Sugar on a Stick/Activity Criteria/Status

Activity table

 Activity   Pedagogy   Fedora repo   ASLO *   Pootle   Usage page   Development page   Tickets   Smoke test   Journal   Collaboration  Meets SoaS Criteria Comments
browse ? ? ? x
calculate ? ? ? x
chat ? ? ? x
etoys ? x ? x
imageviewer ? ? ? x
jukebox ? ? ? x
log ? ? ? x x
pippy ? ? ? x
read ? ? ? x
terminal ? ? ? x
turtleblocks Unclear whether tutle-blocks or turtle-art is in Fedora, which page is linked from ASLO
write ? ? ? x
abacus In review x x x
maze ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x
memorize x x ? x
physics ? x x
ruler x x x x x
sliderule x x x x x
visual match x x x
 Activity   Pedagogy   Fedora repo   ASLO *   Pootle   Usage page   Development page   Tickets   Smoke test   Journal   Collaboration 

Meets SoaS Criteria


* Note that to be included on ASLO, an activity must have a license as described here.

Activities to add to the table

more activities to evaluate: xoirc, moon, labyrinth, typing turtle, tamtam suite, speak, measure, turtleart, implode, scratch, slider, jigsaw, flipsticks, phototoon, record, infoslicer, ...

Ideas for revision

Have a criteria, or want to revise one? This is the section to do it in.

Add your own idea here

Be sure to describe:

Rationale: Where does this requirement come from and why is it important?

Test: how we can make sure that the requirement is met - what sort of testing needs to be done to verify this?

Instructions: links to instructions on how Activity authors and maintainers can fulfill the requirement, if possible.

IDEA: Color code activities listed based on criteria fulfilled

Rationale: Gives a visual cue for developers that one or more criteria are not complete or accurate.

Test: Activities are listed in RED until each criteria has been addressed and filled in with an active link.

Instructions: Add activity to list. Test each criteria and set status appropriately. When all criteria are fulfilled, color of activity changes to BLACK.

IDEA: Add +/- ranking to criteria in table

Rationale: Add ranking to criteria to encourage better documentation.

Test: Validate if minimum criteria has been met. Subjective assessment follows to determine + or - ranking.

Instructions: By default, a checkmark (and hyperlink) is placed in the table for each criteria met. If the documentation at the link destination is an excellent example, add a + to the checkmark in table. If it's poor or incomplete documentation, add a - to the checkmark.

IDEA: Add a legend for the criteria table

Rationale: Gives clear indication of criteria status

Test: n/a (as above, this is more about the table's functionality and accuracy)

Instructions: Make sure that all icons in the table are represented in the legend

Look at Ooo Spreadsheet

  • Contains information on Compatibility of ASLO .xo files for v3 Mirabelle and f14 (Rawhide) fedora Soas.spin USB's


Activities Installed from f14 rawhide:

yum install sugar*

On shipped soas-i386-20100611.15.iso

Package sugar-terminal-31-2.fc13.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-base-0.88.0-1.fc14.i686 already installed and latest version

Package sugar-physics-4-2.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-presence-service-0.88.0-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-artwork-0.88.1-1.fc14.i686 already installed and latest version

Package sugar-log-23-2.fc12.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-0.88.1-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-xoirc-6-4.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-write-69-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-logos-3-3.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-chat-66-1.fc12.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-turtleart-88-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-toolkit-0.88.1-1.fc14.i686 already installed and latest version

Package sugar-record-66-3.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Package sugar-settings-manager-0.87.2-1.fc13.i686 already installed and latest version

Package sugar-datastore-0.88.0-1.fc14.i686 already installed and latest version

Package sugar-browse-115-1.fc14.noarch already installed and latest version

Not on iso but in repository
Package                  Arch     Version                       Repository


sugar                    noarch   0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora   638 k
sugar-analyze            noarch   8-5.fc12                      fedora    36 k
sugar-artwork            i686     0.88.0-2.fc13                 fedora   149 k
sugar-base               i686     0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora    60 k
sugar-browse             noarch   115-1.fc13                    fedora   235 k
sugar-calculator         noarch   30-3.fc13                     fedora   160 k
sugar-chat               noarch   66-1.fc12                     fedora    76 k
sugar-clock              noarch   5-3.fc13                      fedora    48 k
sugar-connect            noarch   22-5.fc13                     fedora    34 k
sugar-datastore          i686     0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora    52 k
sugar-distance           noarch   13-4.fc13                     fedora    32 k
sugar-emulator           noarch   0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora    52 k
sugar-finance            noarch   3-2.fc12                      fedora    80 k
sugar-flipsticks         noarch   2-2.fc12                      fedora   107 k
sugar-getiabooks         noarch   3-2.fc13                      fedora    18 k
sugar-help               noarch   10-1.fc12                     fedora    11 M
sugar-imageviewer        noarch   14-1.fc13                     fedora    74 k
sugar-implode            noarch   9-1.20091228.fc13             fedora    76 k
sugar-infoslicer         noarch   6-2.fc13                      fedora   3.0 M
sugar-jukebox            noarch   18-1.fc13                     fedora    70 k
sugar-log                noarch   23-2.fc12                     fedora    78 k
sugar-logos              noarch   3-3.fc13                      fedora    87 k
sugar-maze               noarch   6-1.fc13                      fedora    30 k
sugar-memorize           noarch   33-3.fc13                     fedora   745 k
sugar-moon               noarch   10-3.fc13                     fedora   137 k
sugar-physics            noarch   4-2.fc13                      fedora    79 k
sugar-pippy              noarch   34-6.fc13                     fedora   218 k
sugar-playgo             noarch   5-4.fc13                      fedora   250 k
sugar-presence-service   noarch   0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora   107 k
sugar-read               noarch   78-1.fc13                     fedora   126 k
sugar-record             noarch   66-3.fc13                     fedora   201 k
sugar-settings-manager   i686     0.87.2-1.fc13                 fedora    11 k
sugar-speak              noarch   14-3.fc13                     fedora   116 k
sugar-stopwatch          noarch   0-0.3.20090126.fc12           fedora    39 k
sugar-tamtam-common      i686     0-0.4.20100201git.fc13        fedora   7.3 M
sugar-tamtam-edit        noarch   0-0.4.20100201git.fc13        fedora   238 k
sugar-tamtam-jam         noarch   0-0.4.20100201git.fc13        fedora   181 k
sugar-tamtam-mini        noarch   0-0.4.20100201git.fc13        fedora   216 k
sugar-tamtam-synthlab    noarch   0-0.4.20100201git.fc13        fedora   203 k
sugar-terminal           noarch   31-2.fc13                     fedora    71 k
sugar-toolkit            i686     0.88.0-1.fc13                 fedora   323 k
sugar-turtleart          noarch   83-1.fc13                     fedora   313 k
sugar-typing-turtle      noarch   26-3.fc13                     fedora   323 k
sugar-view-slides        noarch   8-4.fc13                      fedora   137 k
sugar-visualmatch        noarch   21-1.fc13                     fedora   116 k
sugar-write              noarch   69-1.fc13                     fedora   105 k
sugar-xoirc              noarch   6-4.fc13                      fedora   107 k
sugar-xomail             noarch   0-0.3.20090128.fc12           fedora    49 k