Fedora 20

Revision as of 19:35, 25 April 2013 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Fedora-20 screenshots: 11 screenshots of anaconda 19.21 f20 " liveinst" from a booted liveCD of Mate 1.6.0-remix)

Fedora-20 screenshots

Updated 04/25/2013
  • Anaconda 19.21-1
from a livecd-tools Remix of Mate 1.6.0 compiz












  • Anaconda crashed after installing software completed.
Repeating of boots with selinux=0 and enforcing=0 did not help.
  • This is booted screen of Mate 1.6.0 f20(rawhide)remix live CD: