to lower the effort required for robust doer<->doer sharing. Seems like we need to advance by iteration with 'early adopters' and continue to eliminate all the 'hitches' and obstacles that discourage the vast majority of new users yet to become doers. --FGrose 22:49, 3 December 2011 (EST)

Could you look at the documentation with the eye toward drafting an introductory posting and page for new non-technical users? If you could outline, or outright draft, an introduction, it would be a great service to us (and we need to exploit your 'newness' before it rapidly expires, if it hasn't already.) and much appreciated! --FGrose 21:23, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Much of the wiki documentation for Sweets is highly technical and aimed at Platform packagers. This page, Platform Team/Infrastructure, with its graphics and short summary helped me grasp the big picture. The problem is now to extract the essential minimum for a new interested learner to try this new technology. It will take some effort and, no doubt, some iterations. --FGrose 21:43, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Also look at: Sweets Installation satellit_ 9:03 2 December 2011 (PST)

Sure. I will test Sweets on Debian (kernel 2.6.32) or Mint 11 (kernel 3.~) and see what my notes look like. --Inkyfingers 06:10, 3 December 2011 (EST)