
< Ubuntu
Revision as of 13:47, 6 March 2012 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.90.1: Some Activities that start D/L from ASLO)

Ubuntu with Sweets_Distribution

Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.94

  • Under Construction Not Ready Please Return Later--Satellit 11:09, 6 March 2012 (EST)
  • Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
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Search "terminal"
  • Start terminal
click on left panel terminal Keep in launcher
  • Start Firefox go to:
  • copy paste commands

About my Computer


Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.90.1

  • Native Versions in Ubuntu Repositories
  • Software Center
Search "sugar'"
sugar-emulator 0.84; 0.86; 0.88; and 0.90
install sugar-emulator 0.90
sugar-install-bundle Surf-115.xo
  • Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
More Apps
Search "sugar"
  • Start Sugar
  • Use Surf-115 to connect to ASLO (activities on start page) and install applications.

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 11.10
Sugar     0.90.1


  • Some Activities that start
surf        115            Downloaded and installed with sugar-install-bundle
chat         73            ASLO
record       93            ASLO only sound on VirtualBox OSX
get books    10            ASLO no way to read as read does not start
arithmetic    2            ASLO
moon         13            ASLO
maze         15            ASLO
Turtle Art   98
Pippy        37
IRC          8: Ubuntu 10  ASLO "connecting on port 8001" but no connection 
words        14            ASLO
Terminal     35            ASLO


  • Users central avatar XO disappears after several minutes
Known bug of 0.90

Ubuntu 10.04.4 with sugar 0.94

Sweets-Distribution 0.94 Installed fine in new VirtualBox install--Satellit 08:14, 6 March 2012 (EST)

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
Sugar     0.94.1
Firmware  VirtualBox


  • after 31 activities updated in CP/Software Update
Scratch         201000321  Downloads but not in f3 Spiral or list view.
Gcompris        17
Paint           31
Colors          15
Typing Turtle   26
Words            4
Visual Match    27
StopWatch        4
Spriolaterals   14
Ruler            7
Labyrinth       11
Flipsticks       8
Maze             9
Moon            11
Tux Paint        5
TamTamMini      54
Measure         32
Read            87
Abacus          19
FotoToon         5
Poll            27
Memorize        36
Arithmetic       2
Implode         10
Turtle Machine  10
Get Books        5
Tetris Mat       1
Record          87
IRC             10         downloaded from ASLO
Write           77         
Turtle Art     136         
Terminal        35
Pippy           46
Log             27
Jukebox         23
Image Viewer    19
Etoys          116
Chat            73
Calculate       38
Browse         129


  • Connects properly