Marketing Team/Events/Sugarcamp Boston 2008/Announcements

  • Watch this page to stay up to date

Breaking news

  • Dinner shrunk to 1hr, indian food hopefully coming soon
  • 6PM: Seth & Yama on Health applications
  • 9PM: talks postponed to friday, let's get drunk! (Ask CJB)


  • Please upload your slides after your presentation!
  • Please fill-in your entry in the Sugarcamp/Attendees. It's needed to get past the lobby. Damn'it!
  • Feel free to update the Sugarcamp/Schedule as needed. Watch the page if you want to know about changes.
  • Please wear your badge! No talking during presentations! Live Long and Prosper!

Dinner Wednesday

Indian food provided by OLPC

Dinner Tuesday

People who put money in:

  • cjb $20
  • bernie $20
  • Ed C. $20
  • GregDek $20
  • Guillaume $10
  • Marco $20
  • Tomeu $20
  • CScott $5
  • Ryan $10

We spent: $110