
Raspbian is a version of Debian for the Raspberry Pi. It is possible to install sugar on Raspbian.

Turtle Art/Blocks

You can download Activities/Turtle Art and access it through the LXDE interface. You can either download it through the package manager (and get an old version):

   sudo apt-get install sugar-turtleart-activity

Or get the latest using git:

   git clone github.com/walterbender/turtleart
   cd turtleart

And use the following to start Turtle Art:

   python turtleblocks.py

NOTE: you may encounter an error related to the summary field in the activity.info. If so, open the activity/activity.info file and move the summary field from the bottom of the file, to being the line below the title field


Sugarizer is a HTML5 version of Sugar. It has a basic journal and full web activity support.

You can configure Sugarizer to auto-start by setting your ~/.xinitrc to:

   epiphany server.sugarizer.org

(Note: there are a few issues with the browser icons... but sugarizer works well)

Alternatively, you can download the Sugarizer client zip and have it locally on your pi.


Activities do not seem to function. They seem to timeout before starting. Do you really want to run an old version of sugar on your pi?

A old version of Sugar (Sugar 0.96) can be found in the Raspbian repositories. You can install it with:

   sudo apt-get install sucrose-0.96

Then set sugar as your desktop environment by opening/creating ~/.xinitrc. Set this file to:

   sugar-emulator -f

Now whenever you startx you will have the delights of Sugar 0.96.

If you want to use activities other than Turtle Blocks or Pippy, you will need Browse to access the ASLO. You can install Browse by running:

   wget http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/4024/browse-129.1.xo
   sugar-install-bundle browse-129.1.xo