
< Ubuntu
Revision as of 20:08, 20 May 2015 by Quozl (talk | contribs) (archive 0.90 instructions from main page)

How to install Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu

  • NOT Recommended

There are many problems with Sugar on Ubuntu (see a list for 0.90), many of which have been fixed in a later version of Sugar, so we recommend the Sweets or virtual appliance methods above instead.

In particular, there is no compatible web browser included, though there is a workaround.

However, if you wish to to install Sugar on Ubuntu:

  • click on Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on sugar-emulator or sugar,
  • click on Install,
  • if asked about other required applications, click to install.

Sugar will be downloaded and installed.

To start Sugar, click on Applications, then Education, then Sugar.

See how to create a desktop icon that runs Sugar full screen.

Sugar versions available in Ubuntu Software Center

  • Search for "sugar"

How to install Sugar on Ubuntu 12.04

  • ubuntu-12.04-beta1-desktop-i386.iso
  • 12e04b6893802d3b1935296bfbfe0910
  • installed as usual, versions offered are Sugar 0.84, 0.86, 0.88, and 0.90.

--Quozl 21:49, 5 March 2012 (EST)

How to install Sugar on Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu has updated Software Center and now only 0.88.1 sugar is offered. Tested 14:44, 4 March 2012 (EST) --User:Satellit
This is not reproducible. Tested 6th March, ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso md5sum c396dd0f97bd122691bdb92d7e68fde5 on VirtualBox, with "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" to install all updates. Result was that Sugar versions 0.84, 0.86, 0.88, and 0.90 were all offered by Ubuntu Software Centre. A user would naturally install 0.90 as the latest. --Quozl 20:38, 5 March 2012 (EST)

There are many problems with Sugar on Ubuntu, many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the Sweets or virtual appliance methods instead. There is only firefox offered as a browser and it is not fully "sugarized" and will not install .xo files correctly as it cannot access the sugar-journal

To install Sugar on Ubuntu 11.10:

  • click on Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on sugar-emulator
  • click on Install.
  • click and install other required applications

Sugar will be downloaded and installed.

  • To start Sugar,: Applications/Education/Sugar
  1. right click on sugar and add to desktop
  2. right click on XO Sugar Avatar on Desktop
  3. Properties: change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)

How to install Sugar 0.87.2 on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS

To install Sugar 0.87.2 on Ubuntu 10.04:

  • click on Ubuntu Software Center,
  • search for Sugar,
  • click on sugar-emulator
  • click on Install.
  • click and install other required applications
  • To start Sugar,: Applications/Education/Sugar
  1. right click on sugar and add to desktop
  2. right click on XO Sugar Avatar on Desktop
  3. Properties: change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)

How to install Sugar 0.90.1 on Ubuntu 11.04

There are many problems with Sugar 0.90 on Ubuntu, many of which have been fixed in a later version, so we recommend the Sweets or virtual appliance methods instead.

  • Note: The Ubuntu Sugar Remix; sugar 0.88 and sugar 0.90 are offered but 0.90 is default install with sugar-emulator.
Sugar 0.88 does not install- (missing dependencies)
  • 1-) Ubuntu terminal:
sudo su
apt-get install sugar-session-0.90
  • Also Installs 32 Applications
  • 2-) click on Applications, then Ubuntu Software Center,
search for Sugar
click on Install.
Sugar will be downloaded and installed.
To start Sugar, click on Applications, then Education, then Sugar.
About my computer:
Build: Ubuntu 11.04
Sugar: 0.90.1
  • Install Browser Surf-115 to Ubuntu Desktop.


http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4216/ Activity for Ubuntu only
  • This is Startup Disk Creator (usb-creator-gtk) on Ubuntu System Administration menu