
< Features‎ | GTK3‎ | Porting
Revision as of 12:54, 4 July 2012 by Humitos (talk | contribs)

This page is being performed while I'm porting InfoSlicer Activity to Gtk3.

There is a ticket with some useful information that I'm using on the porting and to keep tracking this port. Besides, this wiki page will be useful to write some code snippets about what are the difficulties that I'm having on the port and maybe can be useful for someone else.

I will take this guide as reference on the Gtk3 porting.

Remove hippo

First of all, I had to remove the hippo related things and the sugar-port (ticket) wrapper.

Code Snippets


Change TYPE_PYOBJECT type from a signal

We should replace the TYPE_PYOBJECT

'article-selected' : (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [TYPE_PYOBJECT]),

by the Python's object type

'article-selected' : (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),

Working with threads

InfoSlicer uses threads to retrieve the information from internet (Wikipedia articles). The pygi script will replace it by Gdk.threads_init() by I found this is not the correct way to do this. In fact, I was dealing with some strange behaviour of the Activity because of this. So, I used:

from gi.repository import GObject


We should replace:




Gtk.TextBuffer.get_slice() needs a new argument

We need a new argument to indicate if we want to include the hidden_chars as well. It wasn't required in gtk2 and by default it was True

buf = gtk.TextBuffer()
buf.get_slice(start, end)

replaced by:

buf = Gtk.TextBuffer()
buf.get_slice(start, end, include_hidden_chars)


Missing / Problematic things (not ported yet)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/humitos/Activities/InfoSlicer.activity/infoslicer/widgets/Readonly_Textbox.py", line 116, in motion_notify
    self.emit("motion-notify-event", event)
TypeError: could not convert type EventMotion to GdkEvent required for parameter 0
  • In the Edit View I cannot drag & drop images to my article (there is no error in the log)

Useful links