See the InfrastructureTeam/Resources page for a list organized by machine, with admin contacts.
activities.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- Experimental
Activities distribution, similar to addons.mozilla.org gnomefiles.org.
api.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- API documentation.
git.sugarlabs.org (OSL)
- Gitorious instance for projects hosting
schools.sugarlabs.org (Solution Grove)
- Lesson plans
- Relevant reading materials
- Related activities
dev.sugarlabs.org (solarsail)
- This is intended for filing Sugar bugs unrelated to any particular platform and for code reviews.
- We are also considering TracForge.
download.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer/solarsail)
- Glucose and Fructose sources.
- Livecd images.
- SoaS images
- Anonymous ftp service: ftp://download.sugarlabs.org/
lists.sugarlabs.org (solarsail)
- sugar-devel
- devel-annouce
- systems
- release-team
- iaep
meeting.sugarlabs.org (dogi)
- meeting logs as recorded by MeetBot
planet.sugarlabs.org (solarsail)
- Aggregator including blogs of the core team, activity authors, deployments.
shell.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- Shell accounts for developers.
people.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- Personal home pages
wiki.sugarlabs.org (solarsail)
- This wiki.
ftp://people.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- Authenticated FTP service for users. Only allows TLS AUTH (ftps).
www.sugarlabs.org (solarsail)
- A few, well designed, static pages to introduce the project.
- Staging ground for changes: www-testing.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
voip.sugarlabs.org (sunjammer)
- Asterisk PBX installation for local users
xs.sugarlabs.org (Solution Grove)
- Development school server
- Inactive
- Project blog to to make it easier for people to follow what's happening in Sugar Labs land. Walter's community news could be published through this too.