Smoke test

Revision as of 02:38, 22 February 2009 by Mchua (talk | contribs)


Smoke testing is the first quick round of simple tests run on a new software build to verify that it starts and does not catastrophically crash. It is a preliminary to further testing, and is also a fast way to verify the basic integrity of a new development environment, as well as a good tour of basic functionality. The instructions below are for smoke-testing core Sugar using Activities included in Glucose (though it does not test the Activities themselves). To learn how to create smoke tests for other software (such as Activities), see creating a smoke test.

How to smoke test

Test cases are listed in priority order, so if you have limited time, go through them sequentially.

Features tested

Activities start

Home view appears

Neighborhood view appears

Friends view appears

Frame appears/disappears

Frame can launch items

Neighborhood view only displays shared sessions

#Journal records Activity sessions

Activity sessions can be renamed

Test cases

Collaborating, reflecting, and exploring with Activities

  1. Begin in Home view with no Activities running.
  2. Verify: Home view appears. (Tests: #Home view appears)
  3. From Home view, start the Chat Activity.
  4. Verify: Activity icon pulses while Chat is starting, followed by the Chat interface. (Tests: #Activities start)
  5. Switch to Neighborhood view.
  6. Verify: Neighborhood view appears. (Tests: #Neighborhood view appears)
  7. Verify: Neighborhood view does not display any shared Chat sessions with your colors. (Tests: #Neighborhood view only displays shared sessions)
  8. Switch to Friends view.
  9. Verify: Friends view appears. (Tests: #Friends view appears)
  10. Switch to Activity view.
  11. Share Chat session with Neighborhood.
  12. Switch to Neighborhood view.
  13. Verify: Neighborhood view now displays a shared Chat sessions with your colors. (Tests: #Neighborhood view only displays shared sessions)
  14. Switch to Home view.
  15. From Home view, start the Write Activity.
  16. Once the Write Activity has started, type something into the main text input area of the Write Activity.
  17. Rename the Write Activity session to something that is not "Write Activity."
  18. Verify: You are able to rename the Activity session. (Tests: #Activity sessions can be renamed)
  19. Display the Frame.
  20. Verify: The Frame displays. Battery and volume indicators are visible in the Frame. Neighborhood, Friends, Home, and Activity view icons are visible in the Frame. The Journal icon is visible in the Frame. Both Chat and Write are displayed as active in the Frame. (Tests: #Frame appears/disappears)
  21. Switch to Journal view from the Frame.
  22. Verify: The Journal starts and contains an entry for your current Write session at the top. (Tests: #Frame can launch items, #Journal records Activity sessions)
  23. Hide the Frame.
  24. Verify: The Frame hides. (Tests: #Frame appears/disappears)
   * Type a sentence
   * Return home
   * Start the journal
   - see write activity session
   * Rename write session
   * Click write icon
   - Confirm writing is still there
   * Stop the write activity
   * Switch to the chat activity
   * Stop chat
   * Go to the journal
   - confirm that the write activity appears below the chat activity session
   * launch write from the jounal session icon
   - verify your writing is still there
   * close the write activity