Sugar Network

Revision as of 17:49, 13 December 2011 by Alsroot (talk | contribs)

Sugar Network version cycle: | 1.0 |


The Sugar Network is an initiative to try to leverage collaborative, contributing, and learning behaviour in Sugar Learning Platform. It is started as the only possible option for connectivity-less Sugar deployments (but it is also being targeted to the Internet driven environments) and Peru in particular.

The intentions might be explained by the Needs that Sugar Network is trying to solve.

This initiative is tailored by the following decisions:

  • Have a real need to support Internet-less environments (but not only);
  • The list of provided services should cover the full circle of collaboration behaviour within the Sugar community to make Sugar Network the central place for collaboration;
  • Not trying to reinvent the Internet by duplicating all services available there making them off-line.
  • The list of provided services should be tough to make the Sugar Network useful also in on-line;
  • Support decentralized collaboration model to stimulate direct contacts, e.g., between software creators and users;
  • Stimulate doing workflow.

Further reading

Getting involved

Platform Team/Sugar Network/Feedback