Supporting distributions

Revision as of 19:12, 1 December 2018 by FGrose (talk | contribs) (add link to OLPC icon)

Sugar is supported by several GNU/Linux distributions. Sugar Labs does not support any specific distribution, but does focus development on Fedora and Debian, which helps SoaS and Ubuntu.

Logo Name Notes
Soas-avocado.svg Sugar on a Stick Live system of the Sugar Learning Environment
Fedora-small.jpg Fedora Fedora 28
Ubuntu-small.jpg Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic
Debian-small.jpg Debian Debian Stretch, see also Live Build
Olpc logo.png OLPC OS 16.04 OLPC OS for OLPC NL3 laptops based on Ubuntu 16.04 Xionic
Olpc logo.png OLPC OS 13.x OLPC OS for OLPC XO laptops based on Fedora 18
Suse-small.jpg openSUSE Part of an Linux for Education (Li-f-e) series
Trisquel icon.png Trisquel Toast Based on Ubuntu
Please note:
  • Development changes occur rapidly, and the text here lags the current state of systems development.
  • For the latest information on any development project, visit their work sites.