Tutorials/Installation/Build Your Own Remix with Fedora

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Make your own f18-Live_Remix

Go to this link for all details
Will make a customized Live CD/DVD .iso file

Install the necessary software

To create a live image, the livecd-creator tool is used. Super user privileges are needed. The tool is more or less self-documenting, use the --help option to see options. The livecd-creator tool is part of the livecd-tools package. If it is not installed on your system, add it with:

su -c 'yum install livecd-tools spin-kickstarts'

If you are interested in localized live cd files, install also l10n-kickstarts.

su -c 'yum install l10n-kickstarts'

Note the spin-kickstart files that download are specific for the version of fedora you are using

The version of sugar will also be different for each version of fedora:
f12 0.86.-
f13 0.88.-
f14 0.90.-
f15 0.92.-
f16 0.94.-
f17 0.96.-
f18 0.98.- works in TC2
  • It is best if your install is all in the / directory (ext4 format) as the temporary files need a lot of room on /

Set up your environment

Now we'll set up the place you'll be building your remix's image file in. We assume you're running a recent version of Fedora.

We will use the /home/(user*)/ to do our builds
Note: If you use the Kickstart files in the default installed location in /usr/share/spin-kickstarts you will have permission problems editing the files.
  • Set SELinux in permissive mode:
Builds will fail if this is not done
su -c ‘setenforce 0’
  • Copy the kickstart files you've Downloaded to your Home user directory
(user*)= your user name
mkdir /home/(user*)/spin-kickstarts
cp /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/*.ks /home/(user*)/spin-kickstarts/
cd /home/(user*)/spin-kickstarts/