Marketing Team/Events/Sugarcamp Boston 2008/Announcements
- Watch this page to stay up to date
- We are ordering food
- Same flavors as last night okay? One cheese, one puttanesca, one pepperoni?
- No funding this time -- it should be about $60, cjb volunteers $20 for the pot, so does Bernie. Anyone else?
People who put money in:
- cjb $20
- bernie $20
- Ed C. $20
- GregDek $20
- Guillaume $10
- Marco $20
- Tomeu $20
- CScott $5
- Ryan $10
- Who has a compactflash reader? => give it to Ryan | Yama.
Breaking news
- Today 2100: Collaboration requirements roundup
- Wednesday speakers please review the Sugarcamp/Schedule to describe your presentation
- Please upload your slides after your presentation.
- Please fill-in your entry in the Sugarcamp/Attendees. It's needed to get past the lobby.
- Feel free to update the Sugarcamp/Schedule as needed. Watch the page if you want to know about changes.
- Please wear your badge! No talking during presentations! Live Long and Prosper!