Sugar on a Stick/Roadmap

< Sugar on a Stick
Revision as of 15:38, 10 March 2009 by Sdz (talk | contribs) (update & reorganize roadmap)


This is the roadmap for the upcoming release of SoaS!

Task Name Priority Status/Notes
fix blockers for release 1 this is the most important point
update remaining RPMs 1 please see below - good progress done so far
get SoaS included in liveusb-creator 1 work in progress
draft release notes up 2 would be good to have a checkout of the script somewhere
add additional activities, if requested 2 which activities exactly do we want? add them below!
check localization support 2 we're using some crude kickstart argument, please report whether it works for you
allow direct recreation of USB keys 2 work in progress [1]
work on a keyboard layout control panel 3 work in progress [2]
Release a helper CD for boot from USB 3 to be worked out
Be able to backup and restore a USB from a School Server 3 to be worked out
Support printers, scanners, cameras 3 to be worked out


This is the wishlist for activities on SoaS, which will be included using .xo files. Please make sure that the activity you are going to add is actually being maintained right now and has a GIT repo at SugarLabs.

Activity Name Maintainer GIT Repo Download Link
CartoonBuilder Aleksey Lim & Ed Stoner yes
InfoSlicer Aleksey Lim & Walter Bender yes
Moon Gary C Martin yes
Speak Joshua Minor & Aleksey Lim yes
Typing Turtle Wade Brainerd yes
Tux Paint ? ? ?
add yours here


These packages are directly included in Fedora and will be pulled as RPMs.

Glucose modules (F11)

Module Name Version (Sugar) Version (Fedora) Notes
sugar-toolkit 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 03/03/09
sugar 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 03/03/09
sugar-artwork 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 03/03/09
sugar-base 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 03/03/09
sugar-datastore 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 03/03/09
sugar-presence-service 0.84.0 0.84.0 done 04/03/09
etoys 4.0.2206 4.0.2206 done 05/03/09

Fructose modules (F11)

Activity Name Version (Sugar) Version (Fedora) Notes
read 65 65 done 06/03/09
chat 64 64 done 03/03/09
terminal 23 23 done 03/03/09
imageviewer 6 6 done 04/03/09
jukebox 7 7 done 04/03/09
turtleart 41 41 done 03/03/09
browse 105 105 done 03/03/09
etoys 100 100 done 05/03/09 (part of the etoys package)
write 63 63 done 03/03/09
calculate 28 28 done
log 17 17 done 03/03/09
pippy 30 25 to be updated


  • Include a SoaS USB creator in Sugar & on the liveCD/USB.
    Note that the Windows LiveUSB Creator from Fedora does not expose the options (--home-size-mb NNN) necessary to make a persistent /home/liveuser folder. This option would be desirable so that users could update the system without loosing their Activity creations.