Sweets Distribution/Testing

  • Re: [Sugar-devel] [SWEETS] Easy repository managing; Wiki rehashing:
sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org -Aleksey 04/09/2012

After getting feedback, sweets-distribution.sh was simplified to make it simple installer. So, the command:

wget ftp://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/sweets-distribution.sh
sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh

will just install "sweets" package to have "sweets-distribution" command in the system. Sets up gpg key

Ubuntu 11.10

sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh select Factory
sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh sync

Trisquel 5.5 RC

Installed over a previous sweets-distribution install--Satellit 21:16, 8 April 2012 (EDT)
  • sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh select Factory
-- Extracting bundle to /home/robert/.local/share/sweets-distribution
-- This is a standalone sweets-distribution launcher
-- Use "select" command to install it to the system
-- Composing "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/SweetsDistribution.list" repository config
-- Patch global "/etc/apt/sources.list" to hide any Sweets Distribution related lines
-- Update sweets package(s)                                                     

-- Hint: Use "status" command for getting status after selecting new repository -- Hint: Use "sync" command to make sure that installed packages are the same as in newly selected repository

  • sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh sync
-- This is a standalone sweets-distribution launcher
-- Use "select" command to install it to the system
-- Uninstall sweets-distribution package(s) to make downgrade possible
- Update sweets-desktop, sweets-sugar-presence-service, sweets-sugar, sweets-sugar-artwork,
 sweets-sugar-base, sweets-sugar-datastore, sweets-sugar-toolkit, sweets- telepathy-gabble, sweets-telepathy-glib,
 sweets-telepathy-mission-control, sweets-telepathy-salut package(s)
  • Some visible changes in F1 view:
* the number of buddies should be increased from ~20 to 70-90
  some Sugar versions (maybe 0.90-0.92) don't publish information about
  nickname/colors on regular basis; this information are being stored on disk for now
* for some buddies, server still don't have information about colors (replaced by gray) and nick names (jabber ids)
* Neighbourhood view will show non-Sugar contacts (balck&white colors)
  that might be useful, e.g., to start chating with them using Chat activity
  • sudo sh sweets-distribution.sh status
-- This is a standalone sweets-distribution lauchner
-- Use "select" command to install it to the system
Platform:    Ubuntu-11.10
Installed repositories:
  Factory   Ubuntu-11.10
Need to sync:                                          
Available repositories:                             
   0.88      Ubuntu-10.04, Ubuntu-10.10
  0.94      Ubuntu-10.04, Ubuntu-10.10, Ubuntu-11.04, Ubuntu-11.10
   Factory   Ubuntu-10.04, Ubuntu-10.10, Ubuntu-11.04, Ubuntu-11.10


  • yum install sweets-desktop
Installs basic desktop- No Activities
use 2nd USB to install xxx.xo files or unzip to ~/Activities
Browse (122-129) do not work yet
"There are no deps installed. Current Factory does not handle it yet"--Satellit 07:54, 9 April 2012 (EDT)


The general rule for 0.94 and 0.88 repositories is using activities only
from [Sweets Distribution] packages and only for Fructose. The rest of
activities need to be handled manually, e.g., installing missed
In other words, 0.94 and 0.88 repositories are restricted in case of
activities (in some meaning it was just a proof of the system).
Only new system (right now in Factory repository) will cover full cycle
(activities [itself] will be handled out of native packages, from Sugar
But right now, Factory is not ready for more or less regular usage. So,
for regular usage choose 0.94 (or 0.88), avoid updating Fructose activities
from ASLO (excluding only pure python and without dependencies) and use
them only from [Sweets Distribution] packages.
I've updated the Wiki:

My Settings/Sweets

Sweets Distribution
[X] Integrate Sweets Distribution features
Sugar Network

 Server url (htp:
  • Check box [X} to connect [ ] to disconnect
  • Restart
  • f8 Key:
  • Browse 215 sugar activities--Satellit 12:35, 10 April 2012 (EDT)
<alsroot> : not all activiites will work, only ones that don't have external deps and are pure python.
this development stage running all activities is not a priority.
it is in early development stage, ping icarito and kaametza, they are developing client side application

Link: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Network

  • Testing
Ubuntu 11.10 sweets on http:// shares chat (f8) with fedora14 sweets (f8) on http:// even though f14 has no activities installed.--Satellit 13:45, 10 April 2012 (EDT)