Live CD

Revision as of 12:12, 5 July 2012 by FGrose (talk | contribs)
This page has been marked as important but in need of updating as of May 2016.
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There may be relevant discussion on the talk page.

What is on the CD?

The sugar-jhbuild live CD has a the most recent and complete working sugar system out of the box. Just download, burn and boot from the CD. The cd also has:

  • An out-of-the-box running sugar system.
  • Gnome.
  • Stable Debian package of sugar.
  • Extra debugging tools
  • Wireless drivers

You can access the extra window managers by pressing ctrl+alt+del and choosing them at Login Manager.

login information

Username : user
Password : live

Where to get

You can try the latest Sugar build with a sugar-jhbuild live CD available at (Broken link as of 12 Mar 2010.)

How to build

The construction of the CD is pretty easy. Configuration is all done in the /livecd/conf directory, you can read how to do it debian-live site, or go in IRC debian-live channel

In non-Debian systems (Fedora, etc)

1. Get the live-helper source code

 git clone git:// live-helper

In Debian systems


 apt-get install live-helper


 svn co
 cd ./sugarlivecd/livecd
 lh_clean ; lh_build

The creation takes time, and you will need to be connected to the internet.