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Open Badges is the name of a group of specifications and open technical standards originally developed by the Mozilla Foundation with funding from the MacArthur Foundation. The Open Badges standard describes a method for packaging information about accomplishments, embedding it into portable image files as a digital badge, and establishing an infrastructure for badge validation. The standard was originally maintained by the Badge Alliance Standard Working Group, but transitioned officially to the IMS Global Learning Consortium as of January 1, 2017. [1]

Open Badges represent a more detailed picture than a CV or résumé as they can be presented in ever-changing combinations, creating a constantly evolving picture of a person’s lifelong learning.

Why use Open Badges at Sugar Labs

We at Sugar Labs have many talented active contributors. Still, historically we have failed to retain them. Other versions and objectives of Open Badges have been implemented, with the same intention of reflecting openly the expertise someone has over a specific project, team or task.

The reflection is one of the main principles embedded on our DNA. Also, the fact that there is graphical work inherently attached to the creation and maintenance of the Badges, the implementation itself maybe considered a collective work of art.

For marketing purposes the Open Badges program is an ideal content producer that can add a bit of seasonal spices to keep our community infrastructure smoothly running while all other teams contribute to each others ends. Distributing usable sustainable libre learning solutions shall be our main common goal.

Sugar labs as a dynamic entity should avoid labor relationships. Insted the "by merith" policy if adopted, serves of funding to those members who has stand out because of their constant contributions to the Community.

and therefore granting Yearly stipends to a few -somehow- selected individuals in ne

Sugar labs has the vision to provide support for the best possible libre software for the young minds.

The mere Membership to an organization with such a vision, should reflect a series of values attached to the "cultura libre" philosophy.

A as a principle for learning. Active contributions to the commons of the community result as

Another considerations Sugar Labs members is that every day there is more evident there are are costs associated with infrastructure. [1]

Sugar Labs Project basically requires:

[1] To sponsor any motivated, active individuals in need to continue doing the best they can to support our mission.

- For this end I'm leading the initiative of Open Badges (12 Badges in total, 6 with a US$ 500 monthly stipend) totaling US$36,000.

Register for exclusion

Why have Open Badges with Stipends

Some time ago Aleksey suggested, that we should sponsor with US$500/month to active Sugar Labs contributors in need on a monthly basis. Today we have many active contributors that are vital to the Sugar Labs ecosystem and many of them have expressed they are somehow in need of financial resources. Open Badges may be one way to open channels for resources to flow to active contributors.

The beneficiary or "badge holder" can choose to accept our monthly donation or if not in need can also choose to pass it on to any active contributor in need or to give it back to the General Funds account. I volunteer myself to co-manage payments and logistics with Adam and SFC and Ignacio has volunteer to lead the development of the Badges.

Members and non members of Sugar Labs have recommended the following reading to understand more about the subject of sustainability in Open Source:

"Roads and Bridges: The Unseen Labor Behind Our Digital Infrastructure" by Nadia Eghbal.

2017 Open Badges Pilot

Here are the names for the badges with stipends and their holders I'm proposing for the first year of the model:

  1. Infrastructure Hero - Sebastian Silva
  2. Release Manager - Ignacio Rodriguez
  3. Translations Manager - Chris Leonard
  4. Marketing Team Leader - Samson Goddy
  5. Sugar Network Project Leader - Laura Vargas
  6. Social Help Project Leader - Sam Parkinson

Here are the names for the badges without stipends and their holders I'm proposing for the first year of the model:

  1. Infrastructure Hero - Samuel Cantero
  2. Sugarizer Project Leader - Lionel Laske
  3. Sugar Labs Honor Badge - Walter Bender
  4. Secretary - Dave Crossland
  5. Treasure Keeper - Adam Holt
  6. Wiki Keeper - Frederic

Please share your thoughts on the discussion page.

If you consider there are more Badges and/or Badge holders that should be considered for the first year, please feel free to nominate someone else or yourself and give a name to the Badge.

Under this model and for the first year (03/2017 - 03/2018), each badge could have a US$500/month stipend attached, for a total of US$3,500 per month, totalling US$ 36,000 per year in stipends [2] to Active contributors.

Self Exclusion

Here is a way to register for exclusion. Add your name to the list if you identify as an active contributors

may be paid by other organisations, or may have to reject any badge because of conflict of interest.
