Activity Team

Revision as of 12:09, 2 February 2009 by Walter (talk | contribs) (→‎News)

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Modify Activities

A guide has been written describing how to make simple modifications to popular Sugar activities. Examples include adding sounds to TamTam, blocks to TurtleArt, buttons to Calculate, etc.


Hacking is under way on the new user-facing portal for Sugar activities,! The site uses the backend Mozilla built for Firefox and Thunderbird extensions at, called Remora. To help out, check out ActivityTeam/Remora_port.

Wade 15:02, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

sugar-widgets library

A set of widgets/classes that could be valuable for writing new activity.

Activity HIG (Human Interface Guidelines)

Activity HIG discussion

Packaging activities discussion

We are currently discussing how to package activities in the future, in order to support all distributions. Please add your comments to the following pages.

  • Packaging
    • should we remove "Activities" section from that page; all issues where moved to ActivityStatus page alsroot 10:33, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
  • Packaging ideas

Wade 17:19, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Move an activity

We need help moving activities over to SugarLabs from OLPC's servers. This is a great way to get started helping out the Activity Team. See ActivityTeam/How_to_migrate_from_OLPC for instructions, and ActivityTeam/ActivityStatus for the list of activities that need to be moved.

While moving activities, it would be great to check that the .pot files are up to date and the MANIFEST is correct. This will really help out the distro packagers.

Wade 17:19, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

Cross-platform compatibility

As Sugar is integrated into more distros and the hardware base expands, it is important to keep Activity developers informed of any issues they need be aware of. For example, when Sugar was only expected to run on the XO-1 laptop, it was safe to assume that the display was always 1200x900.

The Compatibility Tips page is a place to accumulate tips.

Project Ideas

The Activity Team always needs project ideas and suggestions. Post your ideas to ActivityTeam/ProjectIdeas.

If you see something here you would like to help with, please contact us.

Wade 17:19, 13 January 2009 (UTC)


Please check /Meetings for meeting schedules/logs.