Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2024-07-17

July 17 Meeting

Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2024-07-17


  • Devin Ulibarri (SL executive director)
  • Walter Bender (SL Inc. board)
  • Lionel Laske (SL Inc. board)
  • Claudia Urrea (SL Inc. board)


  • Alex Perez (SL Inc. board)


  • GSoC and DMP report (Walter, Lionel, and Ibiam)
  • Ramlose grant (Devin)
  • Constructing Modern Knowledge report (Devin)
  • Open Source Conference (OOSC) 2024 (Devin)

GSoC and DMP report

  • The Sugarizer 3D Volume is almost done. We'll work on another activity in the second half of the project.
  • The Sugarizer Vue.js port is on track.
  • The RPi projects are coming a long nicely... adding Sugar collaboration is on their radar now and will be a distinguishing feature -- sharing sensors
  • The MB projects: Collaboration has taken its first baby step--new blocks are shared; Lesson Plans -- it has memory now -- image suggestions work in progress; MIDI input is about ready to merge; ABC to LLM is starting up.
  • MB v4 "Masonary" is done.
  • The Pippy and Chat projects are in the process of integrating the LLM into the activities. Perrie is helping with UX.
  • The Maths Games projects are tracking... each intern is working on a new game. And I have been suggesting a few new game ideas.
  • @tincho is happy with the progress of the FlatPak work.

Everyone passed the GSoC midterm evaluation.

7 of our 14 contributors will present their work this Friday on [YouTube](https://youtube.com/live/TARoJDitQVg)

Ramlose grant

This is a small grant ($2-6k) targeted at small orgs serving the New England area. http://ramlosefoundation.org/about

Summary of Request

Sugar Labs is seeking $6,000 in funds for a weekend workshop in the early summer of 2025 to engage Boston-based teachers in Constructionism, an ideal based on creating experiences for learners to learn by doing, rather than solely via instruction. Teachers will work on projects, create curriculum, and solve problems under the guidance of Sugar Labs mentors. Teachers will leave refreshed, intellectually stimulated, and prepared for their future project-based classes.

Proposal is due at the end of August. Devin will take the lead and Claudia and Walter will help with the writing.

Constructing Modern Knowledge report

Devin's takeaway is that a lot of teachers really enjoy having a "retreat" to work on creative projects.

Also, a lot of attendees are familiar with Sugar Labs, but, understandably, weren't clear on what we are doing today.

Devin will keep them informed going forward.

Open Source Conference (OOSC)


Devin was invited... But whereas it is in India, it might make sense to send someone local.