Sugar Labs/Governance/Advisory Board


Sugar Labs Advisory Board members enjoy a number of specific benefits including:

  • The opportunity to interact and work directly with the leading companies, organizations, and individuals;
  • A seat on the Advisory Board, including an invitation to semi-annual Advisory Board meetings;
  • The ability to provide strategic direction to Sugar Labs through review of Sugar Labs proposals and operational policies;
  • Participation in Sugar Labs committees, where specifications and guidelines are developed and where discussions are conducted;
  • Access to a community of experts in Sugar and Sugar deployment;
  • Access to the Member Web site (Member-only link) containing early information on emerging Web technologies, software, events, forums, news and announcements; (we have no non-public information)
  • The right to use the Sugar Labs logo on your Web site and to participate in press releases.


In order to promote a diverse membership that represents the interests of organizations around the world, Sugar Labs fees vary depending on the annual revenues, type, and location of headquarters of an organization.

A base fee (initially ?) will be determined by the finance committee annually.

size of organization fee calculator membership fee (US$)
headquartered in developed countries
Large company Base fee
Medium company 20% of base fee
Small company or non-profit 10% of base fee
headquartered in least-developed countries
Large company 50% of base fee
Medium company 5% of base fee
Small company or non-profit No fee 0

A large company has annual gross revenues exceeding US $50M per year; a medium company has annual gross revenues exceding US $5M per year. Please refer to UN LDC list for a list of the least-developed countries.