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Revision as of 22:29, 20 April 2009 by FGrose (talk | contribs)

VirtualBox 2.2.0 on Vista64 host

  • iso image boots into Sugar successfully
  • VBox disc boots into Sugar successfully
  • yum install works as instructed in Sugar_on_a_Stick/VirtualBox/Preparing_a_disk_image
  • reboot after installing VirtualBox Guest Additions results in a 720x400-pixel window
  • amending xorg.conf results in a 1200x900-pixel window as expected
  • Bridged networking and NAT networking works
  • Log, Browse activities fail to complete launch... throbbing icon, Starting... in Frame panel, then timeout
  • See ticket: (Trac #764)
  • Home Figure panel shutdown only returns to the Terminal session that was open
  • After shutdown and restart Terminal session cannot be resumed or a new session started