Teacher's Tools

Revision as of 12:15, 22 October 2009 by Acj3840 (talk | contribs) (updated progress on project)

Group Members

Alex Jones

Project Description

My goal for this project is to create and distribute a prototype for a project idea that I have. I'm hoping to get feedback and functionality requests in regards to the prototype. In the end, I hope to create a final design document that will be able to be used along with my prototype to create a useful teacher tool that will assist teachers in understanding more about their students knowledge.

Future goals

Eventually, this project is going to be a program for the teacher to use to test students on their knowledge of math. The results will then be displayed to the teacher. The results will include things like % of users that answered the question correctly. A graphical display of what all of the submitted answers were and how many of each student picked that answer. The average time of student answers. And finally, a graphical display of all the students in the activity that when hovering over any particular student, will show the individual statistics about the student. This will help the teacher learn quickly what the weak points of the class as a whole are, as well as each individual student. With this knowledge the teacher easily determine what topics require more time for the students to learn. Teachers will be able to run the activity and students will be able to join. Hopefully we'll figure a way to efficiently connect somewhere between 10-15 students to each teacher. Also, currently the project will call for the teacher to input the question, answer, and amount of time to be given to the students to answer. Ideally the schoolserver.rit.edu will be able to host 'packets' of pre-made questions that the teacher can download and use.

Project Files/Git

probably will not be put up until someone else starts writing python code


1) Design Doc(done)

 - Design GUI interface and layout
 - Finalize remaining milestones
 - Learn Python(not done at all)

2) GUI Layout(done)

 - Finalize GUI design and layout
 - Get screen shots of GUI design and layout onto the wiki(linking directly to the flash)
 - Learn more Python(not done at all)
 - Get GUI design and layout out to community and get feed back right away on it(soon to be done)

3) Create GUI

 - Actually make GUI in python
 - Finalize ideas about the rest of prototype (how much I can do with remaining time)
 - I/O with user (just input text and using it)

4) Create the rest of the prototype

 - Complete prototype

5) Distribute

 - Get it out to the community and get feedback
 - Find a developer or two interested in coding actual functionality

6) Finalize Design Doc

 - Using information/feedback from community, create a final design document and get it out to the community
 - Find a developer or two interested in coding actual functionality

Recent Updates

I'm doing the prototype in flash for ease of distribution and because I can get it out quicker. I'm literally a day or two away from being able to distribute it to the whole world and ask for feedback. Keep an eye on 'Project Files/Git' for a link to the flash application.

Other notes

The end goal for this project currently (for me) is to end up with a final design document for a project that the community has deemed useful and necessary. If you're interested in helping me, or working on the actual implementation after the design doc has been created, let me know. If you have any questions or concerns or requests please please PLEASE let me know so I can address them as quickly as possible.


Alex Jones email: acj3840@rit.edu