in the full-length mirror before a confident posture.

1, the alarm sounds of nature.

in ancient times, people didn't have an alarm clock, but heard crowing birds would know it's time to get up. Now many people fear that they don't come to, used to set the alarm clock into the world's best music, suddenly woke up from this noisy alarm in feeling, is often caused by irritable mood.

good music can relax the mood cravate versace, such as the sound of running water, the birds softly, can let a person be personally on the scene, so that the tension to ease. So take the alarm clock is set to the sounds of nature, let her wake up from the relaxed state.

2, after wake up to rub face.

wake up in the morning not to rise, can be in bed activities limbs and head Robes de bal pas cher, and then rub the face. Rub the face can increase the facial blood circulation, let your spirit.

3, nurturance defecate circadian clock.

in human intestinal tract is "sewer", we eat the food residue from here is discharged in vitro. If the blockage, stool, long-term retention, it is easy to make various toxins are repeated intestinal absorption, affect the health.

so, we must develop a regular daily bowel habits. Get up in the morning or after breakfast franklin marshall soldes, fixed time to go to the lavatory squat, can make the body form a fixed-point bowel habits, although do not have meaning can also try, formed its own defecation clock sac lv pas cher. In 4,

in the full-length mirror before a confident posture.

every morning to single out 10 minutes of time to dress himself, trying different colors and mix, then put a confident posture in front of the mirror, to greet the new day. American psychologist Bristow said, the mirror make people full of confidence, have a good mood.

first, stand erect in front of the mirror, smile to yourself, to see their positive image. Then, think of a few happy things, experience and spiritual dialogue good feeling. Next, three or four deep breaths, let it pass through the body, more sure of your ability and determination.

5, "get up to drink a cup of water".

the first morning cup of water, can add moisture, prevent constipation, regulate the stomach vanessa bruno homme, make the brain awake, for the maintenance of human health effects. Early in the morning when the first cup of water to fasting, sip chemise lacoste.

various water actually have different effects. Fresh white boiling water can make the rapid dilution of blood, promote blood circulation, make people sober quickly; honey water suitable for middle-aged women, can prevent osteoporosis, improve fatigue; constipated people can drink light salt water; do not fasting drink milk; you'd better not drink carbonated drinks.

6, to eat hot breakfast.

a nutritious breakfast should include four types of food: cereals (corn bread, steamed buns, etc.); meat egg (protein); milk (calcium); vegetables and fruits.

if the food every day for breakfast, to guarantee the balanced nutrition.

will praise people. Good praise

interpersonal experience (absolutely useful)

1. no matter what happens ed hardy italia, we must first think that he is it right? Wrong. If he's right (that is impossible), then stand on each other's point of view, to experience each other's feelings.

2. allow yourself to adapt to the environment, because you never adapt to the environment. Even though it was a very painful process.

3. a little generous. Not generous learned a little generous. If appearance really makes you very distressed, and then install a little generous sac bruno vanessa.

4. a low-key, low-key point, then a low-key (than temporary workers also low, may be in the eyes of others you might as well be a temporary job for a few years converse italia.).

5. sweet mouth, don't begrudge your applause. (will praise people. Good praise, can let a person produce pleasure, but don't overdo it to the offensive.)

6. if you feel that the most recent work incredibly smoothly, then you have to be careful.

7. polite. Hello, please look into the other person's eyes christian audigier pas cher. Refer to elders and older people to communicate, because you are a hundred-percent.

8. talk. He that talks much errs much., less people and more occasions to speak.

9. do not put other people's good, as behoove Robe de Soirée pas cher, will know how to be grateful.

10. fastidious but incompetent.

11. comply with the time, but do not expect others to comply with the time.

12. letter to the first promise, but promises don't come easy. Don't put others promise to you has been recorded in the mind and for Gospel truth.

13. do not borrow money to my colleagues, if borrowed, it must return it on time.

14. do not lend money to colleagues chaussures christian louboutin, if have to borrow, then gave him a good while.

15. don't shirk responsibility (even if it is somebody else's responsibility).

16. in the back of a colleague not speak ill of another colleague. Insist that the people behind the fair, don't worry about the word not to the parties ears. If someone in front of you say bad things about someone, you have to smile.

17. and colleagues (including public opposition to avoid public objections, fierce less desirable).

18. often helps others, but not to be to help people think well-deserved.

19. to tell you the truth fucks you.

20. on the wrong things; or something cruel, for people to love; or life first, followed by work.

21. always check is it right? And arrogance, and pride, and look down on others. (even if you have a Babel without the cooperation of others and help in vain)

22. patience is the life course. (be patient life ah, some people a lifetime to death this work >

running 40 kilometers

, how the engine is your own open bad
two, the gearbox is how you open your own bad
three cravate Boss pas cher, drain (very important you certainly don't know)
six. The water tank, power steering, air-conditioning,
nine chassis, episode LD is how spoiled
ten, how is her car crashed (mainly about, a world without accident)
eleven, the car paint is because of your reason to be scratched (parking)
twelve, other (battery, glass lifter, wiper, combination switch, thought to add it)
, how the engine is your own bad
talk about several real cases
1, automatic car stalls wrong
97 years, by a friend of her father's crown 2.8 (at the time, this vehicle can be high-grade or not, the value of about 700000) Paul Smith Borse, a friend and I in school when the coach access to the airport together, friends is the coach, had only a manual car, he would not believe my level, he opened a road, play music, laughter, walked 20 kilometers suddenly asked me: "this car I accelerator are stepped in the end how can only run 140 ? Never open not fast, "I thought impossible Negozi Ralph Lauren, I had 180, a tachometer ultra red line, high water temperature, look at the stalls did not in the D file, linked to the 3 gear, hurriedly call parking, water boiling, water, abnormal noise of engine, the engine overhaul, spend huge sums of money to repair

Lexus 200, the transmission rod is very common, there is a steep, one not careful will hang up to 3 files, move carefully

2 camicie Tommy Hilfiger, hands from a body of the car sac paul smith besace, accidentally bumped into a stall, running, you don't know

a Benz. Friends, suddenly one day give me a call, said his car do not know how, the pedal to the metal, can run 40 kilometers, will not soon, I hastened to ask him, running 40 kilometers, speed, he said more than 6000 turn, I quickly told him, parking to gear, asked him if he was already run 5 kilometers, I the sweat, but urban traffic jams more, if no traffic jams, the engine so it's

, Mercedes-Benz E, common in the gearbox of high-grade car, hanging in the D file, to touch, will accidentally run into 1 File, forever 1 sac burberry pas cher, good sealing the car, open the music, not watch tachometer, can not hear the engine speed of sound, you miserable, but don't say I didn't tell you, be careful

Volvo 40, a lot of cars is the tiptronic transmission, when you play a manual, happy or be distracted, don't forget, is still a manual gearbox, then according to the speed, it will just automatically downshift, will not upshift, down to the 1 file is always 1 files, if you have good music, do not look at the tachometer, but can not hear the sound, move carefully.

sad words and expect the same love writing you

Legend of the origins of dimple is this: Legend has it that after death, the gates of hell will be on the nether world road, road is in full bloom and flowers, do not see the equinox flower leaf. Ye Shengsheng spent two no see, read pities forever will lose cravatta louis vuitton, at the end of the road there is a river called the river lethe River, there is a bridge over the river. A woman named Meng waiting there chemise paul smith, to every passer-by handed him a bowl of soup, after all the drink Mengpo Tang people will forget this present life chaussures ralph lauren, free to enter the six, or cents, or for people, or for livestock. Meng Potang also called over a drink, then leave this life. Love and hate, life and loss, with the bowl of forgotten. Life care Robes de bal, life of hate, next again does not know. But there are some people because of various reasons, reluctant to drink Mengpo Tang, Meng old woman had no choice but to allow them. But these people did Mark, the mark is left on the face of the dimple. Such a person, must jump into the river river, subject to flooding fire roasts such as thousands of years before reincarnation, reincarnation will bring memories of past lives, with the dimples search for past life lover. So please cherish friends who have dimples side face, whether it's family, friends, because he (she) may be your past life lover, after waiting for the millennium to search for past life love between people, to finish the previous unfinished wish, please never to hurt him (her), because it is not who have the courage to jump into the river river, such as a thousand years of suffering. Hope: the afterlife Lunettes de soleil Mont Blanc, again... May: afterlife boutique michael kors, can see... See the legend turned! You will be very happy, will be permanent...... I have to transfer to their own space, to share with their friends, watching log together Oh Hello, I'm Zhang Xiaozhuai. If you love writing, music, friends, please add my QQ:444890, hope to know more friends, and who do not resist! There are many ghost stories, serialized, campus, micro novel, fiction, romance novels, sad words and expect the same love writing you! Good friends Zi Xi QQ:998556, you don't know before you met us all how boring remember reproduced their space, to share with their friends, see this blog]]> together oh

and go for a few days

a man working outside for 20 years, finally going home, the boss asked him: you are 20 years of wage or 3 word of advice?

the man said I give you the answer tomorrow morning on the road, please?

said the boss can.

the man... Morning, he said to his boss: I want 3 advice.

so the boss gave him 3 words.

, don't try to find impossible shortcut, there is no cheap, only stand on solid ground is the best way... No matter what. Too much curiosity, not knowing that

two is not good things, you might lose michael kors france.

three costume Armani pas cher, not to make any decision on impulse, otherwise the decision may be you a lifetime of regret.

then the boss gave the man some money and three loaves of bread, and said: the biggest bread can be in the home.

men on the road paul smith homme... He walked for several days converse basse... The first half of the bread to eat, not long after the encounter a crossing, he inquired: Excuse me, which way to go to * * *? Passer-by: walk trail, near. B: take the road, safety. He couldn't wait to see his wife, so go the path. Go not long to hear people say near a bandit, he remembered the first piece of advice: don't try to look for shortcuts boss. Then he turned to walk down the road.

and go for a few days, second loaves of bread to eat a part of... He found a very cheap inn hotel. The middle of the night to hear a woman crying, he couldn't sleep under. So I decided to go have a look. Then he thought of the second piece of advice: curious not to knowing is not a good thing. So he went to sleep again. Second arrangements, inn-keeper surprised way: you still alive?! He puzzled, asked why. The shopkeeper said that he had a crazy girl, when the disease with crying leads out to kill, lodging guests last night, you're the only one alive. The man sighed: ah...

and go for a few days, when second bread over when he has not so far away from home. He is more excited. It got dark down not long after, he went to his village. He was going to knock at the door when I get home, they heard a man in the room sound. He was very angry, picked up a bundle of firewood knife ready to kill a man rushed into the room. But then he thought of the third piece of advice: don't make any decisions in impulse, this decision will make you regret for a lifetime. So he calm down, in front of the house sat night. The very next day morning he had knocked on the door, his wife to see him come back very happy. But he was very cold: who is that man? His wife smiled and said: it's our son casquettes de baseball... After you leave, I soon... When he discovered that the young man was very similar and grow. Father and son meet for the first time sac miu miu pas cher, hugs and cry... A concern after the man took third bread, Koichi Sai and his wife share... Incision was found after 20 years of wage in which all.

so we do anything to think clearly or to the last regret!

we as your boss

Emotional management, so in many cases not willing to subordinate temper or using strong ridge means of controlling subordinate behavior, resulting in the subordinate not obey orders, work hard to develop.

a smart boss when the strong expression of tough. When you send to his subordinates, subordinates can do not accept, when you face the external door people find their subordinates in trouble, when your boss to your subordinates when pressed, when your dignity is violated when subordinates scarpe ralph lauren... When you want to, tough, brave to express their dissatisfaction and protest. A weak person easily bullied, a weak bosses not only their own victimization, but also their subordinates are infringed. Therefore, in order to himself, in order to subordinates, we as your boss, be in time for the hard, tough, let each other know our interests can not be infringed easily. Only in this way, we can have enough power, lead the subordinates to complete the task.

for subordinates too gentle person, it is difficult to exert pressure on the staff, thus causing subordinate delay, neglect, and even shift work. In this way, we won't be able to make achievements, but can not obtain the development of occupation Cravate de soie Boss.

Zheng Xuedong had the company not long, to have a superficial knowledge of management, he felt the following genera become integrated with, not to subordinate too hard. So he has been at a moderate degree of patience too, subordinates for their disrespect. Did not think of is, he did not become integrated with subordinates, rather than let subordinates look down their own, always listen to fat hui.

again ralph lauren soldes, he let a company runs West to the procurement of raw materials, the results under ran out and didn't come back, the very next day at work to see the subordinates. He hastened to ask how the subordinate subordinate procurement, unexpectedly answered; &quot michael kors pas cher;not zayang, boss, I still think you go, I don't!" Zheng Xuedong then find someone else to go, who knows, let who to who do not go, he had to run their own procurement tee shirt ed hardy. Such things often happen, Zheng Xuedong felt very tired Sac à Main louis vuitton, he wants to resign under a tartar, warn others against following a bad example. But considering he had in place soon, quit so quickly, will strong criticism, had to bear and forbear.

things haven't finished, Zheng Xuedong thought that's really can not buy suitable raw materials come back please him out. An accidental opportunity, he heard that the task of subordinates did not to purchase, but directly to go home and go to bed.

Zheng Xuedong is not a place, this is his subordinates too loose, too soft results. He vowed to take a "color" to give these subordinates have a look, and he found the most disobedient subordinate departments, give him the assignment. The results, the subordinate or good, is not from the arrangement. Zheng Xuedong as the face of all be furious, furious and said; "you don't come to work tomorrow, do not obey the leadership of the staff, the company is not rare!" The very next day, Zheng Xuedong came to superiors fired the subordinates.

the staff left, the others really honest a lot, also obey assigned. Zheng Xuedong this just understand >

rice mixed together


ssambap calcium iron zinc selenium
2 lettuce; white steamed rice bowl 1; 1 egg sausage; shrimp 20g; 1 30g; carrot; sweet corn 20g; green 20g; 2 garlic sauce Christian Audigier homme;

10ml; 5ml pepper oil; 1g scarpe hogan uomo; salt;

ssambap is to meat, vegetables, rice mixed together, with the lettuce leaves wrapped eat eat. I remember when I was small, my mother took me to the wedding feast, there will always be ssambap this dish.

ssambap methods and steps of

removing sand shrimp intestinal wash, cut into small particles dispersed into the egg, egg and sausage, carrots peeled together into small pieces, garlic cut pieces; wash the lettuce, leaves off, use scissors to cut into about 12 cm in diameter circular tablets prepared by

; pan pour a little oil ed hardy pas cher, heat after into the fried egg into the egg broken, then add shrimp, sausage and garlic and saute until fragrant, then add carrots, sweet corn and green bean stir a moment after Sheng out;

pan and then pour a little oil, add steamed rice fried powder, add the previous fried diced vegetables and stir evenly ralph lauren france, add in oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper and salt, stir well; when eating lettuce wrap a tablespoon of steamed rice.

ssambap is meat, vegetables, rice mixed together, with the lettuce leaves wrapped eat eat. I remember when I was small, my mother took me to the wedding feast camicie Paul Shark, there will always be ssambap this dish. Already recorded not clear specific fillings lettuce package, just feel very delicious and fun, you must use both hands to dish up into a group of clinging to eat, do not have some characteristics and flavor. Ssambap into my childhood memories ralph lauren pas cher, the most sweet a pen, like today, we go over the food my childhood love.

see hair article ssambap, suddenly remembered the childhood to eat lettuce ssambap, very loving, determined to do next.


silver Qibao

Three gold Nianxin (x n) three (MI ǎ o) the three fire read Yan (Y &agrave sac vanessa bruno; n) three Nian Yao (Y á o soil)
three cattle Nianben (B ē n) three hands read there (P á) (M is three orders. O) three Tian Nianlei (L é I)
three horses Nianbiao (BI ā o) three sheep to read Shan (sh. N) three dog read fast (BI ā o) three deer Niancu (C ū)
three (Xi ā n fish read Xian's) three Bei Nianbi (b) the three force read power (lie) three hair read down (Cu ì)
three ear Nian Nie (Ni è) three car Nian detonation (H ō ng) three direct read. (CH ù) three dragon Nianta (t à, D á)
three the original idea Yuan (Yu á n) three Lei Nianbing (B ì ng) three Feisi Fei (f ē I) three knife a surname (L)
three and read RuO (Ru ò) three memorial Zhuang (Zhu à ng) three small read ^ (m ó the three man) read it (Zhu ǎ n)
three check read Se (s è) three wind read Xiu (Xi ū) three Falcon read Za (Z á) three Ji Nianzhe (zh é)
three words read Ta (t à) three tongue read Hua (Q three Nian Xin incense) (x n) three spring read Xun (x ú n)
three mind me (Su, three white Xiao (read) Xi ǎ o) [

] the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach []

the six Fu-organs bile, triple burner, bladder occhiali da sole prada, colon, small intestine

[seven] joy, anger, sadness Lunettes de soleil Tom Ford, joy, love polo ralph lauren pas cher, evil, to

[] benevolence, righteousness, propriety of Wuchang, wisdom, the letter

[], father and son, brother and cardinal, couples, friends

[], Taoist nun Sangu, Gua Kou

[] procuress, matchmaker, six Shiva pilots, Biddy, medicine woman, midwife

[nine] son, son, son, sun, body, father, grandfather, grandfather, high []

grain rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans and

[China] cuisines Sichuan food, Hunan food, Shandong food, Jiangsu food, Zhejiang cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Anhui cuisine

[the] gall stone, cinnabar, realgar, ettringite, CI Shi

[seven] and dispensing, small, slow cravate Hermes, Ji Fang, odd side, our paul smith pas cher, compound

[] green, yellow, red color, white, black

[a] palace, angle, characteristics, plume of

[] gold, silver Qibao, glazed, coral, pearl, agate, Tridacna

[house] Palace, Lu palace in , southern palace, Lu Gong Xian, Huang Zhong palace, large area, double, business, music

[art] the painting, music, sculpture, drama, literature, architecture, movie [

] four famous kilns in Hebei porcelain kiln, Zhejiang Longquan kiln, Jiangxi Jingdezhen kiln, Fujian Dehua kiln

[Famous] > four

flushing to cover the lid.

1, flushing to cover the lid.
2, the neck forward one inch, cervical pressure doubled.
3, eating soup, slim and healthy.
4, improper use of computer chaussures louis vuitton, thrombus trouble you.
5, neurasthenia, eat pig's trotters.
6, much sweat Robe de Longue, eat proper acid.
7, cold water to take a shower, prevent sunburn.
8, pouch significantly, to check blood lipids.
9, not deepen myopia take glasses.
10, dark chocolate protect cardiovascular health effects.

11, fruit eat when the meal, easy anemia.
12, eat tofu, preferably with kelp.
13, grapefruit fragrance makes women feel 6 years younger.
14, the morning of the fruit is golden.
15, old people and children need to eat snacks.
16, the summer should not be sedentary.
17, Chinese herb taboo: garlic, pepper, mutton, dog meat, tea michael kors france, radish, fish.
18, often mirror is good for health.
19, pregnancy can cure migraine.
20, coffee don't smoke.

21, children using fluoride toothpaste.
22, red wine can reduce the risk of dementia.
23, fly very often, eat more vitamin C.,
24, overdo the night life, easy hair loss bald.
25, do not use tap water overnight.
26, do not use porcelain disinfection, elimination of cabinet.
27, often wear heels, the thumb to valgus.
28, best in 7 after breakfast.
29, take a photo remember to wash your hands.
30, most bacteria exceed the standard fresh juice.

31, don't greens with rice.
32, green tea can prevent cancer, pregnant women must be wary of drink.
33, dig nostril ralph lauren pas cher, equal to self-destruction "portal".
34, a child should not read too early.
35, pregnant women diet can genetic to children.
36 Lunettes de soleil Marc Jacobs, two defecation susceptible hemorrhoids.
37, a lychee three fire, though not eat more fresh taste.
38, take cod-liver oil excess easy life stone.
39, paper cup fluorescence squeeze endanger health.
40 christian louboutin soldes, the most comprehensive nutritional milk.

41, men are most afraid of the heat, the cold woman.
42, summer treat myopia benefits.
43, raisins can >

tofu half a catty two

beauty slimming soup

(pale, dry skin, rough people should drink)

effect: the Qingfei phlegm, invigorating spleen, nourishing blood, edema cravatta Armani, anemia, edema, phlegm cravate hermes pas cher, for pale obese.

material: with skin and a half kilogram melon, chicken, pig lean meat four two, mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms) ten, fifteen red dates, two pieces of ginger, salt amount. The


(1) chicken, pig lean meat washed clean after slicing, flying water.

(2) mushrooms remove stalks, soak in water for three hours or overnight (mushrooms don't add water).

(3) red dates to the nuclear emergency.

(4) wax gourd cut.

(5) to bring water to the boil, add chicken, lean meat, mushrooms, mushrooms, red dates together with water with ginger chaussures paul smith, cook for ten minutes, then change to slow fire cook for two hours, then add the white gourd peel to simmer for thirty minutes, seasoning with salt can be.

fresh mushrooms and tofu soup

(body heat, gum swelling Lunettes de soleil Prada, high blood pressure person should drink)

function: heat detoxification, lowering blood lipids, moisturize the skin, reduce blood pressure.

material: fresh mushrooms, tofu half a catty two, thin pork six two, ginger tablets, salt or fresh dew amount. The


(1) pork wash slice, flying water.

(2) to bring water to the boil, add fresh mushrooms cravate Armani pas cher, ginger, tofu, boil for ten minutes, then go to the small simmer until the mushrooms cooked, then add pork slices, the slices after cooked, add salt or fresh dew seasoning.

wax gourd soup seaweed leg leg swelling in

people should drink)

function: to wet benefit water, stagnant bowel, eliminating leg swollen.

material: two two kilos of Dongguashan skin, Nostoc, Adlay two two, lean pork, half a catty. The


(1) pork wash, cut, flying water.

(2) of Nostoc flagelliforme in a bowl of water and two drops of oil immersion after half an hour, the impurity cleaning.

(3) wax gourd cut, Adlay clean spare.

(4) to bring water to the boil, put the Dongguashan skin, lean meat, barley, cook for ten minutes, turn slow fire boil two hour, and finally into the seaweed and cook for fifteen minutes, seasoning with salt can be drinking.

[ft=, +0,] download (27.47 KB)


1 seconds before the deterioration of eyesight costume zara pas cher, anaemic person should drink)

effects: skin beauty, Qingchang >

no matter what to listen to

anyone with three of his own:
bones; show; others eyes. The first
is the most difficult, the second is the most false, third is the most tired.
people thought, decided the human body; the inside, decide every man has his taste Christian Audigier femme.
in life, there are three problems of concern:
is attractive? Two is a pleasant? Three is to know their position?
can often think of the first question vanessa bruno cabas, is a woman, often want to third questions, is the man sacs burberry pas cher,
blindly wandering in the second problem, as many men and women.

larger than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is
people live only a night come to mind, the mind's eye,
to see the flesh what is invisible to the eye.
survive this fact itself, and the "strong" inseparable,
alive means "health" in the.
life is a kind of power, it all the time in the conquest of all around, including bacteria,
disease, their desire.

only indicate the position, the identity of the chess,
is seeking and said.
all the pieces are the same, by way of the chess,
always win, even if only 1/4.
only look forward to life, only to look backward to understand life.
light up, floating, light down Chou, heavy legs chaussures ed hardy,
does not look do not look down, and not be allowed to find their own position,
the life most is not good grasp is the vision.

said: no matter what to listen to, learn what,
should remember that this is where the world,
will make a greater than the hand, hold more than one step farther in his arms, legs and
Robe de Soirée pas cher, without the aid of what, is not possible. The great and glorious
's masterpiece, is to know how to live to a proper extent.
exact life is: to maintain a suitable state.
is not the word tired, the best is always the enemy of the good franklin marshall pas cher.
first of all should thank second,
is second only to the first becomes true and reliable.

text: network picture: affectionate smile spatial arrangement: Jane

]]> dream

Yichang Han &gt

should be: livable appropriate travel industry Chang: pleasant city prosperity,

Yichang is Hubei provincial deputy center city and the second largest city.
is located in the west of Hubei, Xiling gorge of the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River, the Middle East, is the boundary, and the Three Gorges Dam and Gezhouba Dam water conservancy hub location.
Yichang is the hydroelectric capital of the world, China power of heart converse pas cher, the birthplace of the culture of Bachu, Hubei province is the only a national civilized city, Han, Hui and other 20 Ethnic groups. Yichang ancient name, Qing Shunzhi five years (1648) to "Yi ling". Yong Zheng thirteen years (1735) l Yiling the state government of Yichang, to Lingxian County East Lake County yi. 1912 to East Lake county to Yichang County, Yichang county and suburb in 1949 the provincial city. 1979 the provincial cities casquettes Mk pas cher.
in recent years, Yichang city GDP increase rate of the province ranked first pull franklin marshall, comprehensive strength ranks second only to the provincial capital of Hubei Province, wuhan Lunettes de soleil Mont Blanc.

< Yichang Han >
: shanmeishuimei beauty beautiful city
: resources endowment good humane environment good traffic location good good prospects for the development of

Yichang CBD central business district
is located in the political paul smith homme, economic, and cultural center of Yichang city - Xiling District, Yiling next to the Plaza, Xiling Road, Xiling road two, Yiling Avenue, Pearl Road near from Yiling square, left over, right by the children's park. The total project covers an area of 120000 square meters, a total construction area of 540000 square meters, the business area of 180000 square meters, 230000 square metres of residential, office building of 50000 square meters, the comprehensive building of 60000 square meters, more than 2700 parking spaces Sac à Main louis vuitton. Linxi Ling Road about 458 meters long, near the Yiling road about 580 meters long, a total length of 1038 meters, in Hubei, is following the valley world city, Jianghan Road pedestrian street outside the longest street.

million of wide field

Yiling wide field

Three Gorges Dam

Yiling Yangtze River bridge

of Yichang Changjiang River Highway Bridge

Binjiang Park

tourist attractions in Yichang: < br>
1, Gorge Scenic Area

, Gorge Scenic Area is located in the western suburbs of Yichang City, is a punishable Canyon wonders, with Bachu culture, the Three Gorges Dam and the Gezhouba Dam project for the characteristics of China's first batch of national key scenic area, national AAAA level tourist area. There is no peak is not male, no beach no insurance, no hole is not surprising, and not without you, no one can not become a poem, no one can not paint. Chinese and foreign visitors praise it as "Landscape Gallery", "live Ba Feng Chu yun".

2, Chexi folk scenic area

add honey and mix thoroughly

Honey and ginger, people of all ages and both sexes are suitable for drinking, bathing every morning and before each a drink, drink two months, physical improvement, slim the waist, the weight can reduce about ten kilograms, the skin becomes delicate, insist on drinking ginger honey water for more than a year, senile plaque will face and the back of the obvious etc. to improve, or disappear, or different degree, reduce, or pale in color, and no signs of continuing growth. In a word, honey with ginger beauty, is of great benefit to the body, beauty they want healthy people, may wish to have a try scarpe converse!

, honey ginger soup practices:
1. about ten grams of Jiang Mocheng paste.
2. put ginger paste into the glass.
3 ed hardy homme. was injected into the hot boiling water scalding.
4. add a spoonful of honey, mix well after drinking.
5 chemise ralph lauren. people of all ages and both sexes are suitable for drinking.
for up to two months (every morning and when the drink once), according to the book written testimony:
1. body warm, cold hands and feet of the "cold syndrome" physique improvement. The
2. weighs about ten kilograms ease.
3. skin becomes delicate.
4. to remove excess fat Christian Louboutin uomo, slim the waist.
5. insist on drinking ginger honey water for more than a year, senile plaque will face and the back of the place such as improved significantly, or disappear, or different degree, reduce, or pale in color, and no signs of continuing growth.
ginger is very beneficial to health, beauty they want healthy people, may wish to have a try.

two, honey with ginger
1, mature honey 600g, ginger 600g. Will be smashed ginger juice, clarification of the juice from the sediment removal, add honey and stir well. Take the cure of chronic bronchitis after dinner.

2, honey 12g. Ginger 6G, 1 oranges. The oranges placed the charcoal burning black, mash with ginger juice with honey into the cup into the warm boiling water, let cool after the first dose, to cure tracheitis.
3, honey 180g costume Versace pas cher, ginger 110g, 1 big watermelon, sesame oil 160g, jujube 10. The watermelon head cut the middle rang out left about 3.5 cm thick flesh in the watermelon into honey, sesame oil, sliced ginger, jujube to go nuclear, will kwage good, into the pot and fixed, add water to four melon 1 / 3 stew 90 minutes while hot drink watermelon. Later the juice, eat ginger and then half an hour of sleep sleep, bronchitis, asthma when food avoid tobacco and bitter effect when taking.
4, honey 100g., ginger 11g, 35g of almond. Ginger finely chopped, almond fried hot at the end of the research, together with honey mix converse femme, 3 times a day. Every time 11g, can cure the chronic bronchitis.
5, honey 120g, ginger 60g, tea root 120g, ginger tea root decoction juice, add honey and mix thoroughly, on behalf of the tea, treatment of chronic bronchitis.
6, honey 150g., ginger 15g, pumpkin 1. Cut the pumpkin head, cored, add a little sesame oil and honey ginger cover top cover. Double-boil for 2 hours.

you can make your skin supple oh.

often see white vinegar, actually has a very profound beauty secret. Only the clever use of, ordinary white vinegar, can let you face glowing with beautiful skin.

vinegar beauty wash articles. The white vinegar used in the wash, you can make your skin supple oh.
1, white vinegar daily wash method: wash your face every time, put a Xiaopen water, adding a small amount (about two tablespoons) of white vinegar, and mix thoroughly into the water, had to face, or simply his face in the water. Then the water drained, and then start a normal wash program.

2, white eye wash method: white vinegar can reduce wrinkles: the evening after washing the face, take 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of water mix, with cotton balls dipped in full, on the face where wrinkles rubbed gently, and then gently massage the belly with your fingers, then rinse chaussures christian louboutin. This method can help to eliminate fine facial wrinkles.

A, white soft skin: first wash face and hands, and then immersed in warm water by adding vinegar face and hands michael kors pas cher, 5 minutes later washed with water for a long time, to do so, allow the skin smooth, delicate, water added should a small amount of vinegar to the water does not change color shall prevail chemise ralph lauren.
B, the white vinegar and water according to 1:3 proportion with good, can be installed in a mineral water bottle alone. Every morning and evening after washing face, the vinegar water gently with the palm pat on the face ralph lauren homme, one does not need to use too much, a little on the line. You feel the entire face is wet on the line. Sometimes can also use this water to wash your face.

4, white vinegar freckle fade spots: use white vinegar ramming into the amount of medicine Atractylodes reconcile, sealed immersion week. After washing the face every day, smear the face a long spot place, long time can make freckles gradually eliminated, retreat.

5, white vinegar rid of tired-looking: for bath, adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar in warm water, take a shower after can not only remove the horny layer of skin aging, and the elimination of fatigue, mental, also looked very rosy face.

6, white vinegar can inhibit dandruff: every night before going to bed, with 1: 1 of vinegar and water in the health benefits of dandruff Tu wet, gently rub the hair roots, 10 minutes later sacs jimmy choo pas cher, washed with water. This can inhibit excessive dandruff generation, and can eventually cure. Shampoo with warm water also has the effect of adding vinegar.

7, vinegar hair: every time a neutral shampoo shampoo, and then on into a small amount of vinegar rinse hair with warm water, rinse with water after 20 minutes. Slowly, the hair will become soft and shiny, beautiful black.
vinegar beauty formula: clever the white vinegar and other materials to an elaborate collocation, can have the effect of beauty by surprise.
1 toner: Materials: white vinegar (Shanghai vinegar 2.20 yuan); glycerol (3 yuan)
formula: the rough and dark skin. White vinegar: glycerol = 2:1 mixture, often paint on the skin, a day 2 - 3 times, can make the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition, a month after the skin tender and white ralph lauren femme, clean and smooth and elastic, full of beauty.