Revision as of 11:18, 18 May 2016 by Davelab6 (talk | contribs) (Include Sugar_Labs/Current_Events instead of News)

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Community News

Sugar Digest

1. Sugar Labs will be participating in Google Code-in again this year. Ignacio Rodriguez and I are the program administrators and are gathering suggestions for bite-sized tasks in coding, documentation, research, design, and outreach. We'll also be scouring the open issues in the various Sugar-related repos for tasks. Please pass your suggestions our way. Also, if you are interested in mentoring, please contact me. Finally, it would great if you could help spread the word about the contest among educators so that we can reach out to as many potential participants as possible (the contest is open to 13-17 year olds). GCI is a great opportunity to recruit new talent into the community. Details of the contest are available at The Sugar Labs page describing our participation is at Google Code In 2017.

2. There is a new release of Music Blocks available 3. Features include a marked improvement in performance and lots of bug fixes. Tip of the hat to Devin Ulibarri, Edgar Quispe, and Euan Ong for their contributions to this release.

3. Congratulations to Lionel, Sameer, and Adam for being re-elected to the Sugar Labs oversight board. (And thanks to everyone who voted for my return to the board as well.) Our next meeting is on 3 November at 19UTC in the #sugar-meeting channel of

For more news about Sugar Labs, visit Current Events and the Sugar Digest archive. We've also archived all our Press Releases at [1] and the News previously posted on this front page.

Sugar Labs® is a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy, a USA 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is supported by our generous contributors and sponsors.