
< Math4Team‎ | RIT‎ | Projects
Revision as of 10:49, 1 May 2009 by FGrose (talk | contribs)


Muthris is a math themed, Tetris-based game inspired by Cuyo. Players control falling blocks which must be grouped in certain ways in-order to clear that grouping from the board. For more details, see the project's Vision and Scope document contained in its Sugar Labs' Gitorious repository (once the repository is working...).

Updates as of April 29th, 2009

  • Updated Wiki page
  • Falling back to a local Git repository to prevent further delays
  • Working on flow charts
  • Working on file formats



  • To be fun to play
  • To teach mathematical concepts
  • To be discrete in its teachings
  • To follow good software engineering practices during development

Schedule and Tasks

  • By May 1st, 2009
    • Have completed most important flow charts
    • Developers completed the Python tutorials
  • By May 8th, 2009
    • Have completed architecture documentation
    • Developers completed the PyGame tutorials
  • By May 15th, 2009
    • Determine test plans
    • Review design documents
    • Start coding of system skeleton
  • By May 22nd, 2009
    • Determine future development plans

Overall Plan

Must Have

  • Project Documentation
    • Vision and Scope
    • Architecture docs
    • Flow Charts
  • Working code repository
  • Project schedule
  • At least one developer
  • Text-based version of the game
  • Readme

Should Have

  • Skeleton - working, stubbed framework before general coding
  • Installation tutorial
  • Program walk-through
  • GUI version of the game
  • Build tutorial
  • Project backup

Nice to Have

  • Unit tests
  • SRS Document
  • Release 1
  • No major project risks

Major Project Risks

  • Git repository not currently working for any developers
  • Developers do not know Python or PyGame well
  • Developmental time constraints
  • Short overall time frame

Other Info

Potential Contacts

Links and Resources

Initial Math4OLPC Educational Target

  • 4.N.7 - Recognize classes (in particular, odds, evens; factors or multiples of a given number; and squares) to which a number may belong, and identify the numbers in those classes. Use these in the solution of problems