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.CO and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you are a website owner, you know that attracting qualifiedvisitors to your website is incredibly important, and incrediblycomplex.

There are many methods that webmasters use in order to enticepotential customers to their site—one of the most importantand effective of those being Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO is the art and science of driving the most qualifiedvisitors to your website by attaining high search engineresults. If you are not already applying the best practicesof SEO to your website, you are missing out on qualifiedvisitors ready to convert.

Whether you are already integrating SEO into your onlinemarketing mix or not, you may ask yourself how a .CO domainstacks up against a .com. Do Google and the other search enginestreat it the same? Does it have the same potential to rank highin search engines,longchamp planetes? The short answer is: YES.

A .CO web address is a which means that it operatessimilar to legacy Top Level Domains (gTLD), such as .com,.net and .org.

Google's search quality engineer and Search Engine Optimizationauthority, Matt Cutts, has confirmed that .CO websites aretreated just the same as any website on a traditional domainextension.

A .CO website has the exact same potential to rank well withinsearch engines, assuming it provides valuable content to theinternet community.

In fact, a .CO domain offers several SEO-friendly advantagesthat a legacy domain does not:

It's Available.It is extremely frustrating for people in search of a domain name they reallywant and need only to find out that it—and many of its similarlynamed counterparts—are already taken. .CO domains allow siteowners to obtain the domain they need in order to succeed,sacs longchamp.

It's Short.SEO best practices also outline that not only is keyword relevanceimportant, but so is length—the shorter and more streamlined,the better.

It's Relevant.An optimized URL name is one of the most important aspects ofSEO. In order to rank well in search engines for a site owner'skey terms, it is highly beneficial to have those terms in thedomain name.

It's Memorable.CO stands for "company" around the world and is quick and easyto type and remember,longchamp 2012.

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You can’t truly have a successful search engine optimization (SEO) program without evaluating your performance over time and knowing how potential technical issues can affect your website from a crawling, indexing and user experience perspective.

The SEO Diagnostics for the Skilled Search Mechanic panel at last week, moderated by Kristjan Mar Hauksson (), founder and director of Search & Online Communications at Nordic eMarketing, brought together some very useful ideas on monitoring and getting the most out of your search results, being prepared to react and fix issues when need be, and knowing what to think about when it comes to the ins and outs of technical SEO.

Real-Time SEO Diagnostics: Ways to Lead a Moving Target

To kick things off we had Chris Boggs (), CMO of Internet Marketing Ninjas,longchamps, Chairman of SEMPO and also on the Advisory Board of SES, discuss why having a proactive approach to SEO is important, but also being prepared to react at the right time is crucial when it comes to the success of your program. In fact, Boggs recently wrote a Search Engine Watch post around this same topic –.

Boggs started off by saying there is no single needle in the haystack that can help you with the success of your site’s performance and digital marketing program as a whole. Over time you need to establish the right steps and find the tools that make most sense for your business.

When it comes to seeing whether your brand has authority in Google’s eyes, here are three things you can evaluate:

Touching more on the brand social presence piece, Boggs went on to say that if you already have your Google+ Business page showing up on the right side of your brand search results, you have the ability to directly communicate in real-time with your target audiences, which is great. You can tell if your social presence is strong if you have that enabled; you can also look at the rest of the seven-pack when/if it appears to see if your social channels are showing there as well.

So what other proactive tactics did Boggs recommend? Here are some additional tips:

Shifting focus to reactive SEO tactics, Boggs offered the following advice when things don’t exactly go as planned in his PREPARE acronym:

Summary of Technical SEO

Adam Audette (), Chief Knowledge Officer at RKG, was up next with his information-packed presentation on technical SEO.

Audette started off by saying that we need to be strategic about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it,longchamps sac. Technical SEO might make a lower impact on results, but it’s highly dependable in terms of control,longchamp sac.

Before making any changes to your site try and justify your recommendations by putting together projections for your key stakeholders. For example, take the number of pages you think will be impacted by the changes, multiply them by average conversion percentage, or average revenue per page, or average leads per visit, etc. and articulate what kind of increase you’ll likely see in traffic, conversions and ultimately revenue as it makes sense.

Audette touched on the following technical areas:

Canonical Signals

There were two main issues that Audette pointed out with Canonical Signals:

What you want is consistent signals with your URLs across your site. So when search engines start crawling the pages you want everything to line up, from the links in your navigation, to internal links, external backlinks, canonical tags, XML files, etc. If you’re able to accomplish this it’s incredibly powerful as a signal to search engines and works very well.


Audette touched on two generally-accepted best practices for pagination:

Handling Duplicate Content

There were two main issues that Audette discussed when it comes to handling duplicate content.

Audette then went on to discuss six tools for managing duplicate content:

Faceted Navigation

Audette had three recommendations for dealing with faceted navigation, which are a powerful and easy way for users to search for what they want on your site by selecting their options. They were:

Product Variations & Inventory

Audette then went on to identify three basic options to handle product variations: you can either:

So what happens when products expire and don’t come back? If you have review data for products you don’t carry, but you want to still leverage the review data (i.e., user-generated content), provide a message that the product is no longer carried on the page, but link to a similar product option.

Crawling & Response Codes

There are two main issues that Audette identified here:

Another thing you can do to help your crawl efficiency is to use 304 not modified for pages that have not changed in a while.

Site Speed

There were seven main tips that Audette highlighted for fast sites:


Companies are seeing more of their overall traffic coming from users on mobile devices, so what do you do to provide a good user experience? Responsive design is in fashion and is a great idea, but it’s not for every business. So what other ways are possible? You can

What issues do you need to consider when it comes to setting up your mobile experience using responsive design? Given that it isn't trivial to do, you have always serve the exact same HTML code and CSS controls the layout, so Google needs to be able to crawl all your JavaScript and CSS.

Finally, Audette covered some of the advantages of responsive design, which include:

Want to view one of the sessions you missed or listen to an especially informative presenter a second time? SES New York sessions were recorded and are available for purchase on ClickZ Academy's new e-Learning site.

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Mark Owen helped judging by Robbie

Mark Owen is being that they are helped on such basis as Robbie Williams in his battle to understand more about beat alcoholism.

The Take That star all the way to who yesterday eleven.03.10) confessed she has cheated on his wife Emma Ferguson providing some one at least 10 women all through going to be the golf course about their long-term relationship as tall as has confessed he's had issues with his drinking too some time but take heart would be the fact trying desperately to explore overcome his down side to this.

Former bandmate Robbie - who has happened to be throughout the rehab maybe once or twice to educate yourself regarding tackle drink and cocaine addictions - has been recently everywhere in the regular contact allowing you to have his family member or friend and has told kale the person may stay at his Los Angeles mansion about whether or not you is required to learn more about.

Mark as high as who has at the present time also is available clean about his problem with this allowing an individual the get to sleep concerning Take That, Gary Barlow, Jason Orange and Howard Donald up to told The Sun newspaper: "I told going to be the lads a couple of weeks ago that I feel trying to learn more about deal so that you have a multi functional drink problem with this I chatted to explore Rob about it too. I admitted I had an all in one drink down side to this I at no time knew I had. I'm glad I've told them,and thus they look after my hand a multi function bit at this time I having said that have the strange drink but it and you'll have have to educate yourself regarding process to learn more about chilly temperature egypr eventually,longchamp le pliage small."

A source added: "Mark has confessed to learn more about having issues providing some one alcohol and leaving his unusal substance abuse past, Robbie could possibly be the the best choice person to explore bring to the table kale provide you with"

Despite admitting he or she has a minimum of one issue with alcohol, Mark to help want to use element as one or more"condone"too his infidelities,all of which include a five-year event leaving former if you want a accounts manager Neva Hanley.

He said: "I've already been living allowing an individual the blame Maybe going to be the drink was my very own way relating to dealing leaving a resource box I don't are aware of that I want to learn more about make it absolutely clear I 'm practically never making use of their going to be the drink as no less than one condone My drinking is that often another problem with this I have and aspect hasn't helped,longchamp on sale. But I'm not blaming all of the things throughout the a resource box"

Emma thrown into the air Mark around town to do with their south London home after the 38-year-old soft drink star confessed to learn more about his infidelities, and she was photographed yesterday eleven.03.10) minus her wedding ring as Mark went back to going to be the house gorgeous honeymoons as well crisis talks,longchamp bag.

The wedding couple have more than one a child son Elwood,a couple of and 14-month-old daughter Willow Rose.

Mark Owen allowing an individual wife Emma Ferguson