Google Code In 2014

This is the project page for the Sugar Labs application to Google Code In 2014. Sugar Labs community members: please feel free to add tasks below. We'll do an edit before final applications are due in late Oct 2014.

Message to potential participants

It is important that you obtain permission of your parents.

Es importante que obtengas el permiso de tus padres para participar.

Please see the Contest Rules for Eligibility and Registration process.

Details regarding the required forms and paperwork are here: Google Code In 2014/Participate#Students.

Also, you will likely need to set up the Sugar development environment. See for details. Further information about contributing to the project can be found here:

Please don't hesitate to ask questions on our irc channel (#sugar on or on the sugar-devel list: sugar-devel AT lists.sugarlabs DOT org

Why we are participating

Sugar is written and maintained by volunteers, who range from seasoned professionals to children as young as 12-years of age. Children who have grown up with Sugar have transitioned from Sugar users to Sugar App developers to Sugar maintainers. They hang out on IRC with the global Sugar developer community and are full-fledged members of the Sugar development team. It is this latter group of children we hope will participate in and benefit from Google Code-in. Specifically we want to re-enforce the message that Sugar belongs to its users and that they have both ownership and the responsibility that ownership implies. Just as learning is not something done to you, but something you do, learning with Sugar ultimately means participating in the Sugar development process. At Sugar Labs, we are trying to bring the culture of Free Software into the culture of school. So the Code-in is not just an opportunity for us to get some tasks accomplished, it is quintessential to our overall mission.


Note: This is our preliminary list of tasks. We can add more as the contest progresses.

Mentors: please feel free to add more tasks and/or add yourself as a potential mentor to an existing task.

Tasks must fall within one of these five categories: #Documentation/Training; #Outreach/Research; #User Interface; #Quality Assurance; and #Code.


Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more

Title Description Hours Mentor Tag


Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketing, or studying problems and recommending solutions

Title Description Hours Mentor Tag

User Interface

Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction

Title Description Hours Mentor Tag

Quality Assurance

Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality.

Title Description Hours Mentor Tag


Tasks related to writing or refactoring code

Title Description Hours Mentor Tag
Sharing Palette Highlight Bug GTK3 Sharing Palette does not highlight the current selected option. The palette should highlight the icon of the selected option. This worked fine in GTK2. You can test with Chat (gtk2) and Browse (gtk3). Ticket: Relevant code: gtk3 themes at 48 Bug, Sugar, GTK, Theme UI, Code
Magic Tool For Paint The kids want the magic tools from TuxPaint in the sugar Paint activity. The teachers in Uruguay say the kids like the magic tools from TuxPaint. Ticket: Relevant code: 72 Feature, Magic, Paint, Activity Code
Use XO Game Keys For Stopwatch Stopwatch must use the game keys! Icons in the buttons in the screen suggest the game buttons can be used to start/stop/reset the counters, but do not work. Probably the problem is the activity have many counters, and can't know what counter relate to the buttons. Ticket: Relevant Code: 48 Feature, Activity, Stopwatch, XO-Required Code, UI
Clear Browse Cache on Crash Browse cache can bloat up with time consuming valuable space on the laptop. On one laptop me and tch checked, there were 400MB of unaccessible files (mostly multimedia) in the Browse instance folder. We need a procedure to clean instance/ when starting browse (needs to check it is the only instance to avoid corner case of more than one browse instance). Another option is to check the date of partial files... Ticket: Relevant code: 48 Browse, Activity, Bug, Cache Code
On Screen keyboard Covers Terminal On terminal activity, the OSK is covering the text entry area. This means that they cannot be used in tablet (full-touch) mode, meaning that they cannot meet Objective #2487. Ticket: Relevant code: 48 Terminal, Bug, OSK, Touch, XO-Required, Activity Code, UI
Pippy does not load example if no tabs present Steps: open pippy, close all tabs, open an example (any), nothing will happen and is confusing, the log shows an ugly error. Ticket: Relevant code: 48 Pippy, Bug, Activity Code


Ticket Description Hours Topic Notes
3758 Add Graph Plotter to Pootle; Remove deprecated Lybniz Graph Ploter from pootle 48 Bug localization
4542 On-screen keyboard covers the text entry area on Terminal 48 Bug Terminal
4734 Difficult for newbies to find sugar-love bugs 48 Bug
2659 [dx2] Browse should have a cache cleaning policy 48 Bug Browse
3218 Labyrint get errors when try to save the map 48 Bug #4132 Xorg pointer emulation issues assigned defect Urgent Write
4307 clipboard.set_with_data/set_with_owner is not introspectable 48 Bug Sugar
4662 No changes are saved in Write 94 on Fedora 20 TC2 48 Bug Write
758 Port to new tube API 48 Bug #1124 Allow SoaS backup and restore from an XS server assigned enhancement High Sugar on a Stick (SoaS) Col[laboration faults when resuming and then then] stopping a shared activity before connections are sucessfull 48 Bug Sugar
1770 Write behavior using the keyboard switching key on XO 48 Bug Write
2195 Control panel, timezone incorrectly calculated 48 Bug Sugar
2371 need documentation, both in-activity and on the wiki 48 Bug #2372 need documentation, both in-activity and on the wiki assigned defect High Restore
2554 Accent problem with Write Activity 48 Bug Write
2638 Translate all activity descriptions to ES 48 Bug
2649 Help - i18n required 48 Bug Help
2706 TamTamsynth not playing sounds. 48 Bug TamTam
2867 require release notes in ASLO 48 Bug
2936 IRC 10 should not default to #sugar-es but to #sugar 48 Bug Irc
3227 schools fails to connect to db 48 Bug infrastructure
3326 Telepathy signals connected twice when connecting to jabber 48 Bug Sugar
3613 Webkit-based Browse needs a flash conditional enabler 48 Bug #3730 Memorize: Error when closing the activity assigned defect High Unspecified Memorize
3833 Palettes on the bottom of screen don't appear after rotation to portrait mode 48 Bug Sugar
3921 Journal palette is not updated when I stay in the same column 48 Bug Sugar
4112 Touchscreen OSK appears for run and clear 48 Bug Pippy
4166 Long press timeout 'feels' longer than 0.5 seconds 48 Bug Sugar
4233 can not scroll in description field (touch) 48 Bug #4330 Journal: start editing unwanted entry new defect High Unspecified Sugar
4343 Journal:Timeout to get the palette 'feels' really long 48 Bug Sugar
4461 "Volume busy" dialog appear in Sugar 48 Bug Sugar
4613 Neighborhood view should respect max_participants limit 48 Bug Sugar
4625 Certificate installation required for Internet access on SA networks 48 Bug Browse
4627 Terminal: crash on 13.2.0 48 Bug Terminal
4638 Browse: no palettes in sugar-build 48 Bug Browse
4709 MenuItem at times do not trigger activate signal 48 Bug Sugar
4726 Browse can't reproduce html5 video 48 Bug Browse
4735 Sudden increase in the size of the screen in Calculate activity 48 Bug Calculate
4743 missing AU translations 48 Bug Sugar
4782 Pippy does not load example if no tabs present 48 Bug Pippy
305 Checkbox/Radio button outline on black panel disappears in mouseover selection highlight 48 Bug 102.0 Sugar
362 can't register with multiple school servers 48 Bug Sugar
381 Neighbourhood view icons should be placed in a spatially repeatable way 48 Bug Sugar
382 Review Browse Tickets still in OLPC Trac 48 Bug #383 Review Calculate Tickets still in OLPC Trac assigned task Normal Calculate
521 Changing each others paint brush color 48 Bug Colors
806 Activities list view is very similar to Journal view and users delete activities instead of journal entries 48 Bug Sugar
856 Lesson text for Flipstick is not available for translation 48 Bug Flipsticks
922 HIG: Bottom frame is used for devices, not actions 48 Bug documentation
933 Neighbourhood shared Activity title re-named by someone else re-joining 48 Bug Sugar
971 Global bookmarks in Browse 48 Bug #995 SoaS: can't transfer files on USB to/from journal assigned defect Normal Unspecified Sugar on a Stick (SoaS)
1051 loads of get_file() invocations and short-lived file paths during activity installation 48 Bug Sugar
1167 Screen resolution is problematic in Maze and Physics (The activity extends beyond the screen) 48 Bug #1181 Registration should be async new defect Normal Unspecified Sugar
1245 sugar crash when i use tam tam jam activity 48 Bug TamTam
1303 Peru package activities tested we send you the logs we find it 48 Bug ActivityTeam
1429 Home view object's long titles aren't formated like everywhere else 48 Bug Sugar
1442 Reject activity bundles which require a newer version of Sugar 48 Bug Sugar
1490 home screen: "start new" behaviour not reset if non-<alt> modifier active while releasing <alt> 48 Bug Sugar
1561 Most activities and Sugar itself chokes if the type of metadata returned is different from the expected one 48 Bug Sugar
1588 XO Help fails in XO-1 running F11-XO1/os9 with Sugar 0.84.7 48 Bug ActivityTeam
1606 XOs should be able to share software via USB and CD/DVD 48 Bug Toaster
1646 No way to force-close (kill) an activity 48 Bug Sugar
1796 Proposed activity for best English-language learn-to-read website 48 Bug ActivityTeam
1871 OLPC-Colors Activity – Paint tab ‘Center image’ button is not working 48 Bug Colors
1894 OLPC-Colors Activity – when we minimize and maximize the screen, tab names are not displayed 48 Bug Colors
1895 OLPC- SocialCalc Activity – Sub tabs and menus are overwritten by main tabs. 48 Bug SEETA
1936 sugar.datastore.datastore.find() breaks for large data stores 48 Bug Sugar
2199 Rainbow changes Python's sys.executable, breaking 0launch's GUI 48 Bug #2355 Neighborhood shows Jabber account id (hex_number@server.domain) instead of nick name reopened defect Normal Unspecified Sugar
2373 add support for Object Chooser 48 Bug #2478 Buttons unresponsive when launching Sugar until Journal appears on Home View new defect Normal Unspecified Sugar
2494 Pootle Admin right for Arabic 48 Bug localization
2503 View-source does not close when activity closes 48 Bug Sugar
2525 Wrong query specification for datastore.find() 48 Bug Sugar
2546 Edit tab delete an unselected X deletes the displayed file rather than file whose X was clicked 48 Bug PyDebug
2570 gdk window obscured events don't always happen 48 Bug Sugar
2583 Blocku needs i18n support 48 Bug Blocku
2640 IRC should have a $LANG tab 48 Bug Irc
2702 "Invite to <activity>" shown even for activities that don't support sharing 48 Bug Sugar
2811 Tam Tam Mini: a sound start and never stops 48 Bug TamTam
2818 New/upgraded activities are added to Favourites View 48 Bug Sugar
2822 Software Update selects new activities by default 48 Bug Sugar
2833 add support for PDF export 48 Bug Browse
2861 No palette for SVG images 48 Bug Browse
2957 handle lack of ALIASING and SIMPLE_PRESENCE 48 Bug Sugar
2962 Rerigister on jabber server 48 Bug Sugar
2963 Sugar telepathy code does not take into account presence status of buddies 48 Bug Sugar
2967 Disable telepathy plugins on sugar shell level 48 Bug Sugar
2976 Stopwatch must use the game keys 48 Bug StopWatch
2978 Remove hierachy-changed signal handlers when not needed 48 Bug Sugar
2982 Reconnect to jabber server in CP even if it was not changed 48 Bug Sugar
2992 GSM palette 1 hour off 48 Bug Sugar
3004 Poll activity not working on Sugar 0.92 48 Bug #3006 Ad-hoc network icon mixup new defect Normal Unspecified Sugar
3118 presence: shell is not notified when we quit Sugar 48 Bug Sugar
3119 traceback after Sugar startup 48 Bug Sugar


Please refer to Google Code In 2014/Participate#Mentors for details regarding enrolling as a mentor.
Please add yourself to the list below.
Feel free to add new tasks to the table above.

Depending on the project, we will assign multiple mentors from our various development and support teams.

  • Walter Bender - also org admin for GCI